Grading Policy – Please read carefully and review often!

Grade printouts will be sent home at approximately the halfway point between all official school progress reports. These must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned. These will be worth points as part of the “Formative Assessment” grade category. Review PowerSchool weekly. Note: students must speak to me in person about grade issues before I speak to or exchange e-mail messages with parents.

I do not accept late work except for a few major assignments.

Major assignments that are turned in late can earn no more than 70%.

All major assignments must be completed to standard in order to get a grade in this class. Students with a passing grade who are missing any major assignment(s) will receive an “Incomplete” for official school grades.

I will not give a zero for missing formative assessments but 40% of the original points possible. These assignments can be completed and recorded but cannot be made up for credit.

Excused absence work will be calculated at full credit if turned in within the number of days missed. REVIEW THE “ABSENCES” SECTION IN THE SYLLABUS.

It is the responsibility of the students to get any handouts etc. they did not receive due to being absent from my class. Look at the assignment board and get assignments from the orange file box. Get a homework buddy you can call or text if you miss class.

Students must write “absent,” the date of the absence, and “excused” on the top of late work turned in due to an excused absence in order to get full credit. Students may only write “excused” if the absence is officially excused on the school’s attendance program.

Any work turned in without anMLA-styleheading will be returned and will then be considered late if resubmitted. Yes, I’m serious.

Grade Possibilities – These letters show up on printouts and on PowerSchool

Actual points earned

F - 40% given for missing work that cannot be turned in

E - Excused without penalty

Z - Assignment turned in or assessment completed on which student scored zero

0 - Excusedabsence missing work/assessment pending or major assignment not completed

S - Submitted but not graded

EFN - Excused for now

R - Redo and resubmit (grade program calculates this as a zero)

M – Must submit to earn a grade for the semester