NHM Mixed Age Planning Year 2 and Year 3 Summer Term

Mixed Age Planning Year 2 & Year 3

Summer Term

Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
1 / 2
3 / Counting and properties of numbers / Say the number names in order to at least 100, from and back to zero
Describe and extend simple number sequences: count on or back in ones. / Numbers to 100, then 1000 / ·  Sequences to 1000
Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding
Reading numbers from scales
/ Read and begin to write the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers, including ordinal numbers to at least 100.
Compare two given three-digit numbers, say which is more or less, and give a number which lies between them.
Read and begin to write the vocabulary of estimation and approximation.
Give a sensible estimate of up to about 100 objects.
Round any two-digit number to the nearest 10 and any three-digit number to the nearest 100. / Numbers to 1000 / ·  Numbers halfway between, estimating and rounding
·  Number names, ordinal numbers


/ 2 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Resource Sheets
10, 11, 112-115
NG, Shortcut 3
CS, Shortcut 4 / Numbers to 100, then 1000: 18 / 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23




/ Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
7-9, 65-78 / 18-21, 23 / 1a, b / 8, 29-35, 41-48
Day 1 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Tune-in TF 112
Revising number sequences to 100 / Tune-in TF 65
Numbers between /
Main Teaching / 1 Counting in ones TF 113
Introducing numbers from 100 to 199 /
1 Numbers halfway between
TF 66-67
2 Estimating TF 67-68 / /
Core Activities / Provide children with a set of cards showing numbers between 100 and 200. Pupils take it in turns to select a card and count on from the number until they have said a sequence of six numbers. /

Activity Book pages 18-19 TF 71

/ / /
Support / Provide children with a set of cards showing numbers between 50 and 100. Pupils take it in turns to select a card and count on from the number until they have said a sequence of six numbers. /

Activity Book pages 18-19 TF 71

Provide 0-100 and 0-1000 number lines to support the children. /
Extension / Provide children with a set of cards showing numbers between 100 and 200 and a die labelled ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’. Pupils take it in turns to select a card and roll the die. They must count on/back from the number until they have said a sequence of six numbers. /

Activity Book pages 18-19 TF 71

Give children a blank 0-100 number line. Write on the board some two-digit numbers and ask the pupils to estimate where to put them on their number line.
Plenary / Discuss children’s work /

Follow-up for Activity Book

pages 18-19 TF 72

Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Review /
Day 2 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Specific Starter for Numbers to 100 TF 10, 11 /

Specific Starter for Numbers to 1000 TF 7-9

Main Teaching / 2 Counting in ones TF 114
Introducing numbers to 1000 /

3 Rounding to the nearest 10

TF 68-69

4 Estimating, rounding to the nearest 100 TF 70-71 / /
Core Activities / Activity Book page 18 TF 117 /

Activity Book pages 20-21 TF 71

/ / /
Support / Activity Book page 18 TF 117
Work with the pupils as a group and do each question orally. /

Activity Book pages 20-21 TF 71

Provide 0-100 and 0-1000 number lines to support the children. /
Extension / Activity Book page 18 TF 117
Provide pupils with a set of cards showing three-digit numbers. Ask them to pick a card and say the number which comes before and after it. What about the number which comes two before/after the selected number? /

Activity Book pages 20-21 TF 71

In pairs provide pupils with a 3x3 grid containing the multiples of 10 less than 100. Ask them to shuffle a pack of 1-100 cards. Take it in turns to select a card, round it the nearest 10 and place it on the appropriate square of the grid. The first one to get three squares in a line is the winner.
Plenary / Discuss children’s work /

Follow-up for Activity Book

pages 20-21 TF 72

Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Review /
Day 3 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Specific Starter for Numbers to 100 TF 10, 11 /

Teaching TF 75-76

2 Queues
Consolidating 1st to 10th and ordinal names first to tenth /
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation / 3 Marathon TF 76-77
Introducing 11th to 20th, and ordinal names eleventh to twentieth / /
Core Activities / Provide pupils with a set of cards showing three-digit numbers. Ask them to pick a card and say the number which comes before and after it. /

Activity Book page 23 TF 77

/ / /
Support / Activity Book page 18 TF 117
Ask pupils to work in pairs and complete the page independently /

Activity Book page 23 TF 77

Provide the pupils with a set of notation cards and a set of ordinal name cards. Ask them to match the cards up and then do the questions. /
Extension / Provide children with a set of cards showing three-digit numbers 0 and a die labelled ‘forwards’ and ‘backwards’. Pupils take it in turns to select a card and roll the die. They must count on/back from the number until they have said a sequence of six numbers. /

Activity Book page 23 TF 77

In small groups ask the pupils to share out a set of notation cards from 1st to 20th. Give one child a shuffled set of ordinal name cards. They must turn over a card and give an instruction for the child holding the matching notation card to carry out. That child then hands over their card. The first child to get rid of their cards wins.
Plenary / Discuss children’s work /

Follow-up for Activity Book

page 23 TF 78

Topic Assessment 1a, b
Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Review /
Day 4 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter /
Main Teaching / / /
Core Activities / / / /
Support /
Plenary /
Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Review /
Day 5 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter /
Main Teaching / / /
Core Activities / / / /
Support /
Plenary /
Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Review /

Mixed Age Planning Year 2 & Year 3

Summer Term

Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
2 / 2
3 / Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding
Money and 'real life' problems
Making decisions and checking results / Use and begin to read the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers.
Compare two given numbers, say which is more or less and give a number which lies between them.
Order whole numbers to at least 100 and position them on a number line.
Recognise all coins and begin to use £.p. notation for money
Find totals, give change and work out which coins to pay. / Numbers to 100, then 1000
Money / ·  Comparing and ordering
·  Using the £1 coin
Understanding + and –
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and -)
Money and ‘real life’ problems
Making decisions and checking results / Extend understanding of the operations of addition and subtraction, read and begin to write the related vocabulary, and continue to recognize that addition can be done in any order. Use the +, - and = signs.
Extend understanding that subtraction is the inverse of addition.
Say or write a subtraction statement corresponding to a given addition statement, and vice versa.
Use known number facts and place value to add/subtract mentally.
Solve word problems involving numbers in 'real life', money and measures, using one or more steps, including finding totals and giving change, and working out which coins to pay. Explain how the problem was solved. Recognize all coins and notes. Understand and use £.p notation (for example, know that £3.06 is £3 and 6p). / Subtraction to 100
Money / ·  Linking addition and subtraction, using and applying
·  Using £5, £10 and £20 notes


/ 2 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Resource Sheets
2-4, 10, 11, 118-121, 198-201 / 40, 41 / Numbers to 100, then 1000: 22, 23
Money and Fractions: 8-11 / 25 / 16 / 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23




/ Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity Book page / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
23-25, 153-161, 244-251
NF, Shortcut 1 / 33-36, 65-69 / 23 / 19
3a, b, 6 / E3, E5 / 29-35
Day 1 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Tune-in TF 118
Revising sequences to 1000 / Tune-in TF 153
Revising addition and subtraction facts to 20 /
Main Teaching / 1 Comparing TF 118
Comparing numbers up to 1000 / 1 Links TF 153-155
Linking addition and subtraction
/ /
Core Activities / Activity Book page 22 TF 119 /

Textbook pages 33-34 TF 155-156

/ / /
Support / Activity Book page 22 TF 119
Provide pupils with place value cards. Ask them to make each number with the cards and use them to compare the numbers. /

Textbook pages 33-34 TF 155-156

Allow the children to use a 0-100 number line or a blank number line to help them find the answers. /
Extension / Activity Book page 22 TF 119
Provide pupils with a set of cards showing three-digit numbers. Ask them to select six cards and order the numbers. /

Textbook pages 33-36 TF 155-156

Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 22 TF 121 /

Follow-up for Textbook

pages 33-34 TF 156

Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Review /
Day 2 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Specific Starter for Numbers to 100 TF 10, 11 /
Specific Starter for addition/subtraction to 100 TF 9-16
Main Teaching / 2 Ordering TF 119 / 1 Links TF 153-155
Linking addition and subtraction
Further consolidation / /
Core Activities / Provide pairs of pupils with three sets of 0-9 cards. Ask them to shuffle the cards and pick three. They must then make all the different three-digit numbers they can with the cards and record them in order from smallest to largest. /

Textbook pages 35-36 TF 155-156

/ / /
Support / Provide pairs of pupils with a set of place value cards. Ask them to pick a hundreds card, a tens card and a units card and make a three-digit number. After they have made three numbers ask them to order the numbers from smallest to largest. Repeat. /

Textbook pages 35-36 TF 155-156

Read the questions to the children as a group and allow them to answer together, discussing strategies for solving each question. /
Extension / Provide pairs of pupils with three sets of 0-9 cards. Ask them to shuffle the cards and pick three. They must then make all the different two- and three-digit numbers they can with the cards and record them in order from smallest to largest. How can they be sure they have found all the numbers possible? /
Extension Textbook page E3
TF 161
Plenary / Discuss children’s work /

Follow-up for Textbook

pages 35-36 TF 156

Topic Assessment 3a, b

Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Day 3 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Specific Starter for Numbers to 100 TF 10, 11 /

Tune-in TF 244

Wheel of Fortune
Adding pounds and pence
Main Teaching / 3 Halfway between TF 120
Finding numbers halfway between /

1 Paper Money TF 245

Introducing the £5 and £10 notes
/ /
Core Activities / Activity Book page 23 TF 121 /

Textbook page 65 TF 248

/ / /
Support / Activity Book page 23 TF 121
Provide place value cards so pupils can make the numbers and compare them easily. /

Textbook page 65 TF 248

Provide notes and coins to support the children in q1. /
Extension / Activity Book page 23 TF 121
Provide pupils with a set of cards showing three-digit multiples of 100. Ask pupils to shuffle the cards and pick two. They must record the number halfway between the numbers they have picked. /

Textbook page 65 TF 248

Ask the children to give different combinations of notes and coins with which the items in q2 could be paid for.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 22 TF 121 /

Specific Starter for Money

TF 23-25

Additional notes /
Extra Resources /
Review /
Day 4 /

Year 2

/ Year 3 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Tune-in TF 198
Price labels
Using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins /

Specific Starter for Money