GERM 201 (Elementary German I)

Spring 2010 Syllabus

Days of class: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Instructor: Christina Ziegler


Office hrs: Wednesday 01-02 pm and by appointment (SOS 117)

Course Description

The objective is the acquisition of basic skills of listening, reading, oral communication as well as writing in a cultural context and providing elementary grammar concepts. The course objectives follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Level A1/1).

Learning will be accomplished by using the language in tasks and class activities. We will work with the textbook studio d A1 Teilband 1, Kurs- und Übungsbuch, along with the CD program. Additional handouts will be provided.


Topics to be covered include: introduction of her/himself and others, spelling and numbers, ordering and paying, personal details such as where he/she lives and works, things he/she has, daily activities, appointments, asking for the way.


Alphabet, numbers, conjugation (present tense), articles, nouns, singular, plural, nominative, accusative, dative, negation, imperfect tense of sein and haben, adjectives, prepositions (selection), personal pronoun and possessive article (nominative)

Class Participation and Homework
Please make sure to bring your textbook with you to all the classes and be ready to begin class on time. The daily classroom activities should be done with care, archived in a proper notebook for this class; students are encouraged to take notes at all times and participate actively in class. To guarantee maximum use of our in-class time, assignments are to be completed on time. Our main purpose is to use German communicatively and creatively, and the homework is an essential means to this end. Please keep in mind that homework always includes reviewing notes, learning vocabulary and grammar points from previous lessons. When you are absent from class you are responsible for material covered.
Note: You will be graded on the quantity and quality of your contribution to class. Since you cannot participate if you do not attend class, absences will lower your percentage for participation.

Course evaluation

The following indicates the assignments for credit and their weighting toward the final grade.

Class Participation and Homework / Oral / Two Written Midterm
Exams / One Written Final Exam
10% / 20 % / 40 % / 30 %

To receive credit for the course you must achieve 60 percent in each component, to pass the course as an audit student you must achieve an overall course grade of “C” (70 percent).

Midterm exams will be announced. The Final exam will be given in the week scheduled by the University. Oral skills will be tested in group and partner activities during class. In addition there will be an oral exam in the last week of classes.

Christina Ziegler, Instructor