(Due at time of Candidate Interview in April)

Describe a project, a tour, or an event that you worked on together.


Describe a time that you prayed together.


Describe a time that you discussed f aith issues.


Sponsor/Candidate Spiritual Project

You and your candidate are asked to complete a spiritual project together. You are asked to meet at least twice before April 2016. Here are some suggestions concerning things you can do with and for your candidate before Confirmation:

v  Pray for your candidate daily

v  Invite your candidate to accompany you to Sunday Mass

v  Invite your candidate to assist you in some service you perform in your parish

v  Write a letter to your candidate explaining how you feel about being their sponsor.

v  Take your candidate out for a meal and share your own story of your Confirmation: your Confirmation name and the reason you chose it, who your sponsor was and what memories you have.

v  Ask your candidate what their greatest concerns are about being Confirmed

v  Discuss a Gospel story

v  Plan a field trip or a tour together to the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis, the old Cathedral Basilica,

Our Lady of the Snows, or The Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne

v  Visit a congregation or religious community such as the Pink Sisters, the Benedictine Priory, or the Carmelite Monastery in Clayton

v  Be creative with your own ideas.

Discuss the following with your candidate:

v  What are some things that you love about your faith?

v  What does the Confirmation program mean to the candidate?

v  How do you see yourself being a witness to Jesus in your day-to-day life?

v  When do you pray? How do you pray? What difficulties do you find in praying?

v  How do you make moral decisions about what is good or bad?

Complete your sponsor/candidate report together and have the candidate bring it to the Confirmation interview.

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Questions for candidate/sponsor discussion:

v  Why are you Catholic? What difference has it made in your life?

v  How have you lived out your call to serve others?

v  Talk about your prayer life. How do you speak to God? How has God spoken to you?

v  Has being Catholic ever been difficult for you? If so, in what ways has it been difficult and how did you get through those times?

v  Have you taken time to learn more about the Church since your confirmation? How can we work together to increase our knowledge of Jesus and our love of Him?

v  How do you know what vocation God is calling you to in your life?

v  How do you deal with problems such as peer pressure, which often lead people to doing the opposite of what God wants us to do?

v  What advice can you offer your candidate as he/she makes their final preparations for being Confirmed in the Catholic Church?