Attendees / Neil Hughes ( NH) Vol sector reference group
Christine Clark(CC) Senior public health specialist
Diane Irving(DI) Primary Heads
Chief Inspector Roderick Mackay(RM) ( Chair) Cumbria Police
Jon Sherlock (JS) Cumbria Police
Jacki Leah (JL) Early Intervention Team Manager
Chris Grimes(CG) EASH
Sean Ruane (SR) YOS
Nicky Robley(NR) Barnardos ( Children centres)
David Leadbetter( DL) Inspira
Elaine Price(EP) Carlisle College
Emma Stephenson(ES) Parent Partnership
Jenny Weaver (JW)
Joanne king ( JK) Childrens services
Date / Directorate/Partnership / Children’s Trust Board
Venue / Cumbria Police HQ Carlisle
Apologies / Carol Holt ; Muriel Nixon ; Emma Dixon ;Ruth Atkinson ;Val Tarbitt
Matters Arising – Notes and actions from the previous meetings
- Voluntary Sector Reference Group (VSRG)
- CIEG ( County Impact Evaluation Group) to be circulated prior to meeting
Data not available until July . RM suggested that a small task and finish group be brought together to interrogate data and identify priority’s based on the north DDG criteria agreed at meeting 03/08/2012 / NH to seek advice from VSRG and feedback at the next meeting
JK to circulate
Agenda item / Notes / Actions
- Welcome & Introductions
- Apologies
Jenny Weaver NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group ( Childrens Commissioning Team)
RM introduced himself as the new chair of the north DDG asked if there were cross over between the DDG and the task and finish groups with other partnerships and was keen to streamline groups to ensure there’s no duplication of work being delivered across the district .
- Update from Childrens Trust Board
The full set of action notes will are available on the CTB website
- CTB working on the refresh of the CYPP for sign off in November – priorities may develop
- DDG’s need to have a sub-group around Early Help and will need to improve the numbers of CAF’s created
- DDG’s to write a regular report to the CTB updating them on their performance (one DDG report to the board but made of a submission from each). All sub groups of the CTB should be being held to account by the CTB and supported to advance their work by the CTB.
- The partnership diagram / information paper is being amended and then will be shared amongst the partnership for all staff to ensure all colleagues have knowledge of the partnership landscape.
- The CIEG scorecard was well received and this will enable the CTB to start to challenge DDG’s on their performance against the priorities
- The conversation regarding the sexual assault provision is still to be agreed and the CTB will be receiving updates from Dr Neela Shabde at future meetings
- Priority Indicators
b)Excess weight in year 6 children
( Appleby, Brough , Penrith)
c)Raising Participation Age
d)Reduction of Hospital Admissions due to Alcohol / Stay Safe
- Small multi agency partnerships working together to identify young people involved in risk taking /anti social behavior and take them to a place of safety
Guidance is available on what is required to deliver “Stay Safe “ initiative
A discussion took place to decide if the initiative should still be a priority sub group
Other partnerships targeting young people who are or at risk of being involved in anti social behaviour were identified :
Prevention group ( Prevent and Deter Panel) SR explained that young people were referred to the panel by partner agencies .
DI asked if there was a mechanism for collating data from schools as there have been low level anti social behaviour at Yewdale
SR said that schools could directly refer to the panel
DL explained about the Splashactivity INSPIRA deliver inpartnership with CDRP ,Riverside , PCSO operates 5 Fridays throughout the summer holidays.
It was agreed that levels of anti social behaviour have been reduced and “stay safe” should no longer continue to be a priority task and finish group and will report back by exemption.
Excess weight in year 6 children
1st meeting took place in February to identify and agree the objective : Increase referrals into family weight programme
Since then there has only been 2 referrals
2nd meeting took place recently and the main items of the agenda covered were:
- What issues are there that may be preventing families for engaging with the programme
- Identify other opportunities/options
- Agree to target YP who have additional health needs ( i.e Asthma)
CC explained that Public Health are responsible for re commissioning the National Child Measurement Programme and she is currently writing the new service spec
CC said There may be a lag in this activity until the new specification is written
Raising Participation Age
There is already a county strategic group and a Carlisle & Eden group
Oct/March data is collated on destinations of YP and this information will be fed back into the county and district groups
It was agreed that the DDG could not add value to what is already happening
DL gave some data % of 16-18 yr olds identified as NEET:
Eden 2.3% which equates to an actual 37 yp of which 28 are actively seeking EET
Carlisle 6.5%
It was agreed to review no’s of 16/17 homeless young people when the CIEG data is circulated
Reduction of hospital admissions of under 18’s due to excessive alcohol
No current data is available –review when CIEG data is circulated
A suggestion was made that we could look at collating some baseline data based on information/referrals received from the Assertive Alcohol outreach worker / SR to circulate documents to DDG members and DI will circulate to primary heads
SR to add stay safe as a standing agenda item on prevention group meetings
DI agreed to see if she could get representation from primary heads
JK to circulate Assertive outreach team publicity
- Child Poverty Group
JK attended the last child anti poverty strategy group meeting on behalf of Carlisle & Eden DDG.
CC will represent the DDG at future meetings / NR to feedback
JK to inform Julie Jones
- Repeat activity report
CAF top tips –Carlisle & Eden
CAF top tips 2- using CAF processes where parents do not want to engage / JL presented the report and findings and asked that the DDG members adopt the Carlisle & Eden top tips and disseminate info into their agency’s
Adopt the top tips using CAF processes where parents do not want to engage whenit has been agreed / SR/NR/DL to talk to relevant senior practitioners to feedback on CAF top tips 2
Feedback to JL by 25th June
- A.O.B
Further information contact Helen Wickens at people first
CC is completing a review on why there has been a decline in teenage pregnancies throughout the county: to identify :
Why we have a decline
Is there anything locally that could have contributed
CC may contact people and would appreciate Agency/organisations support
NR Childrens centres are recruiting for a childrens centre /school link
SR explained that YOS are currently going through a service review
- Date and time of next meeting