FACEBOOK MYTHOLOGY RUBRIC (Attach this form to your final Facebook page before turning it in)

Name: ______Class period: ______Date: ______

Remember a well-done project is creative and carefully looked over for mistakes before it’s turned in! / Points Possible / Points earned
Overall Project:
All names are capitalized and spelled correctly. / 5
Information about character in all sections is true to Greek mythology and the character traits of that character in mythology. / 5
Page is creative and clever. Color it. (5 points extra credit) / 5
All words are spelled correctly and end punctuation is used correctly. / 5
·  “Create an Ad” all ads are related to Greek mythology and are real companies or products in today’s world. (1 POINT)
·  “Relationship Status” is clear (married, single, it’s complicated, divorced, widowed) and has an explanation why that status is used. (1 POINT)
·  “Top Friends” includes at least 3 friends that are true to mythology. (1 POINT)
·  “Groups” section includes at least 3 groups that are clever and creative and relate to the character. (1 POINT)
·  “Top Enemies” includes at least 3 enemies that are true to mythology. (1 POINT)
·  “Related To” section includes at least 5 relations (children, parents, siblings, cousins, etc.) (1 POINT) / 6
·  At least one status update and 8 posts by “Friends” or “Enemies” are included (1 POINT)
·  All posts are true to the characters and the relationships between the characters. This must be obvious and clear to anyone who reads it. (1 POINT)
·  Pictures are included for each post. (1 POINT)
·  The posts use quotation marks to show what was said by each person. (1 POINT) / 4
Basic Information Section
·  Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct in all areas. (3 points)
·  All information relates to the character and the connection is obvious (5 points)
·  “Name” section identifies Roman and Greek name (spelled correctly) (1 POINT)
·  “Gender” is clear (1 POINT)
·  “Hometown” is true to mythology (1 POINT)
·  “Currently Resides” is true to mythology (1 POINT)
·  “Favorite Book” title is capitalized correctly, italicized and includes the author’s name. Book fits character. (1 POINT)
·  “Favorite song” is capitalized correctly, in quotation marks, and includes the band/singer’s name. Song fits character. (1 POINT)
·  “Favorite Quotation” is a real quote by someone who is real. Quote is in quotation marks and cites name of person who said it. Quotations fit character’s personality/mythology. (1 POINT)
·  “Favorite movie” title is capitalized correctly and italicized. Movie fits character. (1 EC Point)
·  “Favorite TV show” is capitalized correctly and in quotation marks. Show fits character. (1 EC Point)
·  “Likes” include animals, symbols, and signs of character and any other “likes” they may have. Must have at least 5 things listed as “likes.” (2 POINTS)
·  “About me” section must include a brief history of the character, their personality traits, and important stories they are connected to in mythology. The more clever and creative, the better! (3 POINTS) / 20
Total / 50