Living Environment
Student Work / iMU Lesson #5

Lesson4. Disease Transmittance

Name: / Period ______/ Date :
Answer the following questions….
  1. What is disease?
  2. What does the word contagious or infectious mean?
/ Objective:
Define disease in terms of homeostasis
Look at and behave as a scientist with regards to contagious diseases
Essential Question:
How does a scientist begin to look at disease through the lens of evolution? How can we track the source of contagious diseases?
Mini Lesson
We will be watching the movie Contagion. As we watch the movie, answer the following questions.
Work Period
  1. What symptoms do the people in the beginning of the movie show?
  1. Predict how this disease is transmitting.
  1. What is the world health organization doing to try and stop the transmission of the disease?
  2. Why is ______put in isolation and not allowed to be in contact with his daughter?
  1. What safety precautions are people at the CDC taking when they are testing samples of the disease from Beth?
  1. What type of pathogen (bacteria, fungus, virus, or toxin) is causing this disease?
  1. What two animal genetic sequences are found in the virus?
  1. Ground zero is in Hong Kong and Beth brought the disease back to the United States, why is it important to find ground zero?
  1. What is forsythia according to the blogger Allen Crumbwoody?
  1. When Dr. Meers gets sick what symptoms does she have?
  1. Why do the men in Hong Kong kidnap the epidemiologist?
  1. Why are people protesting against Dr. Ellis Cheever?
  1. When the virus mutated (the genes changed) did it make it more deadly or less? Give evidence.
  1. Vaccine 57 works on the monkey; Ally gives it to herself and goes to visit her dad. Why does she do this?
  1. Once the vaccine (MEV-1) is created, how does the government decide who gets the vaccine first?
  1. Allen Crumbwoody never had the virus and lied about forsythia, why did he do this?
  1. How did this disease originate according to the last scene of the movie?

How does a scientist begin to look at disease through the lens of evolution? How can we track the source of contagious diseases?
This movie is an example of how contagious disease can be deadly. However, we encounter contagious diseases every day.
  1. Why do we not die every time we come in contact with a contagious disease?
  2. If we have developed immunity to say something like a cold or the flu, why can we get it again?

Independent Practice
Name: / Period ______/ Date :
Name: / Period ______/ Date :
Title of Lab: ______


Identify your Variables
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:

Experimental Design

Data Collection

Data Analysis

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