The Board of Aldermen of the City of Springhill, Louisiana met in regular session in the Council Chambers at Springhill City Hall on Monday, September 12, 2016 at 5:00 P.M. with Mayor Carroll Breauxpresiding.

PRESENT:Dimettera Frazier,Dennis Smith, Ross Fleming, Adam Harris, and Ronnie Dees,Aldermen.


Mike Dunaway, Public Works Director,opened the meeting with prayer.

Carroll Breaux, Mayor, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Adam Harris, to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting held on August 8,2016.



An Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance supplementing and amending Chapter 102 entitled “Taxation”, Article 2 entitled “Ad Valorem Tax”, Code of Ordinances, City of Springhill, levying taxes of 7.73 mills general alimony tax and 2.70 mills retirement of bonded indebtedness, on all taxable property in the City of Springhill, Louisiana for the year 2016” was presented.

MOTION was made by Dimettera Frazier, seconded by Dennis Smith, to adopt said Ordinance. (A copy of Ordinance #513 is attached hereto and made a part hereof).


An Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Establishing Water and Sewer Rates for the Fiscal Year of 2016 and 2017”was presented.

MOTION was made by Adam Harris, seconded by Dennis Smith, to adopt said Ordinance. (A copy of Ordinance #514 is attached hereto and made a part hereof).


MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Adam Harris, to adopt a Resolution for Act 16 of 2016 Capital Outlay Appropriations for Project #50-MS5-16-01 for the City of Springhill for the Recreational Complex Renovation, Planning, and Construction.


MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Ronnie Dees, to adopt a Resolution directing and authorizing the Louisiana State Mineral Board and Energy Board and the Office of Mineral Resources to accept nominations, advertise for, accept and award bids, and execute all oil, gas and mineral leases.


A Resolution entitled “A Resolution Adopting the Webster Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan 2016” was presented.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Dimettera Frazier, to adopt said Resolution.


A Resolution entitled “A Resolution granting preliminary authority for the City of Springhill, State of Louisiana (The “City” or “Issuer”), to issue sell and deliver in the name of the City, Utilities System Revenue Refunding Bonds in an amount not exceeding six million dollars ($6,000,000), in one or more series, for the purpose of refunding the prior bonds (as defined herein); seeking state bond commission approval; providing for the employment of bond counsel, a municipal advisor, and an underwriter/placement agent; and providing for other matters therewith” was presented.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Adam Harris, to adopt said Resolution.


MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Dennis Smith, to authorize the Mayor to sign an engagement letter with Crews & Associates, Inc. pertaining to the City of Springhill, State of Louisiana Utilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 (Refunding Series 2006 Bonds).


The next item on the agenda was to consider the donation of adjudicated property located on 6th Street NE to the Fuller Center.

Derek Melancon of the Fuller Center called that afternoon and asked that this item be removed from the agenda as the property was no longer needed as the Fuller Center had received a donation of two other properties and no longer wished to acquire this particular piece of property.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Dimettera Frazier, to table this agenda item.


MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Dennis Smith, to authorize the Mayor to purchase up to twenty (20) round tables and ten (10) eight foot tables.


MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Adam Harris, to authorize the Mayor to contract out service to power wash the Community Activity Building and sidewalk.


MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Ross Fleming, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a cooperative endeavor agreement with the Springhill Rodeo Association for the donation of thirty (30) lights from the old ball park that are no longer being used.


MOTION was made by Dennis Smith, seconded by Ross Fleming, authorizing the Mayor to enter into an airport hangar lease with Chad Morgan.


MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Adam Harris, to accept the recommendations from Mayor Breaux pertaining to the building rules and regulations for all city facilities.


MOTION was made by Ross Fleming, seconded by Ronnie Dees, to authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with James Purpera for the renewal of services for state capital outlay consulting services for September 2016 through August 2017 in the amount of $3,600.00.


MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Adam Harris, to authorize the Mayor to accept the KABOOM! Grant in the amount of $15,000.00 for playground equipment for the walking trail.


Police Chief Will Lynd made a recommendation to the Mayor and Council to hire Mandy Wedgeworth as a full time dispatcher for the Springhill Police Department.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Dimettera Frazier, to accept the Police Chief’s recommendation to hire Mandy Wedgeworth as a full time dispatcher.

After a brief discussion Mayor Breaux asked for a roll call vote.

The vote was as follows: Alderman Dimettera Frazier------Yes

Alderman Dennis Smith------Yes

Alderman Ross Fleming------Yes

Alderman Adam Harris------No

Alderman Ronnie Dees------Yes

The vote was four in favor and one against.


Police Chief Will Lynd made a recommendation to the Mayor and Council to raise full time police dispatchers from tier level 10 on the payscale chart to tier level 12.

Discussion followed with various questions being asked and some comments being made.

Alderman Dees then made the statement that he thought the Council was out of order because discussion had started without a motion and a second.

MOTION was made by Ronnie Dees, seconded by Dimettera Frazier, to accept the recommendation from the Police Chief to raise full time police dispatchers from a tier level 10 on the payscale to a tier level 12.

More discussion followed.

MOTION was made by Ross Fleming to amend the original motion to move the full time dispatchers from a tier level 10 to a tier level 11 with the starting base pay at $10.46 an hour, after a ninety (90) day probation period they will be moved up to $10.87 an hour, after one year of service to $11.31 an hour, and after two years to $11.76 an hour.

More discussion followed with more comments being made.

MOTION was made by Adam Harris to table the motion to a later date so that more study could be made concerning the matter.

At this time Alderman Dees called for the question that weren’t we out of order because there had been no second to the amended motion.

After some brief discussion it was decided that because there was no second to the amended motion the motion dies for the lack of a second, and the motion to table could not be brought up.

Mayor Breaux stated that the original motion to raise full time police dispatchers from a tier level 10 on the payscale chart up to a tier level 12 on the chart be brought to a roll call vote.

The vote was as follows: Alderman Dimettera Frazier------Yes

Alderman Dennis Smith------Yes

Alderman Ross Fleming------Yes

Alderman Adam Harris------No

Alderman Ronnie Dees------Yes

The vote was four in favor and one against.


MOTION was made by Dennis Smith, seconded by Adam Harris, to pay the bills for August 2016 totaling $63,583.52.



Shelli Malone, City Clerk Carroll Breaux, Mayor