Community Health, Chapter 17, Injuries - A Community Health Problem

1. Fatal injuries are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States.

2. For which of the following age groups are the highest number of nonfatal firearm injuries treated in hospital emergency departments? a) 0-4 infants and children; b) 5-14 children & young adolescents; c) 15-24 adolescents and young adults; d) 25-64 adults; e) 65+ older adults

Ans: 15-24 adolescents and young adults

3. Higher motor vehicle-related death rates are associated with all except: a) nights; b) weekends; c) holidays; d) alcohol use Ans: c) holidays

4. Injuries are physical damage that can result from exposure to: a) mechanical energy; b) heat; c) electricity; d) chemicals; e) all of these answers are correct; correct

5. Safety belt laws are an example of what type of approach to unintentional injury prevention? regulation

6. The place where more injuries occur than any other is the home.

7. Injuries are the first leading cause of years of potential life lost before 75 years of age (YPLL-75).

8. The age-adjusted death rates resulting from unintentional injuries in 2002 were highest for which racial group? Ans: American Indians / Alaska Natives

9. The modification of a product or environment to reduce environmental injury is automatic protection.

10. Unintentional injuries are not the leading cause of death for which group? a) 0-4 infants and children; b) 5-14 children & young adolescents; c) 15-24 adolescents and young adults; d) 25-64 adults; e) 65+ older adults (ans)

11. It was recommended that the best approach to preventing gang-related violence should address which of the following areas? A) education; B) law enforcement; c) diversion activities; D) Social service support; E) All of these answers are correct (ans)

12. Which of the following would be considered an unsafe condition? Ans – icy streets

13. Lowering the setting of your water heater to avoid serious burns is an example of which type of injury-prevention tactics based on energy control? Ans - prevention of energy accumulation

14. The term accident has fallen into disfavor and disuse with many public health officials and now has been replaced with the term unintentional injury.

15. One of the single most important risk factors for unintentional injuries is alcohol.

16. Child neglect is the failure of a parent or legal caretaker to provide the necessary age-appropriate care for a child.

17. The suicide rate for men of all ages is approximately four times that of women.

18. Interpersonal violence disproportionately affects which of the following? A) are frustrated and hopeless; B) those who are jobless and live in poverty; C) those with low self esteem; D) all of these answers are correct. (ans)

17. Which of the following statements about intimate partner violence is not true? A) ans= Rates of victimization by intimate partners have risen since the 1990s; B) One in four women residing in the U.S. has been physically assaulted by an intimate partner; C) A risk factor for intimate partner violence is having a low family income; D) Each year 2-3 million women and men are victimized by their intimate partners; E) Nearly 2/3 of the women who reported being raped, physically assaulted, or stalked since the age 18 were victimized by a current or previous husband, cohabiting partner, boyfriend, or date.

18. Most of the perpetrators of elder maltreatment are their own children.

19. Referring to the public health model for unintentional injuries, which of the following occupies the position of agent? A) pathogen; B) energy; (answer) C) bacteria; D) perpetrator; E) guns

20. Males suffer higher unintentional injury death rates than females for virtually all types of unintentional injury deaths. The greatest difference between male and female injury death rates is for deaths caused by falls.

21. Injuries are physical damage that can result from exposure to: A) mechanical energy; B) heat; C) electricity; D) chemicals; E) all of the above (ans)

22. For which of the following age groups are the highest number of nonfatal firearm injuries treated in hospital emergency departments? Ans: 15-24 (teenagers and adults)

23. Which of the following is the leading cause of unintentional fatal injuries? Ans: motor vehicle crashes

24. Unintentional injuries include those resulting from: A) car crashes and falls; B) assaults and suicides; C) drownings and fires; D) A and B; E) A and C (ans)

25. Most cases of child maltreatment are reported by a professional (teacher, nurse, etc).

26. The use of potholders in the kitchen is an example of a prevention method using the inappropriate release of energy of injury-prevention tactics based on energy control?

27. The second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths is poisonings.

28. Which of the following statements about school violence is not true? A) Bullying is associated with violence-related behavior; B) More than half of schools use drug-sniffing dogs or security cameras; C) Recently, violence in public schools has increased; D) Ans = The incidence of weapon carrying has increased; E) There is more violence immediately after school than in school.

28. Hazards do cause unintentional injuries.

29. One barrier to preventing motor vehicle crashes and crash injuries is the absence of a federally supported reporting system. (False)

30. More people die from unintentional injuries associated with motor vehicle crashes than any other type of injury.

31. Younger children are more likely to be abused than older children.

32. The "Brady Bill" signed in 1993 was an attempt to reduce interstate gun trafficking by requiring a five-day waiting period and a background check on all handgun buyers.

33. The majority of known abusers of elders are unlicensed employees of nursing homes. (false)

34. The homicide rate in the United States is significantly higher than in other industrialized nations.

35. One of the most common categories of child neglect is educational neglect.

36. The primary thesis behind public health legislation to prevent unintentional injuries is "for the good of the total public, to protect the resources, including human life, of the greater public."

37. More than 500,000 women require medical attention for injuries resulting from intimate partner violence each year.

38. While more injuries occur on the road, more deaths occur at home. (false)

39. The majority of all rapes and sexual assaults are committed by someone acquainted with, known to, or related to the victim.

40. A majority of firearm fatalities are intentional.

41. During the past 15 years, the homicide rate in the United States has decreased.

42. Research has failed to find evidence to support the idea that current gun control legislation has been effective in reducing gun violence.

43. The best approach against gang violence is a multi-faceted effort.

44. Injuries are the leading cause of emergency department visits.

45. Motor vehicle-associated fatalities are not just an American phenomenon.

46. About twice as many male deaths can be attributed to unintentional injury than female deaths.

47. Bullying or being bullied are associated with violence in schools.

48. Research indicates a relationship between income level and risk for becoming a victim of violence.

49. Based upon the model for unintentional injuries, there are four types of actions that can be taken to prevent or reduce the number and seriousness of unintentional injuries and deaths. Name the four and give an example of each. Answers: (1) prevention of the accumulation of the injury-producing agent-energy-reducing speed limits; (2) prevention of the inappropriate release of excess energy or modify its release in some way-flame-retardant fabric; (3) placement or a barrier between the host and agent-insulation around electrical wires; and (4) separation of the host from the potentially dangerous sources of energy-locking up guns and poisons.

50. Characterize the problem of elder maltreatment in the United States. Answer: It is estimated that between one and two million elders are victims of maltreatment each year. The usual perpetrators are family members including the adult children and spouses of adult children. Maltreatment includes abuse, neglect, and exploitation including stealing of money and valuables. Elder maltreatment is underreported and accurate statistics are unavailable.

51. Describe the risk factors for intimate partner violence. Answer - Income below $10,000, being young, living with a partner who abuses alcohol or other drugs, experiencing a previous episode of abuse.

52. Explain the difference between child abuse and child neglect. Answer - Child abuse is the intentional physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual mistreatment of a minor. Child neglect is the failure to provide care or other necessary subsistence for a child.

53. Give an example for each of the four broad strategies for the prevention of unintentional injuries: education, regulation, automatic protection, and litigation. Answer- (1) education-fire drills, lessons on bicycle safety, and other safety lessons; (2) regulation -speed limits, safety belt laws, motorcycle helmet laws, laws about fences around swimming pools; (3) automatic protection-child proof safety caps, air bags, and automatic safety belts; (4) litigation-any court case resulting in safer behavior.

54. How did each of the following contribute to early injury prevention and control:
Hugh De Haven, John E. Gordon, James Gibson and William Haddon, Jr.?

Answers: Hugh De Haven-studied victims of falls in an effort to design ways to reduce the force of impact on a body. John E. Gordon-proposed in 1949 that the tools of epidemiology be used to analyze injuries. James Gibson-proposed the idea that injuries were caused by energy exchange. William Haddon, Jr.,- the founding father of modern injury-prevention research and the foremost expert on highway safety in the 1960s.

55. Identify the four characteristics of unintentional injury. Answers: (1) They are unplanned events; (2) they usually are preceded by an unsafe act or condition (hazard); (3) they often are accompanied by economic loss; and (4) they interrupt the efficient completion of a tasks.

56. Using the model of unintentional injuries, create and label a triangle below using the example of injury resulting from a motor vehicle crash on an icy road. Answers: Triangle-top is the agent, energy (moving car), bottom right corner is the environment (icy road), bottom left corner is the host (automobile passenger).

57. What six elements need to be addressed in an integrated, communitywide, Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative? Answers: 1) a safe school environment; (2) alcohol and other drugs and violence prevention and early intervention; (3) school and community mental health preventive and treatment intervention services; (4) early childhood psychosocial and emotional development services; (5) supporting and connecting schools and communities; (6) safe school policies.
