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Technical Note:

Title: Configuring LDAP Import

Product : HelpDesk

Version : 6.7

Environ : Active Directory or Novell

Date : 28th Feb 2007

In previous versions of Helpdesk LDAP import the Setup External and various other fields where referred to Setup AQuire etc. Fundamentally the process for importing remains the same but it should be noted when speaking to customer if they are on earlier Helpdesk versions.

Configuring LDAP Import

1.  External Import license is required to run the LDAP import.

2.  Edit the LDAPconfig.txt file in the HDBIN32 with the connection details such as server name and login details etc.

Computer Server = uksrvroot

Computer Port = 389

Computer Login =

Computer Password = *****

Computer Context = cn=users,dc=touchpaper,dc=com

Computer GUID Field = cn

Computer Search LDAP Field = person

Computer Search Key Field = custid

search record limit = 100

Computer object name = user

computer object naming attr = cn

Connection details can be tested using the list.exe application to confirm that they are correct and working. List.exe application can also be used to determine the values of the fields that will be imported from Active Directory into the Helpdesk system

3.  In designer, go to File>Table>Setup External and choose the LDAP option and exit.

4.  Then go to File>Tables>External Import, and if the config file (ldapconfig.txt) is correct it will bring back the following:

Choose the User table in the destination table in the drop down list box.

5.  You will need to then map the fields you wish to import from the Active Directory to the Helpdesk fields.

6.  Once complete you can manually run the import from the same screen and import the Users from the AD into Helpdesk.

Automating Import

The import can also be made to run automatically by running the import application as a system tray

Import via System tray:

1.  From the machine where Helpdesk designer is installed select Start Menu>Touchpaper Software>Helpdesk (version number)>Configuration Tools> External Import Configuration

2.  The below screen will appear allowing you to configure the schedule of the next import.

3.  Once complete run the following application from Start Menu>Touchpaper Software>Helpdesk (ver number)>Application Services> External Import. The application should now appear as a system tray.

4.  To start the External Import you must right click on the system tray and select the Start Schedule for the import to run.

A few things to remember with the import via the system tray are the once the import has run, the amount of time taken for the import to complete will be added to start time of the next import. Over a period of time the import start time can be incremented to run during business critical times and special care should be taken to routinely check the start time of the import to prevent this.

If imports are failing or not running the aquire_import.log will give an indication to the reason. Log file can be found under the Log Files directory of Helpdesk directory.