Hi everyone!

We are off to a great start in third grade! I am so impressed with your students. They come to school prepared and ready to learn every day. It was great to talk with so many of you at conferences, I enjoyed learning more about your students.

Upcoming Dates:

Mon 10/24 - Fire Department Visits Alden for a fire safety talk

Tue 10/25 -Passport Check(PTA is still looking for volunteers to help out! Let me know if you are interested)

Mon 10/31 - Halloween Party (Thank you Jill for organizing this!) Students are welcome to bring their costumes, however I ask that there areno masks!

Mon 11/7 - Business Night @ 5:30

Tues 11/8 - No School! Election Day

Fri. 11/11 - No School! Veterans Day

Fri 11/18 - Alden Double Dare

Wed 11/23 - 1/2 Day - Dismissal @ 10:35, End of Term 1

Thur 11/24 - No School! Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble

Fri 11/25 - No School!

Tues 11/29 - Passport Check

What Are We Learning?


  • Topic 4: We are still working on our multiplication facts. We have learned several strategies and properties to help us solve. We have also been working on our division facts. We have been focusing on our abilities to use multiplication facts to solve division problems. The students are showing great progress in their math fact abilities. Please continue to work on these at home as they are vital to math success in third grade!
  • Topics 5 & 6 will also focus on multiplication & division. We will also be introducing area in Topic 6.


  • Our Daily 5 model is now in full swing. The students have a lot of independence during this time. I check in on their 'check list' periodically throughout the week, but they are doing a great job at doing what they need to do and seem to be enjoying the freedom.
  • Reading:We are still in our Spending & Saving Unit. The students have been reading texts focused around money and businesses. The reading skills we have been working on are sequencing a story and story mapping. The students have started taking Accelerated Reader quizzes after they finish a book, they are doing a great job. I encourage them to take 3 AR tests a term. I am also hoping to start up book clubs in the very near future!
  • Writing: We have been focusing on writing well structured paragraphs that include a topic sentence, 3-4 detail sentences, and a conclusion. We will begin our first full writing unit, expository writing, in the next couple of weeks.
  • Spelling: Spelling seems to be going well as we are including it in more of our daily literacy work. The students are studying the words and creating new ways to practice their spelling words. The students are expected to study their words at home, but there is no written spelling homework. We will continue to have a spelling test every other week!


  • Our focus this term has been states of matter. We have been learning about the different states of matter and the properties that they have. We have also been discussing how states of matter change when the temperature changes.

Social Studies:

  • In Social Studies, Mrs. Miele is teaching the students where in the world they are. They are learning how to use maps as a tool. The students have also been discussing the upcoming election and what a democracy is.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • As I mentioned earlier, the PTA is looking for volunteers to help with the passport checks. Please consider volunteering, the students LOVE passport and its a great opportunity to have discussions with the kiddos. Here is the link to sign up:
  • Next Tuesday:I am looking for 1 volunteer to help with my candy corn fact family project. You will be helping the students cut and glue and check that the facts are correct. The time frame would be about 9:45 - 11:00.
  • Halloween Math Activity:I know some of you are already coming in to help with the Halloween party, but I would love to have a volunteer in the morning to help with a Multiplication Monsters project I am planning. The time frame would be 8:45 - 10:15.
  • I will be reaching out soon as I am hoping to have volunteers a couple of times a week during our math block to help with the hands-on station, usually this consists of games/crafts/etc. This would typically be 8:45 - 10:15 on Monday, Thursday, or Friday.
  • I will also probably be needing a few volunteers in the days before business night to help with final preparations.


  • Homework seems to be going well. I appreciate you taking the time to come up with ways to practice math facts and study spelling words. Just a reminder that your kids should be reading for at least 15 minutes and practice math facts for at least 10 minutes. Spelling practice is not required, however it isHIGHLY ENCOURAGED.I do a lot with them in school, but it always helps to at least take a practice test at home to review.
  • If you are ever in need of new ways to read, practice math facts, or study spelling please let me know. I am happy to develop a plan with you or send home some suggestions.
  • Math: Many students love playing games on multiplication.com. Another great way to practice is multiplication war. It is played like traditional war except when you each put your card down, the first one to multiply the two numbers together correctly wins! SO FUN (and kids always love a little friendly competition)
  • Reading: I know it can be hard to get your child to sit down and really read for 15 minutes. Students are welcome to do a LESSON (lesson is more effective then just games) on Reading Eggspress or listen to a story on my teacher page. These may be great alternatives for your child!
  • I am still asking the students to do Xtra MathAT LEASTonce a week. Many students interpret this as just once a week, but they are more than welcome to do it every night (Personally, I think this is the most effective and efficient way to practice your math facts).

Thank you for all of your support. As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have!