Instructions on completing the form ”Individual Student Group Record”
A. Source of data–Student group register
The student group register is the document which includes essential information about the class.
In case of groups for which enrolment took place online the list of students in the student group register must be the same as the list printed from the SJO database.
IMPORTANT: From the student group register cross out students who failed to show up or were present once only at the beginning and failed to inform the teacher about their prolonged absence.
Names of all students not listed in the group record (they stopped coming to classes, transferred to another group etc.) should be crossed out clearly in the Register.
The student group register is a document of the group, not of the teacher. In cases when a group is handed over to another teacher during the semester, the register should be handed over as well.
B. Part A ”Information on groups”
1.All groups should be listed.Groups taught jointly by two people are recorded by one teacher with a note: Group taught together with ...... The other teacher only completes the number of hours taught in a given group in the form ”Individual record of teaching hours”(completed about 3 weeks before the end of the semester).If a teacher teaches more than one group together with the same person, please follow the rule that in all groups it is always the same person who is the main teacher of the group. Dissolved groups – on the first page the group is listed like any other group, with information about the faculty, number of students and semester of study. You may add information on dissolution of the group. If there is no information about dissolved groups, teaching hours with these groups will not be recorded.
2.The symbol of the group consists of the first 3 letters of the teacher’s surname, the first letter of the name and a subsequent number (starting from 1): OlsK1,... up to e.g. OlsK5.
3.Symbol of the LT/languages other than English group– only for some groups (e.g. 086/Z/10/11(LT) or H026 (languages other than English).The Record for these groups may be printed from the SJO system and you only add the symbol of the group (you do not need to complete information on students in part B).
4.Module(e.g. M1, M1/2 in 4-hour groups) orlevel(e.g. A1, B1) if classes are not conducted in the module system (extra-mural study).
5.Number of hours in the week – the number of hours of the group, not of the teacher. In groups taught jointly by two people, the teacher writes 4 hours.
6.Number of students = sum of all students (it must be the sum of the number of students listed at all faculties)
C. Part B
- Number of students by faculty – must be given according to the list of faculties provided (full-time, English-medium, part-time evening and part-time extra-mural courses). Students and Ph.D. students who are paying for the classes are listed in the box ”Number of fee-paying students and Ph.D. students”.Students studying as part of the Erasmus or Erasmus Mundus programme must be listed in the Group Record with the information on their programme (information in the box for the semester of study: ER, MU).
- It is necessary to record the semester of study. If in a group there are students from one faculty but different semesters it needs to be listed.
- Ph.D. students with the dean’s consent are listed in the box ”Number of non-fee-paying Ph.D. students”.
- Students from the first year of study of the faculties: Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechatronics, Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering may not attend classes.
D. Attachments – lists of groups
- Please attach lists of students (with student record book numbers) of full-time study, English-medium studyandextra-mural Architecture and all extra-mural groups (in the form the faculties marked in yellow). The number of students on the list must be the same as the number of students in the group given on page one of the form and it must be the same as the list of students in the student group register. Lists should be alphabetical. Do not provide lists of dissolved groups.
- Listsof groups with online enrolment(languages other than English and LT)should be printed from the SJO database; the date on the printout must be no earlier than 31 October. Other lists will not be accepted.
- In the box: Additional info write:
For Ph.D. students who are not paying for language classes - dr
For students and Ph.D. students who are paying for language classes – płatny
For English-medium students (Electronics, Electrical Eng., Civil Eng., Mathematics, Environmental Eng. and Power & Aeronautical Eng.) – anglojęz.
For evening Architecture students – wiecz.