DEFINATION:Exotoxin is a protein excreted by amicroorganism including bacteria, fungi and protozoa.They produce exotoxin as a part of their growth and multiplication.

Toxin are of two types:

  1. Exotoxin
  2. Endotoxin


  1. Exotoxins are protein in nature(Polypeptide) with molecular weight of 10,000-900,000. Produced by both gram positive and negative bacteria.


Gram-positive:Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Clostridium, Bacillus, C. diphtherae.

Gram-negetive:VibrioCholerae, E.Coli, Bordatellapertusis, Pseudomonas.

  1. Relatively unstable, toxicity often destroyed rapidly by heating at temperatue above 60C exceptional in case of staph enterotoxin.
  2. Highly antigenic.Stimulate formation of high-titer of antibodies called antitoxin.
  3. Highly toxic fatal dose may be one micro-gram such as Tetanus toxin.
  4. Usually bind to specific receptorson cell surface.
  5. Are encoded by genes eg plasmids, B. phage and chromosomal.
  6. Medical importance: it can be consisted to antigenic, nontoxic toxoids by formalin,acid, heat etc. toxoids are used to immunity e.g. tetanus toxoid
  7. Exotoxinsare most toxic substances known eg.Botulinum toxin.


Most exotoxins have two structural domains:

  • A subunit (active domain): That causes cell cytotoxicity.
  • B subunit (binding domain):That binds the “A” domain to specific cellular receptor. A subunit is transferred to the interior of the cell, where the cell ingury is induced.

Isolated A subunits are enzymatically active but lack binding ability and cell entry capability.

Isolated B subunits bind to target cells but they are nontoxic and biologically inactive.

Exotoxin that have an A-B subunit structure-diptheria toxin, tetanus toxin, botulium toxin, cholera toxin, entero toxin of E.coli. Pseudomonusexotoxin A.

The binding of a B subunit determines the specificity of the action of the exotoxin. E.g. botulinum toxic acts on the neuromascular junction because B subunits bind to the specific receptors on the surface of the motor nuron at the junction.

Activaion of toxin: activation occurred due to proteolytic cleavage & reduction of disulphide bond as the folloing figure…

Figure: Diphtheria exotoxin. Intact extracellular toxin binds to aeukaryotic cell by its B region (dark fragment). After proteolytic cleavage andreduction of the disulfide bond, the A region (light fragment) containing theribosylating enzyme is activated.


1.Exotoxins are released from bacteria by specialized structures called secretion systems. Some secretion systems transport the exotoxins into the extracellular space,but others transport the exotoxins directly into the mammalian cell. Those thattransport the exotoxins directly into the mammalian cell are especially effectivebecause the exotoxin is not exposed to antibodies in the extracellular space.Six types of secretion systems have been identified, but the type III secretionsystem (also called an injectosome) is particularly important in virulence. This secretion system is mediated by a needlelike projection (sometimes called a “molecular syringe”) and by transport pumps in the bacterial cell membrane. The importance of the type III secretion system is illustrated by the finding that the strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosathat have this secretion system are significantly more virulent than those that do not. Other medically important gram-negative rods that utilize injectosomes include Shigellaspecies, Salmonella species, E. coli, and Y.pestis.

2.Anothersecration system is the following pic….

3.Some bacteria are released by autilusise.g Cl. Tetani,Cl.botulinim.


  1. According to genetics:
  1. Toxin is encoded on a plasmid e.g.

- LT and St toxins of entropathogenic E. Coli

- Tenustoxintanus of Cl. Tetani.

  1. toxin is encoded on a lysogenic phage e.g.

-C. diphtheria

- C. botulium

- Staph. Aureus

-Strepto. Pyogyn

-Shiga like toxin of E.Coli

- Cholera toxin

3. Chromosomal encoded e.g

- Partussis toxin.

  1. According to function:
  1. Enterotoxin: that affects GIT and include cholera toxin, E.Colienterotoxin. Shiga toxin.
  2. Neurotoxin: that affects cells of nervous tissue e.g. botulinum toxin, tetanus toxin.
  3. Cytotoxin: that affects cells of various tissue e.g. diphtheria toxin, peudomonus toxin.
  1. According to mode of action:

Common exotoxin producing Bacteria:


Exotoxin polypeptide are good antigens and induce the synthesis of protective antibodies called antitoxin, some of which are useful in prevention ofdiseases e.g. botulism, tetanus.


When exotoxin treated withformaldehyde,acid or heat the exotoxin polypeptides are converted into toxoids, which are used in protective vaccines bcausethey retains their antigenicity but have lost their toxicity.



Produced by Corynebacteriumdiphtheriae, inhibits proteinsynthesis by ADP-ribosylation of EF-2.The consequent death of the cells leads to two prominent symptoms of diphtheriae.gpseudomembrane formation in the throat and myocarditis.

The exotoxin binds to cell membrane receptors via a region nearits carboxyl end. The toxin is transported across the membrane, and the proteolyticnick and reduction of the disulfide bonds occur. This releases the active fragment A,which inactivates EF-2. The enzymatic activity is specific for EF-2; no other proteinis ADP-ribosylated. The specificity is due to the presence in EF-2 of a unique aminoacid, a modified histidine called diphthamide. The reaction occurs in all eukaryoticcells; there is no tissue or organ specificity. Prokaryotic and mitochondrial protein

synthesis is not affected because a different, nonsusceptible elongation factor isinvolved. The reaction is as follows:

EF-2 + NAD → EF-2–ADP-ribose + Nicotinamide


Produced by E. coli causes watery, nonbloodydiarrhea by stimulating adenylatecyclase activity in cells in the small intestine. The resulting increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP causesexcretion of the chloride ion, inhibition of sodium ion absorption, and significantfluid and electrolyte loss into the lumen of the gut. The heat-labile toxin, which isinactivated at 65°C for 30 minutes, is composed of two subunits: a B subunit, whichbinds to a ganglioside receptor in the cell membrane, and an A subunit, which entersthe cell and mediates the transfer of ADP-ribose from NAD to a stimulatorycoupling protein (Gs protein). This locks the Gs protein in the “on” position, therebycontinually stimulating adenylatecyclase to synthesize cyclic AMP. This activatescyclic AMP–dependent protein kinase, an enzyme that phosphorylates iontransporters in the cell membrane, resulting in the loss of water and ions from thecell.

In addition to the labile toxin, there is a heat-stable toxin, which is apolypeptide that is not inactivated by boiling for 30 minutes. The heat-stable toxin affects cyclic guanosinemonophosphate (GMP) rather than cyclic AMP. It stimulatesguanylatecyclase and thus increases the concentration of cyclic GMP, which inhibitsthe reabsorption of sodium ions and causes diarrhea.


Also known as verotoxin and Shiga-like toxin.Itis an exotoxin

produced primarily by strains of E. coli with the O157:H7 serotype. These

enterohemorrhagic strains cause bloody diarrhea and are the cause of outbreaks

associated with eating undercooked meat, especially hamburger in fast-food

restaurants. The toxin is named for a very similar toxin produced by Shigella

dysenteriae. The toxin inactivates protein synthesis by removing adenine from a

specific site on the 28S rRNA in the large subunit of the human ribosome. The term

verotoxinrefers to its cytopathic effect on Vero (monkey) cells in culture.

Shiga toxin is encoded by a temperate (lysogenic) bacteriophage. When Shiga

toxin enters the bloodstream, it can cause hemolytic–uremic syndrome (HUS).

Shiga toxin binds to receptors on the kidney and on the endothelium of small blood

vessels. Inhibition of protein synthesis results in death of those cells, leading to renal

failure and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Certain antibiotics, such as

ciprofloxacin, can increase the amounts of Shiga toxin produced by E. coli O157,

which predisposes to HUS.

Cholera Toxin:

The enterotoxin produced by V. cholerae, the agent of cholera and Bacillus cereus, a cause of diarrhea, act in a manner similar to that of theheat-labile toxin of E. coli.

Pertussis toxin:

produced by Bor. pertussis, the cause of whooping cough, isan exotoxin that catalyzes the transfer of ADP-ribose from NAD to an inhibitory Gprotein. Inactivation of this inhibitory regulator has two effects: one is in thestimulation of adenylatecyclase activity and a consequent increase in the amount ofcyclic AMP within the affected cells. This results in edema and other

changes in the respiratory tract, leading to the cough of whooping cough. The second

effect is the inhibition of the signal transduction pathway used by chemokine

receptors. This causes the marked lymphocytosisseen in patients with pertussis.

The toxin inhibits signal transduction by all chemokine receptors, resulting in an

inability of lymphocytes to migrate to and enter lymphoid tissue (spleen, lymph

nodes). Because they do not enter tissue, there is an increase in their number in the


Difficile Toxin:

Two exotoxins are produced by Clostridium difficile, both of which areinvolved in the pathogenesis of pseudomembranous colitis. Exotoxin A is anenterotoxin that causes watery diarrhea. Exotoxin B is a cytotoxinthat damages thecolonic mucosa and causes pseudomembranes to form. Exotoxins A and B areglucosyltransferases that glucosylate signal transduction proteins called RhoGTPases—a process that inhibits these GTPases from performing their signaltransduction function. Glucosylation by exotoxin B causes disaggregation of actinfilaments in the cytoskeleton, leading to apoptosis and cell death.



Superantigenproduced primarily by certain strains of Sta. aureusbut also by certain strains of Str. pyogenes. TSST binds directly to class II majorhistocompatibility (MHC) proteins on the surface of antigen-presenting cells(macrophages) without intracellular processing. This complex interacts with the β-chain of the T-cell receptor of many helper T cells. This causes the release of large amounts ofinterleukins, especially interleukin-1 and interleukin-2. These cytokines producemany of the signs and symptoms of toxic shock. TSST is also a T-cell “mitogen”

(i.e., it induces T cells to multiply), which contributes to the overproduction of cytokines.


It is also asuperantigen, but because of it’s ingestion,it acts locally on the lymphoid cells lining the small intestine. The enterotoxin isproduced by Sta. aureusin the contaminated food and causes food poisoning,usually within 1 to 6 hours after ingestion. The main symptoms are vomiting and watery diarrhea.The prominent vomiting seen in food poisoning is thought to becaused by cytokines released from the lymphoid cells stimulating the enteric nervous system that is vagus nerve which activates the vomiting center in the brain.


produced by Str. pyogenes, causes the rashcharacteristic of scarlet fever. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of TSST(it acts as a superantigen). The DNA that codes for the toxin resideson a temperate bacteriophage. Nonlysogenic bacteria do not cause scarlet fever,although they can cause pharyngitis.



C.Tetani is a anaerobic gm (+ve) rod that causes tetanus. spores of C. Tetani germinate in the anaerobic environment of the devitalized tissue. Vegetative forms of it produce the toxin tetanospasmin (150,000), that is cleaved by a bacterial protease in to two peptides linked by disaccharide bond.

Toxin is produced around the peripheral wond.

Toxin binds to the presynaptic membrane of motor neuron & migrates by retrograde axonal transport system to anterior horn cell of spinal cord & brain.Toxin degrades synaptobrevin( a protein required for docking of neurotransmitter vesicels on the prynaptic membrane).

Blocking the release of inhabitory neurotransmitter glycine and Gama-aminobutyric acid -motor neuron are not inhibited-spastic paralysis occurs-Spasm of Jaw & neck muscle called lock Jaw.


Botulinum toxin is absorbed from the gut binds to receptors of presynaptic membrane of motor neurons of peripheral nervous system and cranial nerves.

Proteolysis of target protein in the neurons causing inhibition of release of the acetylcholine(excitatory neurotransmitter) at the synapse.

-Lack of muscle contraction and flaccid paralysis occurs.

-It is one of the most toxic substance known.

Approximately one microgram is lethal for human.


Three exotoxins are produced by Bacillus anthracis, the agent of anthrax:edema factor, lethal factor, and protective antigen. The three exotoxins associatewith each other, but each component has a distinct function. Edema factor is anadenylatecyclase that raises the cyclic AMP concentration within the cell, resultingin loss of chloride ions and water and consequent edema formation in the tissue. Lethal factor is a protease that cleaves a phosphokinase required forthe signal transduction pathway that controls cell growth. Loss of the phosphokinaseresults in the failure of cell growth and consequent cell death. Protective antigen binds to a cell surface receptor and forms pores in the human cell membrane thatallow edema factor and lethal factor to enter the cell. The name protective antigenis based on the finding that antibody against this protein protects against disease. Theantibody blocks the binding of protective antigen, thereby preventing edema factorand lethal factor from entering the cell.

EXFOLIATIN TOXIN: is a protease produced by Sta. aureusthat causes scalded skinsyndrome. Exfoliatin cleaves desmoglein, a protein in the desmosomes of the skin,resulting in the detachment of the superficial layers of the skin. Exfoliatin is alsocalled epidermolytic toxin.


is a pore-forming exotoxin produced bymethicillin-resistant strains of Sta. aureus(MRSA). It destroys white blood cells,skin, and subcutaneous tissue. The two subunits of the toxin assemble in the cellmembrane to form a pore through which cell contents exit into the extracellularspace.


Perfringens Toxin:

Multiple toxins are produced by Clostridium perfringensand other speciesof clostridia that cause gas gangrene. A total of 7 lethal factors and 5 enzymes havebeen characterized, but no species of Clostridium makes all 12 products. The bestcharacterized is the alpha toxin, which is a lecithinasethat hydrolyzes lecithin inthe cell membrane, resulting in destruction of the membrane and widespread celldeath. The other four enzymes are collagenase, protease, hyaluronidase, anddeoxyribonuclease (DNase). The seven lethal toxins are a heterogeneous group withhemolytic and necrotizing activity. Certain strains of Clo.perfringensproduce an

enterotoxin that causes watery diarrhea. This enterotoxin acts as a superantigensimilar to the enterotoxin of Sta. aureus.


Some fungus produceexotoxins. As follows;

  1. Aflatoxin- Aspergillousflavous produce toxins in spoiled grains and peanut-ingestion-metabolised by liver & Epoxide(potent carcinogen) is formed - mutation of p53 gene which is tumor suppressor gene-loss of p53 protein-loss of growth control of hepatocyte-hepatic carcinoma is formed.
  2. Amanaitin and phalloidin (hepatotoxin) – produced byAmanita mushroom – inhibit protein synthesis—inhibit RNA polymerase-hepatotoxicity.
  3. Clavicepspurpurea (Mold) infect grains and produces alkaloids (e.g. ergotamine and lysergic acid diethylamide) that cause pronounced vascular and neurologic effects.


Dinoflagella are marine protozoa. They produce various toxins. When we eat undercoocked sea-food such as shellfish, they produce various effects on GIT, skin and respiratory tract.


Toxin production by pathogens can be studied by several techniques.

  1. Illeal loop test
  2. Cell culture test
  3. Serological test ( immunoassay)
  4. Molecular method for detection of DNA of toxin producing organism in specimen.
  5. Precipitation – Elick test (Diphtheria)
  6. EIESA


  1. They used as toxoid for vaccine.
  2. Ig which is produced against them is used for prevention of some diseases.
  3. Botox produced from botulinum toxin used in cosmetic purpose.

Prepeard by

Dr. kakaliHalder

Resident, 5th batch,
