/ Faculty of Law



August 2013 Intake

Content Page
General Information……………………………………………...………………...
Instructions to Applicants…………………………………......
Application Checklist……………………………...…………………………...…..
Application Acknowledgement Letter…………...……......
Application Form (4 pages)……………………………......
Transcript Request Form………………………………………………………….
Rank Certification Request Form……………......
Application Fee Payment Form.…………………………………………………. / Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
Annex G
Annex H

Important Notes:

1.Completing an application

Please read carefully and adhere to the instructions as set out in Annex B of this application form. Ensure that all relevant sections are clearly completed.

2.Submission of an application and documents

Please submit your completed Application Form with all supporting documents (Annexes D to H) to the address below by the application closing date:

Graduate Admissions

Faculty of Law

NationalUniversity of Singapore

Eu TongSenBuilding

469G Bukit Timah Road

Singapore 259776

(Attn: 2013 Part A Bar Course/Examination)

Application Closing Date: 15May2013

3. Communications

Due to the large number of applicants seeking admission, we regret that we will not be able to attend to enquiries on the status of applications or receipt of documents. You may wish to consider sending your application via registered mail or courier service. We will communicate with you via email if clarifications are needed by the University.

Annex A

/ Faculty of Law
General Information

1.Part A of the Singapore Bar Examinations is a conversion examination for overseas graduates who intend to apply for admission to the Singapore Bar. It replaces the previous Graduate Diploma in Singapore Law which was discontinued in 2009.

2.The preparatory Course for the Part A Examination will be conducted from August to November 2013and the Examination is in mid to 3rd week of November2013. Please refer to for details. There is only one intake per year. The preparatory Course is optional, which means that individuals have the option to take the Examination without undergoing the Course.

3.If you wish to register only for the Part A Bar Examination without undergoing the Course, you will still have to fill in this Application Form and submit the full set of supporting documents. If you are registering only for the Examination, please indicate your choice clearly in the application form. Please note that the same submission deadline applies to all applicants, including those who are registering only for the Examination.

4.To be admitted to the Singapore Bar, individuals must fulfil all the requirements of being a “qualified person” as defined in the Legal Profession Act read with the Legal Profession (Qualified Persons) Rules. For most individuals, the “qualified person” requirements will include being a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, graduating from an approved university with an approved law degree read over at least 3 years as a full-time internal candidate, attaining at least Lower Second Class Honours or equivalent for that degree, passing Part A of the Bar Examinations, and obtaining at least 6 continuous months of "relevant legal practice or work" and/or "relevant legal training" (as defined in the Legal Profession (Qualified Persons) Rules).

5.You will be eligible to take Part A if you meet all the academic “qualified person” requirements. You can still take Part A even if you do not meet the following “qualified person” requirements (although please note that you would need to satisfy these requirements or obtain the necessary exemption prior to taking Part B of the Bar Examinations, commencing the practice training period, and being admitted to the Bar):

  • the requirement to be a Singapore citizen or permanent resident; and / or
  • the requirement to have obtained at least 6 continuous months of “relevant legal practice or work” and / or “relevant legal training” as defined in the Legal Profession (Qualified Persons) Rules).

6. Please note that you do not need to take Part A if you are already a “qualified person”. To check if you are or can become a “qualified person”, please use the online guide ‘AmI a Qualified Person?’ on the Ministry of Law’s website at:

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This is a particularly important step for applicants with Juris Doctor degrees, dual degrees, joint/combined degrees, external or distance learning degrees, degrees of less than 3 years in length, degrees obtained by way of a twinning programme, and degrees from universities that are not approved.

7.If you are not eligible to take Part A (please see paragraph 6 above), you can try appealing to the Minister for Law for an exemption. Details of the exemption procedure can be found on the Ministry of Law’swebsite at:

8.As it can take 2-3 months for appeals to be processed by the Ministry of Law, you should submit your Part A application form to NUS before the application closing date while waiting for the decision from the Ministry of Law. Please note that NUS can make offers (including conditional offers) only AFTER the Ministry of Law has granted an applicant the exemption. Applicants will be required to submit a copy of the letter of exemption to NUS.

9.Please note that acceptance into and completion of the Part A Bar Course and Examination do not, in themselves, qualify a person as an Advocate and Solicitor in Singapore.

10.For enquiries about the “qualified person” requirements, admission into the Singapore Bar, and appeals for exemption, please contact the Ministry of Lawat:

11.Applicants are encouraged to obtain more information on the Course and Examination from our website at:

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Annex B

/ Faculty of Law
Instructions to Applicants

Application Acknowledgement Letter (Annex D)

  • Please write your name and email address clearly on the acknowledgement letter and return it together with the Application Form. All correspondences by the University will be conducted via email. An applicant should maintain a functional email at all times.

Application Form (Annex E)

  • Please complete ALL sections in English. Where relevant, write in clear BLOCK or CAPITAL LETTERS. All supporting documents, if not in English, must be accompanied by copies of the English translation of the documents together with the documents in their original languages.
  • Any omission of information required in the application forms or supporting documents will cause delay and may render the application void.
  • TheApplication Form and all supporting documents must reach us by the given deadline. We regret that incomplete or late applicationswill not be considered.
  • All documents submitted in support of the application will be retained by the University for record purposes and are non-returnable.

Transcript Request Form (Annex F)

  • Applicants are to request for official transcripts directly from their university/universities.
  • The official transcript(s) must be enclosed in a SEALED envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the university and the signature of the Registrar or his/her representative.
  • The official transcript(s) must be submitted together with the Application Form. Please use the attached Transcript Request form to obtain your transcript.

Rank Certification Request Form (Annex G)

(Applicable only to graduates from scheduled universities in Australia, New Zealand and the United States)

  • Applicants are to request for the official rank certification document directly from their university/universities.
  • The official rank certification document must be enclosed in a SEALED envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the university and the signature of the Registrar or his/her representative. Where appropriate, the official rank certification document may be enclosed in the same sealed envelope for the official transcript.
  • The official rank certification document must be submitted together with the Application Form. Please use the attached Rank Certification Request Form for this purpose.

Application Fee Payment Form (Annex H)

  • Each application should be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of S$40.00 (inclusive of GST).We regret that applications that are not accompanied by the application fee cannot be processed.
  • Please note that late applications received beyond 15 May 2013 will be considered on an extenuating case-by-case basis. If a late application is accepted, a non-refundable application fee of S$200.00 (inclusive of GST), instead of S$40.00, will be applicable. However, we cannot guarantee that the application outcome will be released in time before the course starts.
  • Cheque/Money Order/Bank Draft Payment

(i)Personal cheques are accepted only from applicants in Singapore. Foreign applicants are requested to send only bank drafts drawn on a bank with a clearing bank/branch in Singapore. All payment must be in Singapore dollars.

(ii)Cheques/money orders/bank drafts must be crossed and made payable to National University of Singapore.

(iii)Applicants are to write their names, the programme they are applying for (Part A Bar Course/Examination) and contact telephone numbers on the reverse side of the cheque/money order/bank draft.

(iv)Applicants are to complete the Application Fee Payment Form and submit it together with the Application Form.

  • Credit Card Payment

(i)Only payment by Visa, MasterCard or American Express is accepted.

(ii)Applicants are to provide their credit card details (full name as appears on card, card number and expiry date of card) on the Application Fee Payment Form.

Annex C

/ Faculty of Law
Application Checklist

Please ensure that you have included the following documents in your application and arranged them in the following sequence:

  • The completed Application Acknowledgement Letter (Annex D)
  • The completed Application Form (Annex E) with a recent passport-size photograph attached in the box provided in the form.
  • Supporting Documents (to be arranged in the following order):

Photocopy of NRIC and Citizenship Certificate (if applicable)(for Singapore Citizens)

Photocopy of NRIC and Re-Entry Permit (for Singapore PRs)

Photocopy of Passport page showing nationality and personal details or Identity Card (with English translation, if applicable) (for non-Singapore Citizens/PRs)

(Note: A copy of the passport page is preferred. If you do not have a passport at the point of application, please indicate so in the form and submit a copy as soon as it is available.)

Official Bachelor’s Degree/Juris Doctor Degree Transcript(with English translation, if applicable). If you are graduating in July 2013, you must submit your Years 1 and 2 transcripts first.

Certified copy of Bachelor’s Degree/Juris Doctor Degree Certificate(with English translation, if applicable). If you are graduating in July 2013, you must submit this document at the point of registration for the Course/Exam.

Official Rank Certification Document, where applicable(with English translation, if applicable)

Copy of Letter of Exemption from the Ministry of Law, where applicable

Others (e.g. copy of membership of organisations, scholarships or awards received, etc.)

Application Fee of S$40.00accompanied by Application Fee Payment Form (Annex H)


Annex D

/ Faculty of Law
Application Acknowledgement Letter
Please indicate your choice with a TICK  in the relevant box:
Applying for Bar Course and Examination
Applying for Examination Only
Full Name(Underline Surname) / : / ) / (To be completed
Email Address / : / ) / by applicant)
(Please list only one)
For Official Use:
Date of receipt of application / :
Date of acknowledgement / :
1. / We have received your application for the above course / examination.
2. / Your application is  complete  incomplete*.
*We have not received the following documents marked with a tick :
Photocopy of NRIC/Citizenship Certificate/Re-Entry Permit for PR/Passport
Official Bachelor’s Degree/Juris Doctor Degree Transcript(with English translation, if applicable. If you are graduating in 2013, please submit your final transcripts by end July 2013)
Certified copy of Bachelor’s Degree/Juris Doctor Degree Certificate(with English translation, if applicable. If you are graduating in 2013, please submit your degree certificate (s) by end July 2013)
Official Rank Certification Document, where applicable(with English translation, if applicable.)
Copy of Letter of Exemption from the Ministry of Law, where applicable(Please check the Ministry of Law’s website to confirm if you need to appeal for exemption.)
Application Fee of S$40.00 with Application Fee Payment Form
Others: ______
3. / Please mail to us a copy of this letter together with the required documents preferably within one week of the date of acknowledgement indicated above or as stated accordingly to avoid any delay in processing.
4. / We will process your application (after receiving the above documents, if applicable) and you will be informed via email of the outcome in mid July.

Name of Processing Staff: ______

Mailing Address: Graduate Admissions, Faculty of Law, NationalUniversity of Singapore,

Eu TongSenBuilding, 469G Bukit Timah Road, Singapore259776.

(Attn: 2013 Part A Bar Course and Exam)

Annex E

/ Faculty of Law

Application Form for Part A Bar Course & Examination

Please indicate your choice with a TICK  in the relevant box:

Applying for Bar Course and Examination

Applying for Examination Only

Please TICK  in relevant box

Name / Gender
 Male  Female
(Please circle one and underline your surname)
Permanent Home Address / Telephone No. (Home)
( )
Postal/Zip Code:
Fax No. (Home)
( )
Mailing Address (Fill in only if different from Home Address) / Mobile Phone No.
( )
Postal / Zip Code:
Office Address(If applicable) / Telephone No. (Office)
( )
Postal/Zip Code:
Fax No. (Office)
( )
Email Address(Please list only one and ensure that it is functional at all time.)
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) / Place/Country of Birth / Domicile (Country you live in permanently)
Marital Status / Age
 Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated
 Singapore (NRIC No.: ______)
 Singapore Permanent Resident (NRIC No.: ______)
Country of Citizenship: ______(Passport No.: ______)
 Others - Country of Citizenship: ______(Passport No.: ______)
National Service (For Singapore Citizens/Permanent Residents only)
 Completed (ORD: ______) Currently serving (ORD: ______)
 Disrupted Exempted Not Applicable

Part A – 2013Page 1 of 4

Name / Relationship
Dr/Mr/Ms / Mdm / Miss
(Please circle one)
Permanent Home Address
(Fill in only if different from Applicant’s Home Address)
Postal/Zip Code: / Telephone No. (Home)
( )
Telephone No. (Office)
( )
Occupation / Mobile Phone No.
( )
(i) High School Education
Name and Country of High School/Junior College: ______
(ii) Tertiary/University Education
Name and Country of University:______
Degree Programme: LL.B.B.A. Law B.A. Jurisprudence J.D.
 Others (Please specify: ______)
Date of Admission(dd/mm/yyyy): ______
Date of Graduation or Expected Graduation (dd/mm/yyyy):______
Programme Type:
 Full-time Internal (Single Degree Programme) Full-time Internal (Dual Degree Programme)
 Distance Learning External  Twinning Others (Please specify: ______)
Important: Please read ‘General Information’ paragraphs 6 – 8.
Class of Honours/Ranking:
UK Universities: Class of Honours: ______ Awaiting Confirmation
Australian / New Zealand / US Universities: Top 70%  Beyond 70% Awaiting Confirmation
Important: Please read ‘General Information’ paragraphs 6 – 8.
(iii) Professional Qualification (e.g. Bar Membership)
(mm/yy) / To
(mm/yy) / Name & Location of Issuing Body / Qualification & Date Obtained / Class/
(if relevant)

Part A – 2013Page 2 of 4

(vi) Membership of Professional Organisations
(mm/yy) / To
(mm/yy) / Name of Organisation / Post Held /
Membership Status
(v) Scholarships, Prizes or Other Awards Received
(mm/yy) / To
(mm/yy) / Name of Scholarship, Prize or Award / Name of Issuing Body
(Please note that this information is mandatory if you are admitted to practise law in other jurisdictions.)
Jurisdiction of Admission
(Country & City/State) / Date of Admission(mm/yy) / Please state length of Legal Experience in Jurisdiction
(in years and months)
(This should include only (a) formal training e.g. pupillage, training contract; (b) practice as a qualified lawyer in a law firm; and (c) experience as legal counsel at a listed company. It should not include paralegal or legal executive experience, attachments, internships or work experience.)
[E] WORK EXPERIENCE (Please note that this information is mandatory if you have work experience. Please list jobs held during the last 5 years, including present occupation.)
(mm/yy) / To
(mm/yy) / Name & Location of
Firm / Organisation / Title & Nature
of Work / Reason for Leaving

Part A – 2013Page 3 of 4

Have you previously applied for admission or been admitted to the optional course for Part A of the Bar Examination or taken Part A of the Bar examination?
 No  Yes (Please provide details below)
Year of Application: ______Year of Course / Examination: ______
Outcome of previous application/admission:
 Rejected Withdrawn Failed(Please list the module(s)failed)______
Have you previously applied or been admitted to any graduate programme(s) at NUS or any Singapore institutions?
 No (Please proceed to Section G)  Yes (Please provide details below)
Programme(s) Applied For: ______Year of Application: ______
Outcome of Application:  Successful (Please provide details below) Unsuccessful
Date of Enrolment:From: ______To: ______
Current Status: Graduated Withdrawn  Failed Current Student
Are you applying for any other graduate programme(s) at NUS for the coming session?
 No Yes (Please provide details below)
Programme(s) Applying For: ______
Have you had or do you have any communicable diseases, mental illness, colour blindness, and/or disabilities (including but not limited to chronic illnesses, visual or other physical constraints or limitations) which may or may not cause you to require special assistance or facilities while studying at the University?
 Yes (Please provide all relevant information on a separate sheet of paper and attach the relevant medical
NOTE:This information will enable the University to develop a complete profile of an applicant and to determine whether he/she might need additional resources in his/her studies.
The Universitydoes not, however, guarantee the provision of special aid (financial or otherwise) to any student.
The information provided here will be kept strictly confidential.
  • I understand that my acceptance for the Part A Bar Course and Examination is subject to the approval of the Ministry of Law and the NationalUniversity of Singapore.
  • I affirm that all statements I have made on this form are correct. I understand that any inaccurate or false information (or omission of material information) will render this application invalid and that, if admitted on the basis of such information, I can be required to withdraw from the Course and Examination.

Signature / Date

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