Parish of Dunboyne and Kilbride.
Saturday 19th – Sunday 27th February, 2011.
Priest on Duty: Fr. Mark English C.C. Telephone: 01-8255342
Parish Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30 am – 1.00 pm; 1.30 – 5.00 pm
Email: .
Mass Intentions: Dunboyne.
Sunday / 9 am / Patrick and Rose Fox.
11.30 am / Peter Moran.
Monday / 9 am / Jackie Nolan and deceased members of the Nolan Family.
Tuesday / 9 am / Peter and Mary Leslie (Parents of Anne Keane, Millfarm).
Wednesday / 9 am / Aimee Toner (1st Anniversary).
Thursday / 9 am / Patrick Mansfield.
Friday / 9 am
Saturday / 10 am / James and Mary Maguire.
7 pm / Mary O’Dwyer (Month’s Mind) | Frank Watters | Frank Fagan.
Sunday / 9 am
11.30 / Patricia McDonnell.
Mass Intentions: Kilbride.
Saturday. / 6 pm / Hubert, Mary and Patrick Mahon and Patrick Dempsey.Sunday / 10 am / Patrick Clinch.
Saturday / 6 pm / Jack and Anthony Behan.
Sunday. / 10 am
Altar Servers (26th February – 6th March): Dearbhla Curran, Rachael McDermott, Niamh McDermott, Beth O’Sullivan, Orla Flanagan, Amy Kavanagh.
Eucharistic Adoration takes place on Tuesday and Friday from after 9 am Mass until 8 pm in the Adoration Chapel. We pray for vocations to the priesthood in our Diocese.
The Children’s Liturgy will not be on today Sunday 20th and next Sunday 27th February as the schools are on mid-term break. It will recommence on Sunday 6th March.
Legion of Mary: Tuesdays 8.30 pm in the Church Meeting Room. Ph: Una Ennis on 087-6325699.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome: 10th – 21st July 2011, which includes visits to Assisi and Subiaco, led by Most Rev. Michael Smith, D.C.L. Fares: €1,250 (sharing). Booking closes on 28th February and should be done through. Mullingar Travel, Austin Friar Street, Mullingar. E-mail: . or Tel: (044) 9340587.
Dunboyne St Vincent de Paul: Contact 086-0246170.
Pilgrimage to Medugorje: Departs 22nd April (Good Friday - for one week). Group Leader: Eleanor Healy, accompanied by a Spiritual Director. €659 per person inclusive, half board accommodation in superb private house. Information: Michael 82517356 or Eleanor 087/2351294.
National Youth Conference: St Mary's Youth and Community Centre, Tullamore “Community Unity - The Church as social network’’ on 5th March. Ph: 083 0060294, Website:, Email: .
Schola Cantorum Music Scholarships: Music Scholarships for boys and girls for September 2011. Auditions will be held in late February for music scholarships (boarding and day-pupils) at the Schola Cantorum, St Finian's College, Mullingar. Details available on the diocesan website or
R.I.P.: Carmel Connell, Lutterell Hall, who died recently | Ellen Doherty, (sister of Bridie Fleming, Castleview.
Spirit Radio 89.9 FM: Tune in to Ireland’s first Christian Radio Station – ‘Passion for Life’.
Medugorje 2011: Departing from Dublin 29th April, for 8 nights. Spiritual Director: Fr. N Ngussa. Close to Church. Cost €599 p.p.s. ( €50 Deposit). Please contact Jim & Mary Savage 8252601.
Pontifical University, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth: Higher Diploma in Theological Studies: One year part-time evening course. Number of places: 25. Closing date for receipt of application forms: 1 June 2011. Master’s Degree in Theology (with specialisation in Pastoral Theology). Closing date for receipt of completed application forms 8th April 2011. Information application forms available on request or on website. Admissions Office Ph: 7084772. Website:, Email: . Fax: 7083441.
Cura: Pregnant? Need to talk?. If you are concerned about an unplanned pregnancy and would you like to talk to someone, in confidence, contact CURA Lo-Call 1850 622626. See for local centre details. All Cura services are free and confidential. Our support service is available to women, men and all family members.
D.A.R.A.: Tea Dance on Sunday 6th March, 3 pm to 6 pm in the Old School. Music by "Done & Dusted". For catering purposes please give your name to Eileen 8251450, Lucy 8026695/0868531376 or Maura 0863057528.
Junior Quiz (for ages 10 to 15 years) to support Dunboyne Féile U14 Hurling Team, on Saturday, 26th February, 7 - 9 pm at the GAA Club House, Rooske Road., (4 per table). Price €5 per person. Sweet shop open. All welcome.
St. Peter's GAA Club: The Senior Footballer's opening league game against Seneschalstown has been rescheduled to this Sunday (20th) at 12 pm in Seneschalstown. All support welcome. Also, a big thank you to everyone who supported the recent darts tournament.
Dunboyne A.F.C.: Well done to Senior team who made it 6 out of the last 6, with a convincing win over neighbours St Mochta’s last Sunday. Tonight’s (Sunday) jackpot is €6,800. Lotto No’s last Sunday night were 2-4-14-17. Thanks to all who kindly supported our annual MDL Car Draw. Results of the first draw are published on
Are you between 35 & 45? Would you like to meet Catholics of your age in the Dublin diocese for social & spiritual events? The Fortysomethings invite you to a New Members Meeting in the Trinity Capital Hotel, Pearse St., Dublin 2 at 8:30 pm on Friday 4th March, or a Mass in Artane, Dublin 5 on Sunday 6th March. For details email: , or phone Declan 087 760 8268 or Linda 085 754 1696.
Meath Local Sports Partnership: Ladies Meet ‘n‘ Train, Navan - 10 week walk/jog/run 5k training programme starts in Claremont Stadium track on Wednesday 23rd February. Registration 6.45 pm. All welcome. Meath Running Group: Training recommences on Wednesday 2nd March in Claremont Stadium Hall, Navan. Registration 6.45 pm All new running members welcome. For information contact Meath LSP on 046 9067337, or application forms for either programme can be downloaded from
Table Quiz in An Sibin, Dunshaughlin on Friday 4th March at 8:30 pm, in aid of the Suas Volunteer Programme. This summer, Catherine McCormack will participate in the Programme spending ten weeks working as part of a team of teaching assistants with children from some of the most marginalised communities in Mombossa, Kenya.
Phoenix-Tara Toastmasters is an educational non-profit making club, that gives its members the opportunity to improve their self-confidence, public speaking and leadership skills in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Special Visitors Open-Meeting for adults, on Monday the 28th February, in Dunboyne Castle Hotel, at 7.45 pm. Contact Tony McIntyre 086 822 1274, or just come along on the night. Admission is free.
Batterstown Parent & Toddler meet Thursday 24th February from 10 am - 12 pm in Batterstown G.A.A. Hall. All welcome for children's activities and a cup of tea. No Charge. Further information Kate Daly 087 2341216.
General Election 25th February: Electors should note that changes have been made in some cases to the place of polling. You are advised to read your Polling Card carefully, check online at or contact the Register of Electors section in Meath County Council (tel: 046 909700) to confirm where you will be voting in the upcoming General Election.