PRESENT: John Nyhan, John Tinios, Dean Merrill, Kristen Russell, Rusty Bridle, Dyana Martin, George Prive’, Pat Morgenstern, Bob Preston, Diane Withee, Nancy Waddell
- Meeting called to order at 4:30 by John Nyhan, President.
- Welcome SAU 90 Superintendent, Kathleen Murphy and Business Administrator, Nathan Lunney. Presentation of Proposed Project for Reconstruction of Hampton Academy.
- November, 2015 minutes not available due to absence of recorder.
- Treasurer’s Report. John Nyhan reviewed the financial reports for 2015. BOD discussed how to improve financial practices.
- President’s Report
- 20/20 strategy moving forward. Possible projects to be researched. John Nyhan requested that board members present ideas at next meeting.
- Researching ideas for funding assistance with Coastal Economic Development Assistance program and Community Development Finance Authority.
- 2016 Golf Outing is scheduled at Pease Golf Course on August 8, 2016. The Hampton Christmas Parade is scheduled for December 3, 2016. Save the date notifications will be sent.
- By-Laws of EHI to be reviewed. A By-Law committee will be established.
- Old Business
- Kristen will purchase EHI stationery and thank you cards.
- Signs for 20/20 pathway and 2015 parade will be taken down and stored.
- Rusty will provide an update on 2016 parade warrant article.
- New Business
a. Dates not known at this time for Ocean Gaming in 2016.
- 2016 Board liability insurance policy was discussed. Rusty made a motion to renew the policy, seconded by Dyana Martin. Vote was unanimous.
- The EHI web site is being updated by Kerri.
- EHI Annual Meeting will be held in February, 2016 on the Deck at the Galley Hatch for election/re-election of members and election of 2016 officers.
- Discussion of plans/strategies/level of involvement in
EHI Membership in 2016. There appears to be interest in people joining. Rusty, John Tinios, and Bob Preston suggested having membership meetings 4 times per year to let people sign up, ask questions, and present ideas. Dyana stated someone asked about a Volunteer Fair. Dean suggested a possible guest speaker. John Tinios emphasized to keep working on a master plan for the town with EHI being the steering committee.
Meeting Adjournment 6:00 pm
Meeting Minutes submitted by Nancy Waddell