03 August 2010


Hélène Antoine-Poirel (2008-2012), president

Thomy de Ravel (2010-2014), secretary

Guy Van Camp (2008-2012), treasurer

Pascale Hilbert (2008-2012)

Mauricette Jamar (2008-2012)

Paul Coucke (2010-2014)

Sonia Van Dooren (2010-2014)

Catheline Vilain (2010-2014)

MINUTES of the BeSHG Board Meeting of Tuesday 03August 2010 from 12h00 to 14h30

held at Meise

1.Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 04June 2010

The minutes of the previous Board Meeting had been circulated to all Board members prior to the meeting. Correction: Item 5. Varia Guy Van Camp, and not Paul Coucke, informed the members that Professor dr Robert Hofstra was keen to investigate a joint meeting between the Netherlands Human Genetics Society and the BeSHG. This point was again discussed. It was felt that it was important to have our own Belgian National Annual Meeting. A specific topic/ theme meeting comprising a smaller group could be envisaged. Hélène Antoine-Poirel would contact Professor Hofstra and discuss the possibilities.

Taking this correction into consideration, the remaining minutes were unanimously approved as a true representation of the meeting.


3.2. Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 04 June 2010


2a.Home Banking:

Guy Van Camp has been active in arranging access to the account.

2b.11th Annual BeSHG Meeting (March, 4th 2011) UCL

Hélène Antoine-Poirel reported that the Organizing Committee is considering the theme as ‘Dynamic Mutations’. Various invited speakers were being considered, including Sir Alec Jeffries, An Gorelli, Andrew Wilke, S Antonarakis, Alan Ashworth, Laurence Lwoff.

Pascale Hilbert reported that she was active in obtaining sponsoring for the meeting and that she already had some favourable responses.


2c.Creation of a Workgroup “Good Practice in Medical Genetics”

- Interaction with Prof dr Bart Loeys, representing the High Council for Anthropogenetics

At the ESHG congress in Gothenburg, Hélène Antoine-Poirel and two committee members had met with Bart Loeys. Bart Loeys highlighted the need for a ‘Medical Genetics’ workgroup, to which the proposed Academy of Medical Genetics could refer questions and request reviews/ surveys. The Board clearly stated that all contact from the College should be through the President of the Board of the BeSHG, who would then refer matters to the appropriate workgroup(s). The need for a more clinical workgroup within the BeSHG was also highlighted: it would be the link between the different workgroup focusing on lab activities (cytogenetics and molecular genetics). For all these reasons, the Board decided to initiate this workgroup.

- Letter to Chairpersons of existing Workgroups

Thomy de Ravel had drafted a letter to all chairpersons of the current BeSHG Workgroups informing them that they would be contacted in order to arrange a verbal report back at a forthcoming Board Meeting. This would now be sent.

-Creation of the Workgroup in Medical Genetics

It was proposed that a start be made with constituting this Workgroup. One or two members of every Centre would be invited to participate in an initial ‘brainstorming’ meeting, after which an actual Workgroup would be constituted. Thomy de Ravel would arrange this first meeting, together with Hélène Antoine-Poirel.

  1. Report back from the ESHG, Gothenburg

The President of the BeSHG participated at the Meeting of Presidents of all the European Human Genetics Societies, chaired by the President of the ESHG. She gave an outline of various issues.


- Genetics as a Laboratory Speciality in Europe: Joris Vermeersch is a member of the ESHG workgroup. In order to get a clearer view of the programme of the group, Joris Vermeersch would be invited to do a presentation at a BeSHG Board Meeting. Thomy de Ravel will arrange this with him. Dr Jacqueline Schoumans of Lausanne, Switzerland, chairman of this ESHG Workgroup, should be visiting Leuven in the near future. An informal meeting with Hélène Antoine-Poirel and other interested parties could be arranged – details to follow.

- European Project on Heath Technologies in Screening and Diagnosis- HIScreen Diag (coordinated by ‘Ghent University’): Héléne Antoine-Poirel had received an email from Amaja Landazuri (Spain) requesting that she fill out a survey regarding genetic testing technologies used for a list of 21 genetic and non-genetic disorders. She asked every Board member to forward her the completed form and she would submit the resumé for Belgium.

-Public Health Genomics (National Task Force Query):

Hélène Antoine-Poirel had received a letter from Ms Anne-Madeleine Pironnet requesting that she answer 4 questions regarding the Publication 8565 of the High Council for Health (document circulated to members before the Meeting). These points were discussed and H A-P would reply.

-EU Committee on Rare Diseases:

The EC published on 27 July 2010 the appointment of members to this committee. The only Belgian appointed was Gert Matthijs of Leuven, in his capacity as having a project financed by the EU Community Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. The question arose as to what link the BeSHG Board should have with the local Rare Diseases Group funded by the King Boudewijn Foundation.

5.Date of next board meetings

- Tuesday 07 September 2010 at 12h00 at UZ Brussel

- Friday 08 October 2010 at 12h30 at UZ Brussel

Helène Antoine-PoirelThomy de Ravel


Brussels, …………….2010