150 Points Globalization Essay


Paper format:

  • 4-5 pages in length (double spaced, 12 pt font, approximately 250 words per page)
  • The paper will be divided into 5 paragraphs or sections(listed below by bullet point)
  • Each bullet point below requires aminimumof a full, detailed paragraph using economic logic
  • No writing in the first person---i.e. No “I” statements in paper
  • ATTACHthis sheet to the back of your essay
  • Due the day of your Final Exam (150 pts)

5-Sections of your Paper:

  • 1-Provide a brief analysis of why Globalization expanded rapidly starting in 1990.
  • Be sure to discuss the 2 primary reasons
  • 2-Explain why/how according to David Ricardo’sFree Trade theoryGlobalizationwillcreate a more efficientandprosperous world
  • Be sure to discuss absolute & comparative advantage here…..
  • How would trade benefit all countries involved? (in theory, discuss PPF curve here…)
  • 3-Analyze how factory workers living in the United States are affected by Globalization.
  • Explain if there more or less jobs for their skills, higher or lower wages, etc…
  • How would Globalization generally help these people or hurt them
  • How would you advise these workers to prepare their children for a more Globalized economy?
  • 4-Analyze how people with a Master’s degree in Business Management living in the United States would most likely be affected by Globalization
  • Are there more or less jobs for their skills, higher or lower wages, etc…
  • How would Globalization generally help these people or hurt them
  • 5-Overall arguethe accuracy of theprompt listed below
  • This should be your longest & most analytical paragraph
  • Make sure you argue with economic logic using most ofthe terms listed below:
  • GDP, Circular Flow, Unemployment, Inflation, Job creation, innovation etc….
  • State any necessaryrole ofGovernment Regulation to improve either the efficiency or fairness of Globalization in the United States. (or argue why no regulation is needed!)

PROMPT: Evaluate the accuracy of this statement

“Open and free markets are the best way for the United States to build an efficient and prosperous economy. The USA should continue to embrace Globalization despite the fact that the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen. In the long run, most Americans willmeaningfully increase their standard of living because Globalization offers the best chance to have an efficient and prosperous economy.”


(Overall) (Section 5) ( Section 1-4) Overall

Score / Writing Quality / Analysis/Argument
Final Section / Economic Logic
First 4 Sections / Format / Overall
6 (A) / Exceptionally well written and organized. No mistakes in grammar, spelling. A clearly defined and mature thesis. No “I” statements / Convincingly argues THESIS. Demonstrates a mastery of economic logic on Globalization. Economic Terms usedthroughout paper / Excellent use of economic logic in analysis of Globalization and Trade Theory / Proper formal essay format. Paper format complete / Amazing Effort

5 (B) / Well written and organized. Few mistakes in grammar, spelling etc.. Well defined thesis. No “I” statements / Very well argued THESIS. Displays some insightful economic logic
Many economic terms used / Very good use of economic logic in analysis of Globalization and Trade Theory / Formal essay format similar to assignment. Paper format almost complete / Good Effort
4 (C) / Fairly well written. Some mistakes in grammar and spelling. Vague thesis. No “I” statements / Attempts to support THESIS. Displays basic economic logic. Some economic terms used / Good use of economic logic in analysis of Globalization and Trade Theory / Formal Essay format incomplete. Paper format incomplete / Average Effort
3 (D) / Difficult to read in sections, some mistakes in grammar and spelling. Thesis is unclear. “I” statements / Simply repeating information with limited focus on THESIS. Very little economic logic. / Poor use of economic logic in analysis of Globalization and Trade Theory / No clear thesis or improper format, incomplete paper / Poor Effort
2 (F) / Difficult to read. Many errors in spelling & grammar. No thesis
“I” statements / Confusing analysis—with no economic logic. No mention of thesis / Very limited economic logic / Improper format, incomplete paper / Little Effort
1 / Impossible to read / Off topic / Improper format, incomplete paper / Turned it in…

Grading Scale: A: 150-135 B: 134-120 C: 119-105 D: 104-90 F: 89 & lower


Overall Understanding of Economic Logic

Excellent economic logic ____

Very good economic logic ____

Good economic logic____

Poor economic logic_____