Jennifer Fountain Baltzegar

June 2015

Born: October 20, 1981, Milledgeville, Georgia, USA

Address: 4307 Timberwood Dr.,

Raleigh, North Carolina 27612

Contact: Email:

Tel: 843-817-3629


B.S. Marine Biology College of Charleston, 2004

M.S. Marine Biology College of Charleston, 2010

Ph.D. Genetics North Carolina State University, currently enrolled

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in studying the differences between populations and species via mechanisms of evolution and impacts of population change. I am particularly interested in studying the impacts genetic engineering technologies have on natural populations.

Honors and Awards

Teaching Assistantship, College of Charleston, 2006-2007

Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics Scholarship, University of Washington, 2007

Graduate Student Travel Grant, College of Charleston, 2007

Research Assistantship, College of Charleston, 2007-2009

Graduate Student Research Presentation Grant, College of Charleston, 2008

Marine Biology Graduate Student Association Travel Grant, College of Charleston, 2008

McLeod-Frampton Scholarship, College of Charleston, 2008

NIH Predoctoral Research Training Fellowship, NC State, 2013-2014

University Graduate Fellowship, NC State, 2013-2014

NSF IGERT Fellowship: Genetic Engineering and Society, 2014-2016

Silver Award, International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM), 2014

Best Policy & Practices Project, International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition, 2014

Provost Research Award ($10,000), NC State, 2015


Hourly Employee, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Charleston, SC, 2004-2006

Research Technician, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2009-2010

Research Analyst, Department of Neurobiology Duke University, Durham, NC, 2010-2013

Society Memberships

American Fisheries Society, 2008-2010

Genetics Society of America, 2014-present

Professional Service

Scorekeeper, National Ocean Science Bowl, 2004

Mentor, High School Student Shadow Day, 2008

Speaker, Multiple Middle School Career Fairs, 2008

Graduation Marshall, College of Charleston, May 2008

Active Member, Marine Biology Graduate Student Association, College of Charleston, 2006-2009

Treasurer, Marine Biology Graduate Student Association, College of Charleston, 2007-2008

Secretary, Genetics Graduate Student Association, NC State, 2013-2014

Seminar Committee, Genetics Graduate Program, NC State, 2013-2014

Jr. President, Genetics Graduate Student Association, NC State, 2014-2015

Laboratory Mentor to Kelly Sears, Kenan Fellows Program, Summer 2014

Graduate Professional Development Workshop: Intersections of Genetics and Society, NC

State, September 19, 2014.

Volunteer, USDA Stakeholder Workshop on Coexistence, NC State, March 12-13, 2014.

Judge, GN423 Poster Session, NC State, April 23, 2015.

Laboratory Mentor to Elizabeth Helms, Kenan Fellows Program, Summer 2015

President, Genetics Graduate Student Association, NC State, 2015-2016

Teaching Experience

BIOL 312L, Molecular Biology Laboratory, College of Charleston, Fall 2006-Spring 2007

Undergraduate Students

Susan Hilbig, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2009-2010

Briana Roulhac-Wilson, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2010

Charles Keilin, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2010-2011

Caroline Seng, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2010-2011

Daniel Rosoff, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2011

YiLing Wang, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2011-2013

Jillian Becker, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2011-2013

Ross Bernstein, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2012

Caitlin Cristante, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2012

Frederick Olaleye, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2012

Elsa Nana Nzepa, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2012

Emily Rinaldo, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2012-2013

Kaitlin Jefferies, Neurobiology Department, Duke University, 2013

Andrew Seaman, Biological Sciences, NC State, 2014


(* indicates presenter)


1. Jenkins, W*., M. Denson, T. Darden, J. Fountain, and J. Yost. 2008. Development of genetic identification tools to refine striped bass, Morone saxatilis; release strategies and improve hatchery contribution. Oral Presentation. Aquaculture America. Orlando, FL USA.

2. Denson M., W. Jenkins, T. Darden, J. Fountain*, F. Sessions, and J. Yost. 2008. Development of genetic identification tools to refine striped bass, Morone saxatilis; release strategies and improve hatchery contribution. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society. Ottawa, ON Canada.

3. Baltzegar, J.*, J. Elsenshon*, S. King, C. Ndoh, E. Nwakpuda*, B. Peddycord III*, E. Pitts*, J. Sudweeks, S. Webster, and R.X. Valdez*. October 30 – November 3, 2014. Mapping Responsible Innovation: A First Principles Approach. Oral and Poster Presentation. International Genetic Engineering Machine Competition. Boston, MA USA.

4. Baltzegar, J.* January 16, 2015. Transgenic Corn and the Monarch Butterfly. Oral Presentation. When Science and Citizens Connect: Public Engagement on Genetically Modified Organisms. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC USA.


1. Fountain, J.*, T. Darden, W. Jenkins, M. Denson. 2008. Preliminary stocking contribution of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in the Ashley River and population structure among two South Carolina rivers. Oral Presentation. Joint Meeting of the South Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the South Carolina Fishery Workers Association. Santee, SC USA.

2. Fountain, J.*, T. Darden, W. Jenkins, M. Denson. 2008. Use of genetic identification tools for evaluating stocking strategies for Striped Bass. Oral Presentation. 11th Annual Graduate Program in Marine Biology Student Research Colloquium. College of Charleston, Charleston, SC USA.

3. Fountain, J.*, T. Darden, W. Jenkins, M. Denson. 2008. Population structure of Striped Bass in the Savannah and Santee River Systems. Oral Presentation. Annual Mariculture Science Review, Bluffton, SC USA.

4. Fountain, J.*, T. Darden, W. Jenkins, F. Sessions, M. Denson. 2009. Morone saxatilis, release strategies and improved hatchery contribution. Poster Presentation. College of Charleston Graduate Research Poster Session. Charleston, SC USA.

5. Baltzegar, J.*, J. Elsenshon*, S. King, C. Ndoh, E. Nwakpuda*, B. Peddycord III*, E. Pitts*, J. Sudweeks, S. Webster, and R.X. Valdez*. March 25, 2015. Mapping Responsible Innovation: A First Principles Approach. Poster Presentation. NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC USA.

6. Baltzegar, J.*, J. Elsenshon*, S. King, C. Ndoh, E. Nwakpuda*, B. Peddycord III*, E. Pitts*, J. Sudweeks, S. Webster, and R.X. Valdez*. April 28, 2015. Mapping Responsible Innovation: A First Principles Approach. Poster Presentation. Genetic Engineering @ NC State Symposium. Raleigh, NC USA.

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

1.  Baltzegar, J. and K. Coyle. 2014. Vignets from the 15th Annual Student Postdoc Symposium. The Signal 15(7): 2-3.

2.  Baltzegar, J., J. Elsenshon, K. Barnhill, and J. Barnes. 2015. Student Assessment of USDA Meeting.

3.  Baltzegar, J. and S. Webster. 2015. The Science of Science Communication: What Roles Do Scientists and/or Policymakers Play in the Dissemination of Knowledge Concerning GMOs?.

Peer Reviewed Publications

1.  Fountain, J., T. Darden, W. Jenkins, M. Denson. 2009. Three Multiplexed Microsatellite Panels for Striped Bass. Southeastern Naturalist 8(4): 671-676.

2.  Fritz, M. L., S. Paa, J. Baltzegar, F. Gould. 2015. Application of a Dense Genetic Map for Assessment of Genomic Responses to Selection and Inbreeding in Heliothis virescens. In Preparation.