Name: ______

Date: ______Period: ______

COLLECTION 4 – Forms of Fiction

The Gold Cadillac by Mildred D Taylor

A Novella

Quickwrite: Read ‘Make the Connection’ on page 316. Write down your thoughts on the conditions describe. What can people do to prevent this kind of injustice (unfairness) today?


Match the definition on the left with the Vocabulary word on the right.

______1. having to do with country life a. evident

______2. lack of knowledge b. rural

______3. paying close attention to c. heedful

______4. easily seen and understood d. ignorance

Reading Comprehension

1. Which of the following is the most likely reason that ’lois’s mother refuses to ride in the new Cadillac?

A She thinks the Mercury is a better car.

B She knows that her husband will get in trouble with the police.

C She thinks her husband should have saved the money for a house.

D She thinks it would be showing off to ride in such a fancy car.

2. Why is ’lois angry with her mother?

3. What did everyone hope would happen when ’lois’s father takes her mother to the corner cafe?

4. Why does everyone stop laughing when ’lois’s father says he’s going to drive the Cadillac into Mississippi?

A They know he is just kidding around. B They think it is a dangerous thing to do.

C They hope that they will be invited to go with him. D They really want him to drive the car north, not south.

5. ’Lois’s mother changes her mind about riding in the Cadillac when —

6. Why do ’lois’s mother and her aunts spend days preparing fried chicken, baked ham, and other foods for the drive to Mississippi?

7. What awful events happen to the family after they reach the Mississippi state line?

8. Why does ’lois’s father insist that they are rich after they sell the Cadillac?

A He receives a great deal of money from its new buyer. B The family finds money in their new car.

C The Model A Ford is more luxurious than the gold Cadillac. D Their family is unified and loving, and they no longer need the car.

9. Describe the role the gold Cadillac plays in the family’s life at the end of the story?

10. Which of the following is not something that ’lois says will always be a part of her memory of the Cadillac?

A The ride the family took in it to the South B The fried chicken she ate in the back seat

C The splendor of riding in the luxurious car D The fear she had due to what happened during their trip

11. “The Gold Cadillac” is a novella for all of the following reasons except—

A its plot is more complex than a short story’s B it is shorter than a novel

C it can easily be adapted into a play D it’s longer than a short story

12. One of the subplots in this story deals mainly with —

A sensitivity to the feelings of others B the use of money/material objects as status symbols

C acts of kindness towards strangers D survival and self-determination

13. What is the main conflict that ’lois has in this novella?

A Her desire to ride in the Cadillac and not to be seen walking anywhere

B Her inability to get along with her parents

C Her desire to eat in a restaurant during their trip although she isn’t allowed to

D Her confrontation with an unjust, racist society

14. Some events in this novella are based on —

A predictions that ’lois’s grandfather had B events that happened in history

C fantasy and science fiction D mystery and intrigue


“The Gold Cadillac” is a novella. Define what a novella is and explain why this story could be categorized as one. Then, explain how it is similar to and different from other types of fiction such as the novel and the short story.

On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph that explains your answer. Support your ideas with details from the story.

Name: ______

Date: ______Period: ______

COLLECTION 4 – Forms of Fiction

La Bamba by Gary Soto

A Short Story

Quickwrite: Jot down some notes about a time when you had to perform in front of an audience. What do you remember about the experience? Did your mouth go dry? Did your voice shake? Did you forget your lines?


1. cast

A group of actors; to eat B group of actors; a vase

C group of actors; to throw D group of actors; to skip

2. fall

A autumn; to tumble down B autumn; punch C autumn; to raise up D autumn; happiness

3. battery

A a source of electrical energy; a series or sequence B a source of electrical energy; a complicated problem

C a source of electrical energy; a luxury hotel D a source of electrical energy; a funny incident

4. sign

A a poster; repetition B a poster; language C a poster; paint D a poster; a signal

5. time

A a period of history; ticking noises B a period of history; an instance

C a period of history; a clock D a period of history; one’s duty

Reading Comprehension

1. What is the main reason that Manuel volunteers for the talent show?

2. The most likely reason Manuel doesn’t tell his parents what he’s going to do in the show is —

A he’s worried that they won’t approve B he wants to surprise them

C if he tells them, they won’t come D he promised his teacher that he wouldn’t tell anyone

3. How does Manuel feel before he goes onstage?

4. Manuel sees all of the following while he is onstage except—

A his parents beaming up at him B his brother Mario playing with a friend

C a baby sitting in the aisle and sucking her thumb D some kids going to the water fountain for a drink

5. When the record gets stuck, Manuel —

A freezes in shock and horror B sings the same line over and over

C stomps off the stage in disgust D glares at his brother

6. Manuel realizes that his record probably got scratched when —

A the karate student stepped on it by mistake B his brother Mario was looking at it

C it dropped onto the cafeteria floor D his toothbrush accidentally fell on it

7. After he performs, Manuel doesn’t realize at first that —

A Mr. Roybal is really angry at him B everyone is feeling sorry for him

C most of the audience loved his act D he truly made a fool out of himself

8. Overall, the audience reacts to Manuel’s act with —

A enthusiastic laughter and applause B embarrassed silence

C absolute horror D light sympathetic applause

9. At the reception after the show, Manuel —

A is still totally embarrassed B is thrilled that his act went as planned

C praises Benny’s act D is pleased by all the attention

10. At next year’s talent show, Manuel thinks he will ______.

11. “La Bamba” would be classified as which type of fiction?

A Novel B Novella C Play D Short story

12. This story has all of the following characteristics except—

A subplots B setting C a theme D characters

13. Manuel’s conflict or problem in this story is his —

A desire to be popular at any cost B fear of performing and his desire for attention

C terrible voice but his desire to perform anyway D differences with his best friend

14. Stories that are similar in form to “La Bamba” could be —

A enjoyed by kindergarteners B full of themes and subplots

C made into a novel D read in one sitting

Reading Comprehension Number these events in the correct sequence, or chronological order.

_____ Manuel drops his record.

_____ Benny plays his trumpet for the audience.

_____ Manuel’s father asks how Manuel made the needle stick.

_____ The karate kid punches a board in two.

_____ Manuel does a fancy dance step to the music.

_____ Benny suggests that Manuel dance while he pantomimes the song.

_____ A teacher brings Manuel cookies and punch.

_____ Manuel receives a loud burst of applause.

_____ During rehearsal the record player jams.

_____ Mr. Roybal places the record on a new record player.


“La Bamba” is a popular story that has all of the typical features of a short story. Tell what these features are. Then, based on the story and your feelings about it, explain why you think this story is so popular with so many readers. On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph that explains your answer. Support your ideas with details from the story.

Name: ______

Date: ______Period: ______

COLLECTION 4 – Forms of Fiction

Medusa’s Head a Greek Myth retold by Olivia Coolidge

The Myths

Quickwrite: Read Make the Connection page 350. What do you think it would be like to know what will happen in the future? What could you do with this “gift”?


hovered recesses descended perplexity perpetual

1. When Zeus came down to visit Danae, he ______through a tiny hole in the chamber where she was locked up.

2. Stories like “Medusa’s Head” center on the ______battle between good and evil.

3. There was no light in the dark, empty ______of the cavern.

4. Perseus was confused and prayed to Athene to help him out of the ______of his situation.

5. Perseus ______in the air before he dropped silently toward the Gorgons.

Reading Comprehension

1. The oracle of Apollo tells King Acrisios that the king’s fate is to —

A be murdered by his daughter B have many sons

C be murdered by his grandchild D capture Medusa’s head

2. King Acrisios thinks he can avoid this fate by —

A putting his daughter in an underground prison B trying to impress the gods

C demanding that Perseus capture the Gorgon D asking the goddess Athene for help

3. What is the main reason that Polydectes asks Perseus to get the Gorgon’s head?

A He is terrified of the Gorgons. B He wants Perseus to prove his bravery.

C He wants to impress Danae so she will marry him. D He hopes Perseus will die so that he can marry Danae.

4. What happens to people who look at Medusa?

5. How does Perseus battle the sea monster sent by Poseidon?

A He shows Medusa’s head to the sea monster.

B He kills Poseidon in a great fight.

C He chains the young maiden, Andromeda, to a rock as a sacrifice.

D He gives Poseidon the hat of darkness as a gift of peace.

6. At the end of the myth, Polydectes is completely surprised that —

A Danae actually wants to marry him B Perseus returns alive

C Medusa was not killed D Athene helped Perseus

7. Perseus has all of the following traits of mythic heroes except —

A he can request assistance from other supernatural powers

B he struggles against evil C he slays a monster D he has several wives who are goddesses

8. Perseus uses all of the following objects in his quest except—

A the hat of darkness B winged sandals C a venomous snake D a sword made of hard, adamant rock

9. How does King Acrisios die?

10. Which of the following is the most central subject of this myth?

A The idea of love B The idea of peace C The idea of hope D The idea of fate

11. All of the following are characteristics of most Greek myths like “Medusa’s Head” except—

A the presence of gods and goddesses B supernatural heroes

C completely predictable events D one-dimensional characters

12. Perseus is a mythic hero because he —

A has supernatural powers and faces a great challenge B is turned into a god

C is willing to sacrifice his own life for others D helps the gods and goddesses without being asked to

13. The heroes from myths such as “Medusa’s Head” stand for the —

A hopes and fears of the society in which the author lived

B greed and bitterness of the society in which the author lived

C rage and hostility of the society in which the author lived

D happiness and leisure of the society in which the author lived

14. The main difference between the myth, “Medusa’s Head,” and the cartoon, “Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head,” is that —

A the storyline is drastically different B the cartoon offers less detail

C the characters vary slightly D the ending is completely different


“Medusa’s Head” is an ancient Greek myth that has a mythic hero. Who is the mythic hero? Why is this character considered a mythic hero? On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph that explains your answer. Support your

ideas with details from the story.

Name: ______

Date: ______Period: ______

COLLECTION 4 – Forms of Fiction

He Lion, Bruh Bear, Bruh Rabbit an African American Folktale retold by Virginia Hamilton

The Folktale and Fables

Quickwrite: Would you rather be the strongest person in the world, the smartest, or the most self-confident? Would you choose freedom over safety and comfort? Explain your choices.

VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT – He Lion, Bruh Bear, Bruh Rabbit

Match words and definitions. Write the letter of the correct definition next to each word.

a. very thin b. roaming freely c. a thick growth of trees or shrubbery

d. home of wild animal; den e. warm and friendly f. a piece of land that has no trees or bushes

____ 1. lair ____ 4. ranging

____ 2. cordial ____ 5. clearing

____ 3. scrawny ____ 6. thicket


Match words and definitions. Write the letter of the correct definition next to each word.