“You learn something every day if you pay attention.”
-- Ray LeBlond
I______have read the class handbook, and thoroughly understand its contents. As an active member of the class, I will respect the rules and policies outlined in this handbook, to protect the well-being of my classmates, the teacher, and myself. If at any time I question any of the contents of this handbook, I will immediately ask the teacher for clarification.
I will, by Friday (September ___ th), have a class notebook
and composition folder for labs.
(student signature)(date)
Parents or guardians, please complete the following:
-My e-mail is ______
-I can be reached by phone at ______.
(parent, please print YOUR name clearly) (date)
(parent/guardian signature) (date)
*This signed document counts as the student’s first homework grade.
4 Expectations:
1.)Be Safe and Use Common Sense
2.)Be Respectful
3.)Be Responsible
4.)Be Here and On Time
A zero tolerance policy is in place for science classrooms. Safety, respect and preparation is a MUST! Failure to comply will result in related consequences (including sitting out from labs when safety guidelines are not followed, etc.).
Safe- what this looks like depends on specific activities,
but usually means using common sense!
Respect-This means we will be respectful to:
-others by keeping our hands to ourselves, respecting
others’ property, etc.
-Be in your seat and quiet when the bell rings
-the classroom
Prepared-You will need to be on time to class, and prepared to do work. You will need to bring the following to class each day:
1.)your covered textbook
2.)a binder for notes, handouts and corrected work
3.)a pen/pencil [*any color that is readable]
4.)your completed homework assignment, if any.
5.)the assignment book
6.)Keep your lab/work folder updated in class (doesn’t leave class)
General Info:
Absences:It is your responsibility to make up work if you miss class work due to an illness or school activity. In most cases you will be required to take any missed quizzes or tests on the first day you are back, unless you were out for more than one day. Please see me ASAP to arrange make-up work. Please get any missed notes from a classmate.
Website/intervention:If you are absent please check the class website. We try to update the website every week. If you are having any trouble please come to intervention or schedule an appointment to get extra help before/after school.
Homework:Expect homework most nights, except holidays. Homework is important to reinforcethe skills we are working on in class. It is expected that homework will be completed fully and turned in ON TIME. Late work equals 10 points off the first day late, 20 points off the second, 30 points off the third and zero credit after the third day late per the district homework policy.
Website Steps:Step 1 go to
Step 2 go students and school until you find “teacher websites” and click. Step 3 click on the high school. Then scroll to science or special education and click either Miss Cortina or Ms. Raymond. Once you get to the page scroll until you find your class.
Extra Credit:The purpose of extra credit is to provide you with opportunities to relate what we’re learning about with the world, to relearn material or to go more in depth with the subject. Extra credit is NOT a last ditch effort close to progress reports or the end of the quarter to raise your grade. NO extra credit will be granted the week before progress reports or report cards.
Pacing Guide:
Fall semesterSpring Semester
The AtmosphereEarths Chemistry
Earth CyclesRocks and Minerals
SpaceGeological Processes
Maps and Earth’s Models
Grading Policy
Homework/notebook check organization10%
Labs/Lab Folder/Classwork*30%
*includes participation
Q2 (Q4): 40%
*This category includes participation. Students must actively participate in class and will get an overall score for participation each quarter.
Course Description:
This is a course in applied Earth science. The basic purpose of the course is to provide students with an in-depth study of our world. Students will be required to do some outside readings, write reports, learn scientific terms, and complete independent projects as well as complete a safety unit.
The course will provide a balance between presentations (including debates), laboratory activities, communication skills, and computer investigations.