Enterprise Educational Resources Companion assessment material

Enterprise Educational Resource companion assessment material

This final assessment material has been designedfor use with the following Enterprise Educational Resource book available fromAmazon.com.au:

BSBWRT301 – Write simple documents (Release 1)

For trainers and assessors: The companion material may be used ‘as is’ or customised by registered training organisations (RTOs) to suit individual requirements. Note that the responsibility of ensuring that the assessment process and content complies with the Standards for RTOs 2015 requirements rests solely and entirely with the RTO using the assessment material.

For learners: Use the assessment material as a self-test before you undertake your final assessment for this unit. Use the tables 1-5 to look up the sections in the book that cover each aspect.

This summative assessment material is separated into three sections,using the following assessment methods:

  • Questions – to assess knowledge and understanding.
  • Demonstration – to assess skills in either a simulated or actual workplace. This may also include observation of skills by a third party (where applicable).
  • Projects – to assess knowledge, understanding and skills through practical applications or projects.

The following tables map each assessment item against the unit of competency information and the relevant section of the Enterprise Educational Resource book:

  • Table: 1 - Unit elements and performance criteria mapped to assessment items.
  • Table: 2 - Knowledge evidence mapped to assessment items.
  • Table: 3 - Performance evidence mapped to assessment items.
  • Table:4 - Foundation skills mapped to assessment items.
  • Table: 5 - Dimensions of competency mapped to assessment items (mostpertinent items).


Assessment material – BSBWRT301 (V1.0, Feb 2016)

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Enterprise Educational Resources Companion assessment material


Learners must provide the correct response(s) to all the questions that follow.

  1. Describe how the audience influences the tone of a document.
  2. Describe how document purpose influences the tone of a document.
  3. Describe how the method of communication influences the tone of a document.
  4. Describe different communication methods used to write documents.
  5. Identify the process for checking basic grammar in a text.
  6. Identify the process for checking basic spelling in a text.
  7. Identify the process for checking basic punctuation in a text


Learners must demonstrate their ability to correctly:

(Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once)

  1. Understand and comply with organisational policies and procedures.
  2. Follow accepted communication practices and protocols when seeking information or feedback from others.
  3. Use the main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks.
  4. Use listening and questioning skills to seek additional information or confirmation of task completion.
  5. Take responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks to achieve required outcomes.


Learners must correctly complete the following project:

Within your workplace, you have been asked to plan, draft and finalise three documents that accurately convey the required basic information in a format suitable for the intended audience and in accordance with organisational policies and procedures for document production. The document details are as follows:

a)Prepare an email to all staff at your organisation to tell them that the workplace car park will be closed the following Mondayfor cleaning.

b)As an owner of a gym, you need to let your patrons know that they must wear closed shoes at all times when using treadmills. Prepare a notice to be put on the wall near the treadmills.

c)A business customer has ordered an item from an out-datedsales catalogue. Write a letter advising the customer that the item is no longer available and recommending a similar product that may meet their needs.

Prepare each of these documents by responding to the requirements that follow:

  1. Read and interpret the project requirements to determine and confirm task requirements.
  1. Determine and confirm the document audience and purpose.
  2. Determine the format and structure of the document.
  3. Establish key points for inclusion for the document.
  4. Identify organisational requirements for writing the document.
  5. Establish and describe the method of communication that is required.
  6. Identify and describe the function and purpose of the digital tools required to prepare and write the text.
  7. Prepare your texts using the digital tools you have identified.
  8. Develop a draft document to communicate the key points.
  9. Obtain and include any additional information that is required.
  10. Check draft for suitability of tone for audience, purpose, format and communication style.
  11. Check draft for readability, grammar, spelling, and sentence and paragraph construction.
  12. Check draft for sequencing and structure.
  13. Check draft to ensure it meets organisational requirements.
  14. Ensure draft is proofread, where appropriate, by supervisor or colleague.
  15. Make and proofread necessary changes.
  16. Ensure document is sent to intended recipient.
  17. File copy of document in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.

Table: 1 - Unit elements and performance criteria mapped to assessment items

Elements and performance criteria / Learner resource book section number & name / Questions / Demonstration / Project
1. Plan document
1.1 Determine audience and purpose for the document / 1.1 Audiences for written documents / 2
1.3 Document tone
1.2 Identify document purpose
1.2 Determine the format and structure / 1.6 Document formats / 3
1.7 Document structure
1.8 Document styling
1.3 Establish key points for inclusion / 1.9 Include key points in documents / 4
1.4 Identify organisational requirements / 1.10 Organisational policies and procedures / 5
1.11 Organisational procedures for written document
1.5 Establish method of communication / 1.4 Methods of communication / 6
1.6 Establish means of communication / 1.9 Use technology to produce documents / 7
2. Draft document
2.1 Develop draft document to communicate key points / 2.1Draft document listing key points / 9
2.2 Obtain and include any additional information that is required / 2.2 Identify and fill information gaps / 10
2.3 Prepare and check draft document
3. Review document
3.1 Check draft for suitability of tone for audience, purpose, format and communication style / 3.1 Check draft fits the document requirements / 11
3.2 Check draft for readability, grammar, spelling, and sentence and paragraph construction / 3.2 Check draft content and structure / 12
3.3 Check draft for sequencing and structure / 13
3.4 Check draft to ensure it meets organisational requirements / 3.3 Check draft meets organisational requirements / 14
3.5 Ensure draft is proofread, where appropriate, by supervisor or colleague / 3.4Independent proofreading / 15
4. Write final document
4.1 Make and proofread necessary changes / 3.5 Prepare final document / 16
4.2 Ensure document is sent to intended recipient / 4.1 Delivery of the document / 17
4.3 File copy of document in accordance with organisational policies and procedures / 4.2 File workplace documents / 18

Table: 2 – Knowledge evidence mapped to assessment items

Knowledge evidence / Learner resource book section number & name / Questions / Demonstration / Project
Describe how audience, purpose and method of communication influence the tone of a document. / 1.3 Document tone / 1
Describe different communication methods / 1.4 Formal, informal and standard writing styles / 4
Identify the process for checking basic grammar, spelling and punctuation / 3.2 Check draft content and structure / 5

Table: 3 – Performance evidence mapped to assessment items

Performance evidence / Learner resource book section number & name / Questions / Demonstration / Project
Plan, draft and finalise three different simple documents that accurately convey the required basic information in a format suitable for the intended audience and in accordance with organisational policies and procedures for document production. / 1. Identify document requirements / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
2. Draft document / 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
3. Review and finalise document
4. Document delivery and filing / 16, 17, 18

Table: 4 – Foundation skills mapped to assessment items

Foundation skills / Learner resource book section number & name / Questions / Demonstration / Project
Reading: Recognises and interprets a variety of text to determine and confirm task requirements / 1.1 Audiences for written documents / 1
1.2 Identify document purpose
Get the work done: Uses the main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks / 1.9 Use technology to produce documents / 3
Navigate the world of work: Understands and complies with organisational policies and procedures / 1.10 Organisational policies and procedures / 1
Interact with others: Follows accepted communication practices and protocols when seeking information or feedback from others / 2 / 8
Writing: Produces and edits basic documents, according to organisational requirements, for a given audience and purpose / 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Oral Communication: Uses listening and questioning skills to seek additional information or confirmation of task completion / 2.2 Identify and fill information gaps / 4
Reading: Proofreads documents checking for grammar, spelling, structure, and suitability of style and format for audience / 3.2 Check draft content and structure / 11, 12, 13
Get the work done: Takes responsibility for planning, sequencing and prioritising tasks to achieve required outcomes / 3.5 Prepare final document / 5
4.1 Delivery of the document
4.2 File workplace documents

Table: 5 - Dimensions of competency mapped to assessment items (mostpertinent items)

Dimensions of competency / Questions / Demonstration / Project
Task skills / 3 / 16, 17, 18
Task management skills / 5, 6, 7 / 5 / 11, 14, 16
Contingency management skills / 1, 2, 5
Job role/environment skills / 4 / 15, 16


Assessment material – BSBWRT301 (V1.0, Feb 2016)

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