Minutes of Community Safety Workstream held 10 December 2015,

Mosscare Housing, 101 Great Western St

Rob Ferguson (Chair) Mosscare

Cym D’Souza, Arawak WaltonPaula Beeson, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group

Kim Ryan-Dooner, Great PlacesPatricia Law, One Manchester for Angela Salami

Paula Marshall, WCHGSara Duckett, Manchester City Council

Sharon McLoughlin, Your Housing GroupMike Stevens, Northwards Housing

Tola Adesemowo, Mosscare HousingTracey Ferguson-Black, St Vincent’s Housing Association


1.Welcome and Apologies

Rob welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted from:Angela Salami – One Manchester, Chris Smith - Adactus Housing, Rob Brown - Manchester City Council, Samyia Butt – Manchester City Council, Sam Stabler - Manchester City Council, Jordane Smith - Great Places

2.Minutes of meetings 17 September 2015 and 19 November 2015

Subject to amending 17 September minutes: Scanlan to Scanlon; and under item 7, page 4 – change “discretionary” to “mandatory” the minutes were agreed as a correct record.

3.Matters arising (not covered on main agenda)

17 September

  1. Link to probation service – further work is required here developing the initiative discussed at this meeting. Jordane and Rob to progress.
  2. Community restoration panels – reminder Sam/Sara are happy to give briefings to individual organisations: whichever suits best.

4.Issues arising from CS Workshop 19 November 2015

Role of and links to Community Safety Partnership Board

Rob introduced this item and referred in particular to the report from Sam Stabler dated 8 December 2015. Following the last meeting Sam had produced a summary report outlining:

  • The membership of the Community Safety Partnership Board
  • The eight priority themes for the board
  • The terms of reference of the Partnership Board
  • The frequency of meetings and the areas covered at the meeting

Additional papers circulated with the agenda for today’s meeting were intended to give members of this workstream a better feel for the subjects discussed at the Partnership Board. Rob referred to the following papers:

  • Making the City Safer
  • Alcohol and Drug Related Crime
  • CSP Agenda for meeting on 17 November 2015

Sara and Rob also conveyed Sam’s suggestion that it would be possible for members of this workstream to attend a meeting of the Partnership Board to expand on and describe the nature of our work in more detail. A discussion took place on this suggestion. It was felt that it would be better to wait until this workstream has had a more detailed discussion on the links to the Partnership Board and how we can make a significant contribution. The workstream would welcome attendance at a meeting later in 2016 rather than in February.

A useful discussion then took place on tying the work of this workstream more closely to the Partnership Board and it was agreed that we should look to the eight themes of the Partnership Board and focus discussion on the themes being addressed by the board. Rob and Jordane with support from Sam to look at developing this linkage throughout 2016.

It was also suggested and agreed that it would be useful to have a deputy for Rob as Chair of this group to assist with attendance at the Partnership Board and also the Prevent Steering Group.

Sam was thanked for providing a useful set of papers to aid the discussion at today’s meeting.

5.Early Help Hubs Presentation

Paula Marshall gave an excellent presentation to the meeting on the development of early help hubs.


  1. Community Safety – Sara gave a useful update to the meeting on community safety and ASB issues including:
  2. Successful consultation on the Hate Crime strategy
  3. Plans for the Hate Crime Awareness Week 8-14 February
  4. The importance of developing third party reporting centres
  5. Work on the strategic threat assessment for the Community Safety Partnership Board
  6. Further work over highest repeat callers for ASB – checking if there is any link to tenure
  7. Reviewing the effectiveness of criminal behaviour orders
  8. Update on community resolution panels

Sara was thanked for a useful update

  1. Prevent – Rob updated the meeting on work of the Prevent Steering Group and the importance of registering Prevent Champions with MCC. Rob circulated a copy of the Prevent Steering Group Agenda for later on on 10 December, at present Rob attends the Prevent Steering Group as the RP representative but he is happy to share this work with other members of the group.
  2. Other – there were no other updates at the meeting.


Cym raised the importance of assessing the impact of the 1% rent cuts and the changes to benefits for the under 35s in terms of the impact on communities and community cohesion. To schedule discussion at a future meeting.

8.Dates of 2016 meetings

  1. 3 March
  2. 9 June
  3. 15 September
  4. 1 December

Manchester Housing Providers’ Partnership aims to bring together housing providers and Manchester City Council to work collectively integrating housing, transport, skills and education, health and social care. Our partners are responsible for approximately 70,000 homes in the local authority.