Boulder Preparatory Charter High School

Board of Trustees Meeting 3/27/13

Quarterly Headmasters Report summarizing Block 3, 2012/2013

The Faculty:

·  Shane Abrams was successful in his first block as a full time faculty member at Boulder Prep.

·  ShAnnon Rheubottom (’04) continues to teach art classes. She and I are also coordinating an alumni event for 4/4/13 where we hope to engage more alumni with Boulder Prep activities and classes.

·  Derek Sweeney, an adjunct CU professor and doctoral candidate, taught another science course and joined Rachel Brett and 11 other students on the Science intensive that included an overnight field trip at the Mountain Research Station.

·  Dylan Muzny continued to teach science and added a “public speaking” course that included several students presenting at Stories. He also joined me in teaching the ACT Intensive during this Spring Break.

·  Cara Ray, CU admissions officer and educational consultant, has continued to volunteer to meet with our seniors and has created a Senior Lifeskills curriculum that will serve to augment our current program.

·  Ezra Huscher, one of our Americorps teachers, continued to offer innovative courses in Physics and Computer Science.

·  Jason Pagac, the second of our Americorps teachers, is teaching our Algebra class effectively and also offers daily “wacky workouts” for 15 minutes during our Lunch period.

·  Wenrui Mi taught a third block of Mandarin that includes afterschool tutoring and cultural activities.

·  I was impressed and inspired by the quality of instruction I noted during the eight “spot” observations I performed during Block 3. I look forward to performing the remaining six observations during Block 4.

·  Regina Keeley was able to successfully deliver a “Teen Relationships” curriculum after we had not done so for three years. She also continues to find ways to develop and deliver courses that allow students to discover and enhance their own learning styles.

The Students

·  More than 50 students qualified for the end of block Boondock’s field trip by passing more than 70% of their classes. Approximately 15 students failed to earn sufficient credit to allow for a full time schedule for Block 4. Efforts are in place to continue to find ways to engage these students’ academic success. c

·  Over 100 different students have participated in the afterschool program with 28 students that attend regularly (at least once per week).

·  8 Students are completing UCD Business Course with Lili Adeli (for 3 college credits)

·  4 Students are completing the UCD Literature Course with Lily Harris(for 3 college credits).

·  Poverty continues to be an issue for students and they have greater need for support services including food and basic necessities.

·  Mental health also continues to be a challenge for students. The staff has been great about stepping up as interventionists to support students and get them back on track. Efforts also continue to provide a list of affordable and effective mental health professionals to students who

·  8-12 students continue to ride the Lafayette school bus daily and appreciate the service.

The Program

·  Gabe Dillon has started to act in the capacity of Dean of Faculty and is off to a great start.

·  In order to promote further faculty development, the faculty is in the process of completing self-evaluation rubrics that are being reviewed by Gabe, Lili and I.

·  Our first inter-block intensive class, Chess, was successfully completed by 8 students under the instruction of Dylan Muzny and Ezra Huscher.

·  A record number of intensives (4) were offered and coordinated by Rachel Brett and Lili during the three weeks of Spring Break. Beyond the Mountain Research field trip, students also prepared for and attended the two day Peace Jam conference in Denver(Leah and Izzy). There was also a four day equine science/psychology (Regina) and ACT prep course (Andre and Dylan) . A total of 28 students participated in these four intensives, also a record.

·  The afterschool program also continues to grow with even more field trips and a more successful afterschool homework lab.

·  Israel Sanchez held a successful Spanish speaking event aimed at letting parents know about the services and opportunities that Boulder Prep provides.

·  Avani Dilger (founder of the Natural Highs Program) facilitated a teen sobriety workshop focusing on healthier ways of coping with stress and anxiety.

·  An increasing number of students are presenting during Stories and also facilitating “rotations” during the Friday Lifeskills program.

The Facility

·  Lili Adeli secured the services of an alumnae, Eric Quenroe, to install the “Promethean” type board.

·  Lili also continues to work with Gabe to finalize plans for modernizing our kitchen.