OLRA Board of DirectorsMeeting

Minutes for 25 February, 2009

7 pm, OldLymeHigh SchoolCafeteria

In attendance: L.Louise Brown, Anu KoivHaus, Greg Hack, Chris Steiger, Dick Conniff, Austin Hack, Chris McCawley, Rob Durham

Regrets: Jim Mayne, John Laundon, Melissa Bennett, Erin Bennett, Louis Zubek

Topic/Objective AttachmentsComments/Action Items

1. Minutes of prior meeting:
-Board to Review/Approve / 13Jan and 27Jan min TBD / Minutes of previous meetings (13Jan and 27Jan) not reviewed; ACTION: address at next meeting
2. OLRA By-Laws:
- Review, approval of current By-Laws (2005 version, any additional amendments?) for OLRA board minutes / / Per Dick Conniff, this attached version of January 2005 was previously approved at the2005 annual meeting
ACTION (Chris):
Ensure attached document is posted on OLRA website
3. Welcome new Board members (and old!)
-Election of Board Officers as described in the by-laws / The following Officerswere approved for 2009-2010:
President: Dick Conniff
Vice-President: L.Louise Brown
Secretary: Jim Mayne
Treasurer: Greg Hack
ACTION: Post on website with list of 2009 Board from Annual Meeting minutes
4. Additional Key OLRA Roles/Committee Chairs / The following roles for 2009 were discussed and volunteers proposed/agreed:
Club Captains (e.g. oversee safety, boat qualifications):
Masters Women: Kristy Dorsey
Masters Men: Rob Durham
Student Captains:(current)
Girls: Annie Bill, Erin Bennett, Sydney Groth
Boys: Austin Hack, James Spina
Summer Program Manager: Erin Andersen
Summer Program Liaison: L.Louise Brown
Equipment Managers:
Masters Women: Julie Harrigan
Masters Men Don Schoener
Parents Booster Coordinator:Anu Koivhuas, Melissa Bennett
Racing Coordinator: Chris Steiger
Fundraising Chair:Anu Koivhaus/ Lara Norman-Gohn
Communications/Web: Chris McCawley, John Laundon
Registrar: Betsy Buch
Trailer Maintenance: Tom Torgesen
The Board was reminded of the prior establishment of Boat Purchase Committee comprised of: Greg Hack, Chris Steiger, Louis Zubek and Kristy Dorsey
Mention was also made of current Chaseboat Coordinators Maxine Shepatin and Rob Durham
ACTION: When final, post on website
5. Treasurer’s Report / / -See attachments
-Greg reviewedcurrent balance making note of recent income from Town of OL per summer dues, Town administrative fee of $1000 to be charged to OLRA*) and January expenditures especially toward new boat purchases (see his email attached summarizing status of that topic)
*Note: RE Town fee, we’re haggling with then over their attempt to deduct twice, because they say they forgot to do it on 2008. Greg and Dick pursuing
6. HS Season Prep / - Loius has expressed an interest in obtaining buoys. Board agreed to explore this.
ACTION: Austin, Erin to obtain names of new HS rowers & parents for club email list (for B. Hack)
7. Summer Rowing Prep
-Chaseboat operators
-Possible Coaches / / - Chaseboat driver ad to be provided to OLRA distribution list. ACTION Chris provide for distributionto B Hack (see attached)
- Erin Andersen was provided with names of possible coaches
8. Fund Raising Letter / - Board to review draft letter RE naming rights for new boats
- Dick to provide package at Coldwell Real Estate office for Board members to pick up and address.
- BOD to review political donor web list provided by Dick to identify known folk to contact
- Expand list to HS parents, OLRA
- Following brief discussion of focused “OLRA Parents” fundraising letter it was decided not to pursue at this time
9. Communications/Web / -Recent Website Bulletin Board postings:
Erin Andersen’s contact information
List of Alumni Rowers
CT Indoor Champ Masters 40-49 Champ Rob Durham
Volunteer recognitions 2008 (please FWD new
- ACTIONS (Chris)
(1) Provide following docs to John L:
(a) By-Laws of 2005
(b) List of Officers 2009
(c) List of Key Roles/Committee Chairs
(d) Recent BOD Minutes (13Jan, 27 Jan, 25Feb)
(2) Investigate ListServ options with John to enhance distribution of web updates to membership
10. Boathouse Renovations / / -Board agreed to allocate $300 for materials to upgrade the racks in the west bay of the boathouse to improve use of space per design developed by John Parker (diagram attached). For ease of boat movements, it was also proposed to 1 chaseboat in each bay rather than 2 boats in the west bay.
- A boathouse workday for these renovations of 21 March was proposed/agreed. Post-Meeting Note: the date has been revised to Saturday 28 March at 9:00 am
11. Other Business
- Boathouse Log
- Open House
- Friday Fun Rows / Boathouse Logbook discussed
-Board agreed it was appropriate to reinstate the rowing logbook and to enter all rows as an aid to tracking boat usage and maintenance needs. ACTION Rob to address per available logs
Open House
- Idea of Spring open house discussed. Date not selected
Friday Fun Rows
- Idea for monthly Friday evening short rows followed by potluck was suggested; Rob Durham and L. Brown following up