Regular MeetingApril 10, 2014

The Regular Meeting of the Johnsonburg Area School District Board of Educationwas held Thursday,April 10, 2014beginning at 7:00 PM. Directors in attendance were D. Allegretto, C. Dunworth,T. Fannin, S. Grunthaner,B. Thorwart, R. Warmbrodt,and R. Wolfe. Administrators in attendance were D. Crotzer, J. Hobbs, K. Wolfe,and B. Benson. P. Calkins; Board Treasurer, L. Pura; Personnel/Payroll andL. Mahoney; Board Secretarywere in attendance as well as Solicitor R. Brown.Media was represented by theRidgway Record and the Johnsonburg Press.

The Agenda Review began at 6:30 PM. Following agenda review, Mr. Gilmore and Mr. Crotzer presented Mr. Tom Bouse with a plaque in recognition of his recent retirement. Public Comment began at 6:55 PM. During public comment a question was raised in regard to a bus route on Mefferts Run Road. At 7:10 PM,Vice- President Warmbrodtcalled theregular meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwartto approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 13, 2014and the Special Meeting held on March 27, 2014 as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Allegrettomoves seconded by Dunworthto approve theTreasurer’s Report for General Fund including Disbursements and Revenue for 02/14as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Allegrettomoves seconded by Dunworthto approve the High School Activity Account for 02/14, the High School Athletic Account for 02/14,and the Elementary Activity Account for 02/14 and the Cafeteria Account for 02/14as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copies inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfeto approve the minutes from the Safety Committee meeting held on March 19, 2014 as presented. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copies inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to approve the bills list as presented. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfeto approve the minutes from the Budget Workshop held on March 27, 2014 and insert them in the minutes with the regular meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in the supplemental minute book.)

Regular MeetingApril 10, 2014


Agenda Item 1:Substitute List: Launer moves seconded by Allegretto to add Mrs. Rachel Wells to the substitute cafeteria list for the 2013 – 2014 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork.All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2:Summer Workers: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to hire the following 12 students as summer maintenance workers at $7.25 per hour, 8 hours per day, for 8 weeks: Zach Young, Chelsea Benson, Alyse Martinez, Kathryn Polaski, Eric Bevacqua, Cole Peterson, Emily Dubler, Rachel Maletto, Cameron Grumley, Kylie Taylor, Kayli Metheney, and Autumn Yonker. If needed, alternates will be hired in the following order: Karissa Bianconi and Kassa Kocjancic.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried

Agenda Item 3: Stackpole Hall/PHEAA: Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfe to grant permission to hire 8 Stackpole Hall/PHEAA workers at $7.50 per hour, with the District being responsible for 10% of the total cost. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried

Agenda Item 4:5-Year Supplemental Pay Scale: Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfe to approve the 5-year supplemental pay scale as presented. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Agenda Item 5:Substitute Pay: Allegretto moves seconded by Fannin to approve raising the substitute teacher pay from $80 per day to $100 per day effective 4/10/14.

Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 6: Advertisement for Coaches: Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfe to grant permission to advertise for a girls’ basketball coach and a boy’s golf coach for the 2014 – 15 School Year. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 7: Substitute List: Thorwart moves seconded by Allegretto to add Ms. Michelle Lloyd to the substitute teacher list, with emergency certification, for the 2013 – 2014 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Regular MeetingApril 10, 2014

Agenda Item 8: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to add Ms. Jody Muth to the substitute teacher list for the 2013 – 2014 School Year, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 9: Student Teacher: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to approve Ms. Chelsea Leuschel as a student teacher with Mrs. Karen Benson beginning

August 18 through November 14, 2014. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 10: Substitute List: Allegretto moves seconded by Thorwart to add Ms. Bethany Mealy to the substitute teacher list for the 2013 – 2014 School Year, with emergency certification, pending completion of the necessary paperwork. All vote yes. Motion carried.

B.Education and School Activities

Agenda Item 1: Special Education Plan: Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfe to approve the Johnsonburg Area School District Special Education Plan dated 2014 through 2020. This plan is one component of the district’s Strategic Plan.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Agenda Item 2: Policies: Allegretto moves seconded by Wolfe to approve the following policies:

Policy No. 220 titled Student Expression/Distribution and Posting of Materials; Section Pupils

Policy No. 313 titled Evaluations of Employees; Section Employees

Policy No. 913 titled Non-School Organizations/Group/Individuals; Section Community

Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt, and Wolfe vote yes. Fannin votes no. Vote Tally: 6 – YES and 1 – NO. Motion carried. (Copy of policies inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Agenda Item 3: Scoreboard at Knothole Field: Wolfe moves seconded by Dunworth to approve the payment of $3,037.00 to the Johnsonburg Area Knothole Association for the purchase of a scoreboard to be used on Field A at the Knothole facility. The Association will be responsible for any other costs associated with the installation of the scoreboard. Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried.

Regular MeetingApril 10, 2014


Agenda Item 1: 2014-2015 Preliminary Budget: Allegretto moves seconded by Dunworth to approve the Johnsonburg Area School District preliminary general fund budget for the 2014 – 2015 School Year, in the amount of $11,672,023.00.Roll Call Vote: Allegretto, Dunworth, Fannin, Grunthaner, Thorwart, Warmbrodt and Wolfe vote yes. Motion carried. (Copy inserted in supplemental minute book.)

Beginning at 7:35 PM the Board entered into executive session to discuss matters of personnel. At 8:20 PM Allegrettomoves seconded byGrunthanerto adjourn the meeting. All vote yes. Motion carried.

Read and approved this______day of ______, 2014.

Lisa J. Mahoney

Board Secretary