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December 2, 2013

Public Works Committee Meeting

5:00 p.m. in the Village Hall

Trustees Present: Chairman Mike McKinnon, Stan Maligranda, and Paul Elsen

Guests: Matt Campbell (Fehr-Graham - Village Engineer), Mike Forslund (Strand & Associates), Chad Insko (Director of Public Works), Jimmy Johnson (Superintendent of Streets and Fleet Maintenance), Trustee Vivian Gaines, Trustee Don Kimes, Greg Jury, Josh Kraft, Rod Stevens, and President Frank Eubank

President Eubank was asked to take the minutes of the meeting.

1)  Meeting Called to Order - The properly posted meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. President Eubank was asked to take the minutes of the meeting.

2)  Meeting minutes— Trustee Elsen made a motion to approve the Minutes of November 4, 2013. The motion was seconded by Trustee Maligranda. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.

3)  Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest - None

4)  Public Comment— None

5)  Gill’s Contract Discussion- Greg Jury and Josh Kraft were present from Gill’s and Rock River Environmental Services. They mentioned that we can still use the 18 gallon blue bin now and when we get the new 32 gallon or possibly 35 gallon recycle bin with lid – in about 6 weeks. Electronic waste (e-waste) should start sometime in February, 2014. E-waste will include monitors, printers, televisions, and other items that will fit in recyclable bin. Some Mobil stations in Rockford have trailers where you can take televisions. All other services will be the same. Look at putting a draft date on the document so we can tell them apart. Trustee Gaines brought up possibility of renter being Senior Citizen. Paul Elsen suggested that we add language to Paragraph 2, page 1 of contract with Gill’s to allow someone who does not own home show driver’s license and residency. Consensus by those present to add that language. Will look at having wheels on recycle bins, but makes it more difficult to empty. Motion by Paul Elsen recommend the most recent contract with Gill’s as amended with adding language if senior citizen and not homeowner that they show proof of age with driver’s license. Second by Trustee Maligranda. Paul Elsen said at Finance Committee that we will have to add an administration fee as in the past to the contract price and then we will adopt an ordinance with the rates. Trustee Maligranda said we should put a note on Water Bill to be sent out in January. All in favor.

6)  Water Tower/Well Update-

a.  Strand Update

1.  IEPA Loan - IEPA has what they need to conduct their review. If IEPA needs anything else, they will contact Strand. We hope to receive commitment from IEPA in December.

2.  Design – no additional information.

3.  Bids – November 5, opened bids for both projects. One for Well house #3, and other for new elevated tank. $940,000 for well house #3. $1,375,000 for tank – based on 400,000 gallon tank. The deduction was $152,000 for 300,000 gallon and it would be $1,223,000. Sent letter to each apparent low bidder and both sent information to us.

4.  Next steps – up to the Village to determine whether to award contracts contingent upon receiving IEPA loan or could do it not contingent upon IEPA loan.

5.  Water Storage Tank- Trustee Elsen asked about the smaller tank and why do we have that option. If 400,000 gallon tank was too high of a price, then we would also get bid for the smaller 300,000 gallon tank size. Based on sizing the engineer (Strand) believes we only need 300,000 gallon tank size. Chad mentioned building a 600,000 gallon tank and shut down the old tower and that was discussed when growth had been going, but now looking at slower growth. Our existing tank is about 200,000 gallons. We pump about 215,000 gallons per day. Need to take the old tower out of service for approximately 3 to 4 months in order to give it long-needed maintenance – sometime in the next 2 years. Life expectancy of the new tower is approximately 75 years. The old tower was built in 1965. Operationally, the differences between the 400,000 gallon tank versus 300,000 gallon tank is minimal. $150,000 costs approximately $9,300 each year to finance over 20 years based on 2% and we hope to get a lower rate from IEPA of about 1.92 or 1.98%. It would be $0.10 in rate per 1,000 gallons. We will sell about 84,000,000 gallons in 2013. $1.00 of rate brings in $84,000, so $0.10 in rate brings in about $8.40 per year. Our time table to respond to each bid is 85 days from when the bids were open on November 5, 2013. The final date to respond will be January 29, 2014. Maguire Iron, our low bidder, built tank in Galena, IL and Mike Forslund is very comfortable with them. Motion to recommend to board to go forward with Maguire Iron 400,000 gallon tank at $1,375,000 pending approval of IEPA on loan at approximate rate of 2% - made by Trustee Elsen, second by Trustee Maligranda. Unanimous in favor. $141,000 per year at 2% over 20 years which is equivalent to $1.66 per rate if we sell 85,000,000 gallons per year, it will be less if we sell more.

6.  Well House #3 and extension of water main project - All in same contract which includes 12 inch extension from farthest east portion of Willingham to water tower and then back to Village12” main. Additionally, the SCADA pack will be at old tower, new tower, and all 3 well houses (#2, #3, & #4) which will also include additional electrical. Larson & Larson is out of Loves Park, IL They were the low bidder. Mike Forslund was glad to see the grouping of the expenses were “tight.” Strand has not worked with them before, but Chad said Fehr-Graham had some experience with Larson & Larson having done a small job and did a very good job. Most of sub-contractors that will likely be used are familiar ones in the area and industry. Motion to recommend to board to go forward with Larson& Larson for Well House #3, SCADA and water line extension of $940,000 contingent on approval of IEPA on loan. Trustee Maligranda with Motion and Trustee Elsen with second. All voted in favor.

b.  Other

7)  2013 Water Main Project

A.  CDAP – We were unsuccessful in getting the grant from the IEPA. 23 projects awarded with only 4 awarded to the northern municipalities. Our application was 40/40 for points, but 0 out 20 for financial need that is based off of census data. Our Village household income is too high. IEPA is moving deadline back to March of 2014 for next round of CDAP grant applications. We had water main project in at IEPA and looking at grant as main funding source. Would have to look at IEPA low interest funding. 5,000 feet of installing pipe would be approximately $600,000 to the Village. $36,500 is the debt service. This amount has not been discussed as part of the budget, but we would need to have it be part of our budget if we want to move forward with project. We have the construction permit for the first 5,000 feet – project plan is for 17,000 feet total. Plan is to run larger pipe up Swift to Cunningham to Clayton Court and then back to Elida St. and Winnebago Street. Finance Committee has projection of all rates of water income and how it will be applied to all expenses. Action item – for December board meeting to approve the expenditure of $600,000 to complete 5,000 feet of piping. Permit will expire in February of 2015. We could apply for an extension or renewal. Chad said that IEPA has not mandated anything for asbestos piping at 4” water main. However, it is very insufficient for fighting fires – below 500 gallons per minute and cannot fight fires. Need to increase pipe size, pressure and would take out asbestos pipe – it is very fragile when working around that type of pipe. If cannot get grant, then look at Soper Street, when RRWRD looks to extend sewer main, similar to what we did on Swift and part of Soper Street this year. May want to look at doing in house – especially around the old athletic field at S. Swift and Winnebago streets. Unfortunately, we did not get IEPA response until latter part of November instead of August when normally notified.

B.  RRWRD/IGA Joint Water/Sewer Project – As-builts from Fehr-Graham are coming – Matt Campbell has been meeting with Chad Insko and updating Village map and Water Model with new pipe.

8)  Water & Sewer Connection Fees – Looking at our current rates and looking at other area municipalities’ rates to see where we stand. Need to compare connection fees, water rates, and other sources of income that help fund the water infrastructure. Chairman McKinnon has asked for information from Rod Stevens for information on Kelly Meadows – said just have to pay connection fee to Rock River Water Reclamation District. About $1,266 per lot, plus a basin fee. Might want to look at Rockton, Cherry Valley, and other communities that are part of RRWRD and check their water connection fees. Our General Obligation debt from 1980s was used in place of connection fees, so each taxpayer paid that connection fee instead of charging each new property owner. Rockford is different in how they have their water rate and connection fee. Connection fee is to cover our debt service for putting in the new infrastructure. Trustee Elsen suggested that maybe we have a lower connection fee for those parcels that are already platted in existing Village areas (Greenlee has 22 lots, Willingham has over 120 lots, 2 up on Pecatonica Street). Chairman McKinnon believes we need to understand where we are with pre-annexation agreements - we need to know what our rates are versus Rockford and other municipalities. Maybe Village could charge a tax on every parcel sold and Buyer pays it at closing, rather than developer paying it now. Question was asked “how do we get the money back if we lower the connection fees, do we raise rates to all users, do we look at a transfer tax by the Village.” This issue will continue to be investigated and discussed at future committee meetings.

9)  Sale of Surplus Equipment— Crown Victoria – Sitting at the Auction and it is supposed to be up for sale this Saturday, December 6, 2013.

10)  Status of 1 acre Parcel to RRWRD – Survey work should be done next week by Fehr-Graham. RRWRD is in agreement with the parcel mapped out and President Eubank received the fully executed agreement back from RRWRD earlier today.

11)  Water Tank Lease Agreement, T6 Broadband Contract – Waiting for a face to face meeting with T-6 broadband company.

12)  Safe Routes to Schools, Walking Path Grant Application- Meeting coming up this Wednesday, December 4, 2013, at 4:15 p.m. at Village Hall. Discuss the sources for matching funds – School and Park District will be present. President Eubank and Trustee Gaines will be present for the Village along with Matt Campbell from Fehr-Graham.

13)  Accessible Parking for People with Disabilities – Will do them right away in the Spring of 2014.

14)  Striping of vacated part of Church Street for school/park district – Will do it right away in the Spring of 2014.

15)  Islands-

a.  Letters to neighboring property owners regarding invitation to annex to Village – Trustee Elsen said we have 10 properties left that we are seeking to come into the Village. 4 property owners are currently in talks to come into Village. One property owner we are in discussions with the Village did not pay the Plant-Buy-In (PBI) fee and the owner’s taxes will increase $700 per year if comes into Village. It was discussed that maybe we can offer to abate the Village’s portion of the taxes for a number of years equivalent to what other property owners have received recently for waiver of sewer hook-up connections to make it fair to everyone. We can still waive water hook-up and connection fees as we did with other parcels. $1,266 for PBI currently, but January 1, 2014, will be more as stated by RRWRD. Fuller Creek Basin fee is an additional $1,438.00, but will be recalculated, so about $3,000 for residential property to hook up to sewer in or around the Village. Chairman McKinnon asked if we can refund taxes. It was explained to him and the Committee that we currently are doing it with two current properties, so we can do it with this particular property owner. The refund of taxes would be in lieu of waiving sewer connection like we are doing with other properties. Village will also need to look at zoning issue with this particular property owner. Trustee Kimes suggested a possible Special Use Permit so long as the property owner resides at this residence.

16)  Winnebago Highlands Condominium Association Lighting and other open Issues— No update.

17)  GIS Presentation by Fehr-Graham – Matt Campbell gave a presentation to the Committee about GIS (Geographic Information System) database for Village of Winnebago. Fehr-Graham did a joint effort with City of Freeport. WINGIS is what we would use – the GIS system supported by the County of Winnebago. The Committee was given a presentation showing what Rockford has for its water database and RRWRD has for us. The system shows location of all lines, laterals, hydrants, etc. and you get to see everything from aerial view. You can put data on a line, pipe, hydrant, or parcel of property, so you can select a portion of the line or a hydrant and put all types of information (date of installation, size of pipe, type of material, hydrants, etc.) Matt Campbell handed out estimate for the Village water system being put on WINGIS. Phase I would be $3,000 (training and meeting with Village personnel to get information) and Phase 2 would be to put the information on WINGIS (actual GPS readings for all items – hydrants, valve connections, water pipes, etc.) and this phase would cost $17,120.00. Total for everything would be $20,120.00. This set-up would be so much better than just our water model. This system would give us the exact location for all water items, such as buffalo boxes, hydrants, elevations, and our system in comparison to RRWRD. Chad Insko said that there are unbuilt lots in Willingham that may have water service stubbed to them and some of the hardware/connections may become lost or very difficult to locate. If these items had been already part of the WINGIS database, we could pinpoint the location of these items to within inches. Some properties they cannot find the water boxes/valves. Sometimes developers leave things 2 feet below the grade so lawn mowers, tractors do not hit them, but then difficult to locate when hooking up later unless you have this system already in place. Chad Insko also mentioned that our new UDO (Unified Development Ordinance) had the requirement that developers with new subdivisions or plats of land will be required at the developer’s expense to map these water system items using s GPS and software that is compatible with the current version being used for WINGIS. We need to find if Village has password to connect to WINGIS so we can look at the data on WINGIS. Chairman McKinnon asked to find out how much lost man hours in searching for water valves, shut-off valves, etc. occurs in the Village each year.