

PRESENT: John Nyhan, John Tinios, Dean Merrill, Kristen Russell, Rusty Bridle, Dyana Martin, George Prive’, Pat Morgenstern, Bob Preston, Diane Withee, Nancy Waddell

  1. Meeting called to order at 4:30 by John Nyhan, President.
  1. Welcome SAU 90 Superintendent, Kathleen Murphy and Business Administrator, Nathan Lunney. Presentation of Proposed Project for Reconstruction of Hampton Academy.
  1. November, 2015 minutes not available due to absence of recorder.
  1. Treasurer’s Report. John Nyhan reviewed the financial reports for 2015. BOD discussed how to improve financial practices.
  1. President’s Report
  1. 20/20 strategy moving forward. Possible projects to be researched. John Nyhan requested that board members present ideas at next meeting.
  2. Researching ideas for funding assistance with Coastal Economic Development Assistance program and Community Development Finance Authority.
  3. 2016 Golf Outing is scheduled at Pease Golf Course on August 8, 2016. The Hampton Christmas Parade is scheduled for December 3, 2016. Save the date notifications will be sent.
  4. By-Laws of EHI to be reviewed. A By-Law committee will be established.
  1. Old Business
  1. Kristen will purchase EHI stationery and thank you cards.
  2. Signs for 20/20 pathway and 2015 parade will be taken down and stored.
  3. Rusty will provide an update on 2016 parade warrant article.
  1. New Business

a. Dates not known at this time for Ocean Gaming in 2016.

  1. 2016 Board liability insurance policy was discussed. Rusty made a motion to renew the policy, seconded by Dyana Martin. Vote was unanimous.
  2. The EHI web site is being updated by Kerri.
  3. EHI Annual Meeting will be held in February, 2016 on the Deck at the Galley Hatch for election/re-election of members and election of 2016 officers.
  4. Discussion of plans/strategies/level of involvement in

EHI Membership in 2016. There appears to be interest in people joining. Rusty, John Tinios, and Bob Preston suggested having membership meetings 4 times per year to let people sign up, ask questions, and present ideas. Dyana stated someone asked about a Volunteer Fair. Dean suggested a possible guest speaker. John Tinios emphasized to keep working on a master plan for the town with EHI being the steering committee.

Meeting Adjournment 6:00 pm

Meeting Minutes submitted by Nancy Waddell