Healthwatch Bristol Advisory Group Meeting

Thursday 5th February 2015

The Vassall Centre


Debbie Charman The Carers Support Centre (representing Keith Sinclair)

Amanda Baldwin Support, Empower, Advocate, Promote (SEAP)

Tom Renhard Student’s Union, University of Bath, C&YP Volunteer

Justin Charnock E&V Volunteer

Paula Williams Quality Lead Volunteer

Pat Foster The Care Forum, General Manager

Ellen Devine The Care Forum, Healthwatch Bristol Co-ordinator

June Aland The Care Forum, Note taker


Suaad Walker Equalities Lead Volunteer

Tara Mistry Clinical Commissioning Group Lay Member for PPI

Kate Strong The Care Forum, Research Officer

Public Submission – None

It was suggested that the Hw Bristol Advisory Group meeting dates should be put on its website with an invitation for people to come along to contribute to the public submission slot.

Action: Pat

Notes from the last meeting

Amendment: Tom had given his apologies.

Matters arising

Notes from meetings: The group would like these to be shorter, noting the discussion on each topic and including an action list.

Action: June

Personal Health Budgets: Helen Butterworth was actioned to find out about whether more people are staying at home as a result of these. Pat has emailed her but received no response. She will contact her again.

Action: Pat

Hospital Discharge report: Pat said that Healthwatches are still waiting for the National Discharge report. Healthwatch Bristol was the largest contributor to this. It will be a media opportunity for Hw Bristol when it is released.

Volunteer Support Group: Diana Elliott had delivered an awareness raising session on autism awareness. Justin said that the feedback was that that it had been a really useful meeting and suggested that it might be run on a quarterly basis.

Monthly HwFM radio programme: Ellen said that this takes place on the second Tuesday of each month and asked for any ideas/suggestions for future topics to be sent to her. Next month Steffie Denton will be leading. Debbie will discuss possible future topics with Keith Sinclair, CEO, The Carers Support Centre.

Action: Debbie

Issues and Concerns – Quarter 3

There have been 156 issues and concerns during the quarter. The majority of these (43) came from community groups and are fed back to the providers when they have been identified. Despite many attempts, Hw is not getting through to Safeguarding and Pat has met with BCC to tell them of the difficulty of getting through to the Children’s Safeguarding Board. Hw will send a follow up letter.

Action: Kate

Section 5: Themes:


Pat said that there is a National Enquiry into CAMHS and Hw England has 2 representatives on the National Steering Group. Ellen has sent the C&YP report to the task workforce board. Amanda commented that complaints advocacy does not receive many complaints about CAMHS but this may be due to a lack of awareness of advocacy. Pat replied that CAHMS and advocacy will addressed in quarter 4 (January to March 2016) and will be an opportunity to pick up on how young people can complain. Ellen added that PHSE is being cut in schools and young people are concerned about it.

Quarter 1 (April to June 2015) will concentrate on mental health.


Obtaining supporting letters/documentation from GPs is difficult and expensive. This needs to be picked up with NHS England. SARI has reported that in its findings; GPs are quite racist and are not signing documents for refugees. This is classed as private work and is not available on the NHS and GPs are personally liable. Tom suggested that students and universities should be consulted on this as they often experience problems. Justin added that GPs typically charge £10 for a letter.

GP appointments:

Pat has met with the PPI lead for NHS England who said that people should complain of difficulties to their GP practice first. There is a lot of change happening in the B, NS, S and SG Local Area Teams because they are reorganising.

Transition to Adult Services:

Ellen said that young people are concerned about their social care. Pat reported that two commissioners, Mel Rogers and Dawn Lloyd, have asked if Hw would consider doing E&V to supported living. It is not regulated by the CQC. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee has changed and no longer has reps from the voluntary and community sector on it. Pat has asked if Hw can give a 6 monthly report to it.

Bristol Community Health:

There are some issues and concerns to be followed up.

Southmead Hospital:

People are pleased with the services at the hospital but not with e.g. admin staff and parking. Follow up work will be done on this.

Work Plan

Amendments and additions to the work plan were discussed and agreed. Pat will update and circulate it.

Action: Pat

Ellen will send information on the recommissioning of Children’s Health Services to Tom and bring it to the next meeting.

Action: Ellen

Community Engagement Action Plan

Pat will update this document.

Action: Pat

Project Proposals

The agreed amendments and alterations will be made to these documents e.g.

·  Hear Our Voices: Intentions and outcomes to be clearly stated

·  A box to list resources required

Action: Hw

Future meetings

Advisory Group meetings will be held at the Vassall Centre, Open meetings will be held in various venues.

Advisory group meetings:

Thursday 30th April 2015 from 10am to 12pm

Wednesday 27th May from 2 to 4pm

Thursday 30th July 2015 from 2 to 4pm

Thursday 27th August 2015 from 10am to 12pm

Tuesday 27th October 2015 from 2 to 4pm

Wednesday 25th November 2015 from 10am to 12pm

Open meetings:

Tuesday 31st March 2015 from 6 – 8pm at The Station, Silver Street, Bristol, B1 2AG

Wednesday 24th June 2015 from 10am to 12pm venue to be arranged

Wednesday 30th September 2015 from 6 to 8pm venue to be arranged

Tuesday 8th December 2015 from 2 to 4pm venue to be arranged

Action List

Action / By
Public submission slot: Dates of meetings and invitation to contribute to be put on the Hw website / Pat
Shorter notes from meetings with an action list / June
PHBs: Helen Butterworth to be contacted again / Pat
Monthly HwFM radio programme: Debbie will discuss this with Keith / Debbie
Follow up letter to be sent to the Children’s Safeguarding Board / Kate
Update and circulate the work plan / Pat
Recommissioning of Children’s Health Services: information to be sent to Tom and brought to the next meeting / Ellen
Community Engagement Action Plan: this will be updated / Pat
Project Proposals: these will be updated / Hw