Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Meeting Location:

17014 59th Ave, Arlington, WA 98223

Telephone: 360-435-3985


Opening Prayer

Opening Remarks

1.  Member Tribe Updates

2.  Executive Director’s Report

a.  University of Washington Partnership Grant

i.  Jane Vaccaro – New NWTEMC Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator

ii. Creating a Tribal Emergency Management Certification much like that of IAEM through the National Tribal Emergency Management Council

iii.  Creation of NTARA, the National Tribal Amateur Radio Association

iv.  Oil Spill Response Webinars and changes to the National Response Plan, SubPart J for the use of Chemical Dispersants, hosted by Dr. Riki Ott and titled,” What's the Plan? Addressing Indigenous Concerns in Oil Spill Response.”

b.  The Red Guide to Recovery Book – circling back on any additional input

c.  Conference Updates - 2015 SAVE THE DATE Annual NWTEMC - NTEMC Conference August 10th – 15th, 2015, Northern Quest Casino and Resort, Airway Heights, Washington

i.  Updates on Registrations

ii. Updated on Proposed Agenda

3.  NWTEMC-NTEMC Resilience Officer - Chelsea Nied

a.  Expanding on the NWTEMC-Google relationship

b.  Who’s who on Twitter – a report on who is following us and how Twitter is being used as an effective tool in emergency management

4.  Ex-Officio Reports

a.  Washington State Department of Health – Maria Gardipee (confirmed)

i.  Upcoming Cross Borders Conference

ii. Upcoming TPHEP Conference

b.  Washington State EMD – Dave Nelson (Dave will be at the Partner’s Conference)

i.  EMPG grant info – Dave reports that recipients of the EMPG grant WILL be allowed to use them for travel to EMI, if they write it into the scope of work for their project prior to submitting the grant.

c.  FEMA Region X

i.  FEMA Region X Tribal Liaison, Erin Ward

ii. Fred Bretsch – Newest updates on the NWTEMC Teen CERT Tool Kit

d.  Bureau of Indian Affairs – Susan King

e.  Administration for Children and Family Services – Cathy Adams-Bomar, Regional Administrator, ACF, Region X

f.  Office of Emergency Management, Department of Social and Health Services, Sue Bush, Director - Will be providing an update on ESF #6

5.  CERT Updates and upcoming training

a.  CERT materials update – Free materials and links to get them

b.  Nooksack CERT Class RODEO(May 1st, 2nd and 3rd)

c.  Yakama June CERT Class

6.  NTEMC Director of Tribal Relations and Legislative Affairs - Richard Flores

Break for Lunch

Bring Your Plans for guidance and hands on assistance. Plans include your Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans, Hazard Mitigation Plans, Pandemic Flu Plans, THIRA’s, etc.

Special Room Rates:

The Stillaguamish Angels of the Winds Casino and Hotel

3438 Stoluckquamish Lane

Arlington, WA 98223

Tel: 360 474 9740

Or 1-877-394-8210

10:00am – 3:00pm

(Lunch will be on our own this day)


Please note that the meeting will be held offsite of the casino. The meeting location is directly across 172nd in Arlington (Smokey Point), Washington. Feel free to call if you need additional directions.


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