NOTE: WRONG answers on multiple choice questions will result in the
DEDUCTION of the points !!!!!
1) Explain the difference between a competitive antagonist and an inverse agonist!
(10 pts)
2) Which of the following routes of drug administration is affected by the process known as “First Pass Elimination”?
a) Topical
b) Oral
c) Rectal
d) Subcutaneous
e) Vaginal
(5 pts each)
3) Which form of a drug is most readily absorbed across biological membranes:
a) ionized
b) protein bound
c) unionized
d) glucoronidated
(5 pts each)
4) Provide an example for altered drug responses based on pharmacogenetic diversity! Explain!
(15 pts)
5) When a loading dose is administered, the initial drug concentration is dependent on which of the following:
a) elimination rate constant
b) drug half-life
c) volume of distribution
d) clearance
e) metabolism
f) amount of drug administered
(5 pts each)
6) Which drug, phentolamine or prazosin, is likely to be more effective in reducing high blood pressure? Justify your conclusion!
(15 pts)
7) What are the Vd and t1/2? How are they interconnected (explain the underlying concept!)?
(10 pts)
8) A patient is treated with a MAO inhibitor for his clinical depression. Since he is overweight, he wants to support his dieting efforts with a weight loss product containing ephedrine. What, if anything, might result from the co-administration of these drugs? Justify your conclusion!
(15 pts)
9) Glucocorticoids display a slow onset of action, but their effect persists after the drug has cleared the body. Why?
(10 pts)
10) Which of the following drugs can be used to treat asthma:
a) Propranolol
b) Pancuronium
c) Atropin
d) Physostygmine
e) Albuterol
(5 pts each)
11) Dihydropyridines are considered “vasoselective” Ca2+ channel blockers.
a) Where do they find clinical application?
b) What is the underlying basis for the vasoselectivity?
c) What is a common side-effect caused by the physiological response to these drugs (explain the reason)?
d) Which drug(group) could be used to prevent this side effect?
(20 pts)
12) Would the function of pancuronium and succinylcholine as muscle relaxants be differentially affected by the administration of an acetylcholine-esterase inhibitor? (Explain your conclusion!)
(15 pts)
13) Why do amphetamines produce more pronounced norepinephrine-based physiological reactions than MAO inhibitors?
(15 pts)
14) Which of the following combinations would result in the highest rate of drug absorption through the skin:
a) Hydrophilic drug in hydrophilic base
b) Hydrophilic drug in lipophilic base
c) Lipophilic drug in hydrophilic base
d) Lipophilic drug in lipophilic base
(10 pts)
15) How would a pH change of the urine from 6.0 to 8.0 effect the excretion of a drug that is a weak base? Explain your conclusion!
(10 pts)