Board of Beadle County Commission
450 3rd St. SW, Suite 203
Huron, SD 57350
Thursday, June 29, 2017
9:00 a.m.
1. Consider Minutes of June 13, 2017
2. Approve Agenda
3. Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2
4. Care Poor -
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Consider County Employee Travel Request
a. Consider Kristina Van Scharrel, Nurse’s Office training in Aberdeen on June 26-27, 2017
b. Consider Pat Tschetter, Karen King Director of Equalization Office attend 2017 Annual Assessor’s School in Pierre, SD October 16-20, 2017
8. 9:00 a.m. Board of Beadle County Commission acting as Board of Adjustment
9. 10:30 a.m. Mike Moore, Beadle County States’ Attorney
a. Executive Session Pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (4)
10. 11:00 a.m. Board of Beadle County Commission acting as Board of Adjustment
11. 12:15 p.m. Julie Miller, SD Dept of Health Community Health Nurse Manager
12. 12:30 p.m. Zach Nelson, Beadle County Emergency Management Director
a. Consider Beadle County Burn Ban
b. Consider Disaster Declaration for Beadle County
13. Consider Payroll
14. Consider Bills
15. Consider Monthly Reports
16. Consider Res 06-01-17 “Grant Supplemental Budget” Stop Violence $9,163.65
17. Consider Res 06-02-17 “Approving Sale Of Real Estate Acquired by Taking Tax Deed”
18. Consider Res 06-03-17 “Approving Sale Of Real Estate Acquired by Taking Tax Deed”
19. Consider Res 06-04-17 “Approving Sale Of Real Estate Acquired by Taking Tax Deed”
20. Consider Lien #3754
21. Consider Letter of Agmt. with First District Assoc. of Local Government for County GIS Website Hosting
22. Consider Connecting Point Premium Managed Services
23. Consider Seasonal Hires in Weed Board and Museum
24. Consider Agreement with SD Dept of Health - WIC
25. Consider Agreement with SD Dept of Health – Home Visiting Clerical Contract
26. Consider Res 06-06-17 “Plat of Williams Lot 1”
27. Other Items
Board of Beadle County Commission acting as Board of Adjustment
450 3rd St. SW, Suite 203
Huron, SD 57350
Thursday, June 29, 2017
9:00 a.m.
1. 9:00 a.m. Public Hearing – Conditional Use Application - CAFO Lazy J Dairy LLC
a. Lazy J Dairy LLC, 38228 203rd St, Wolsey SD 57384 requesting a conditional use CAFO permit to build a Class A Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation. The project will house a maximum of 1900 Holsten Milk Cows, 150 calves (under 400 pounds). The proposed barn would utilize the existing manure management system, including the existing manure management system, including the existing manure transport flume. The legal description for proposed site is NW ¼ Section 7-111-64 (Wolsey Township). The hearing will be conducted in accordance with South Dakota Law and the Beadle County Ordinances, specifically Title 10.
2. 11:00 a.m. Public Hearing – Conditional Use Application – CAFO Liberty Farms RE
a. Liberty Farms RE, LLC, PO BOX 188, Pipestone, MN 56164-0188 requesting a conditional use CAFO permit to build a Class A Swine Facility. The project will house a maximum of 640 head of nursery swine, 960 head of finishing swine and 5,980 head of Breeding, Gestation, and Farrowing Swine. The Confinement buildings will use covered deep pits to store manure/wash water. The storage is designed to hold more than 12 months of manure/wash water production. Legal description of the property is within the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 21-112-60 (Liberty Township). The hearing will be conducted in accordance with South Dakota Law and the Beadle County Ordinances, specifically Title 10.