Presentation Guidelines for SURE 2018
Your poster should be designed to fit either A0 portrait or A1landscape. Other sizes may not fit on the poster boards available.
Remember that SURE will have participants from a range ofdisciplines and it is important that you try to explain your work using a language that can be understood by someone not familiar with your subject. Use simple and clear language andavoid using too much technical jargon.
Design the poster using a good balance of text, tables, graphsand images (consider which display formats are more suitableto present the content of your work). Design the poster to beeasily scanned by eye and focus on the key findings and takehomemessage. You may want to use and repeat your keywordsthroughout the text to emphasise your main points. Text boxesthat are too long are rarely fully read. You could use bulletspoints and try to limit each text box to no more than 350 words.
Although a formula for the perfect poster does not exist, you canfollow some broad guidance that tends to work well for mosttypes of work. You can find general guidance at a range of onlinesources. You can start by looking at the following suggestions:
On the day of your poster session
The poster sessions will take place in the Fusion Building(exact room TBC).
Please arrive at the location at least 15 minutes before the startof the session to set up your poster in your allocated posterboard. A member of the organising committee or a volunteer willbe available to help if you require any assistance.
You should stay by your poster for the duration of the postersession to explain and discuss your research with students andacademics attending the session. Discussing your work withothers during the poster session gives you a great opportunity toobtain feedback and get new ideas to improve your work or forfuture research.
Oral presentations
Each oral presentation slot will be 15 minutes long, whichshould include a ten-minute presentation followed by fiveminutes of questions and answers. Prepare your presentation tobe ten minutes long to ensure you leave time at the end for theaudience to ask some questions or to comment on your work.
The schedule of the conference will be strictly maintained, soyou are strongly encouraged to rehearse your presentation toensure you have enough time to deliver all the content withinthe allocated time slot.
Remember that SURE will have participants from a rangeof disciplines and it is important that you try to explain youwork using a language that can be understood by someonenot familiar with your subject. Use simple and clear language,avoiding too much technical jargon.
Usually, a ten-minute presentation will have 12-15 slides andmay include the following information:
- Title of the work, your name (and of co-authors if relevant), name of your course and university,
- Outline of the presentation,
- Background information,
- Study site (if relevant),
- Methods,
- Results, analysis, discussion,
- Conclusions or summary,
- Acknowledgements (funding sources,collaborators),
- Thank the audience.
Write text in bullet points, using keywords or short sentences,avoiding long paragraphs. Make good use of visual displays(tables, graphs and images) that help you summarise your data orkey messages. Focus on the key findings, if relevant, and a take-home message.
You may want to use and repeat your keywords throughout the slides to emphasise your main points. You can find generalguidance at a range of online sources. You can start by looking atthe following suggestions:
File formats
The conference lecture rooms are equipped with Windowsoperatedcomputers loaded with Microsoft Office. Acceptablepresentation formats are PowerPoint and PDF.
On the day of your presentation
Please read the conference programme carefully and identifyin which session and room you are scheduled to present. If youhave videos embedded in your presentation, you are stronglyencouraged to test whether they will play correctly in one of BU’slecture theatres ahead of your session. This will give you sometime to fix the problem or find an alternative solution if needed.
You will not be allowed to use your own laptop as this maycause technical issues and delays, disrupting the progress ofthe session. Please contact the registration desk and they willprovide assistance. Please bring your presentations on a USBmemory stick to your allocated room at least 10 minutes beforethe start of the session.
Introduce yourself to the person actingas session chair; he/she will help you and give informationabout the session.
All presenters and audience are expected to stay in the room forthe duration of the session. Usually, each session will last for onehour and will have four presenters. The session chair will callyour name when it is your turn to present. At the eighth minuteof your presentation, the session chair will give a signal (usually,by displaying a yellow card), alerting that you have two minutesto conclude your presentation. Another signal will be givenwhen the ten minutes are up and you should then conclude yourpresentation. The session chair will then thank you and invite theaudience to ask questions or comment on your presentation. Youshould continue in your position for the duration of the Q&A partof the session. When the 15 minutes are up, the session chair will close the Q&A for your presentation and thank you again before calling the next presenter. You can then return to your seat.