Members information

Neighbourhood Enforcement Service

Operating Times of Neighbourhood Enforcement Service (as at 31/10/07)

Core Times

07:30 am until midnight seven days a week except Christmas Day/Boxing Day/New Years Day.

Exceptions: working outside core hours on targeted operations

Methods of Contact

Urgent Matters requiring attendance as soon as possible but not Police issues

Enforcement Supervisor Direct 07970 266660 (if engaged transfers to Stand in Supervisor)

If no contact possible or incident is near to CCTV Cameras – Security Centre

01642 528989, Operator will use radio link to Enforcement and utilise cameras

For Non urgent incidents or to forward requests for service or provide information/intelligence for the service to follow up:


Telephone 01642 528036 9am until 16:00hrs Monday to Friday

To include Manager direct or copy for action or discuss service


Telephone 01642 528037


NES Officers investigate, seize items and issue sanctions in relation to Environmental Crime, Low Level Anti Social Behaviour, Nuisance Vehicles, Nuisance Parking.

Officers utilise marked cctv equipped fleet of vehicles, uniformed, ballistic body armour protection, identifiable numbers and rank structure, work single crewed, response service.

CSAS Accreditation – All Officers are accredited by Cleveland Police

SIA Qualified – A number of officers hold Security Industry Licenses to static guard property or buildings and provide security in cases of emergency

DVLA Agents – All Officers are granted Agency powers from Swansea Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency to seize untaxed vehicles.

Enforcement Officers DO NOT have powers of arrest

Incidents involving risk of damage to or theft of property or of risk to life, public disorder or violent acts or criminal acts are incidents that should be referred to the Police


  1. Seize Abandoned Vehicles
  2. Seize untaxed vehicles as DVLA Agents.
  3. Seize Dangerous & Obstructing Vehicles
  4. Remove Amnesty vehicles (persons with end of life vehicles encouraged to give up for free destruction)
  5. Investigate vehicles for sale on a highway
  6. Investigate vehicles being repaired on a highway
  7. Issue immediate removal notices on dangerous vehicles or verge trespass or obstructing pavements - preventing 900mm of free passage (buggies/wheel chairs/persons with walking aids)
  8. Issue 24 hour removal notices on vehicles such as caravans stored on public highway
  9. Issue 7 day removal notices on nuisance vehicles of value not abandoned, still in tax
  10. Issue 15 day removal notices to landlords for abandoned vehicles on private land

Waste & Environment

  1. Seize dangerous, unlicensed or unidentified skips
  2. Seize abandoned Shopping trolleys
  3. Seize abandoned Waste containers/wheeled bins
  4. Seize deposits on Highway, from building materials to parts of vehicles

15. Stop check and issue notice requiring correct waste carrier’s documentation to be produced by vehicles transporting waste

16. Issue section 46 waste production orders to impact on householders not presenting waste correctly. Issue fines/prosecute for non-compliance – Section 46 notices are prescriptive notices instructing residents how, what and when they produce their household waste

17. Issue section 47 waste production orders as above for Commercial Premises

18. Issue street litter control orders to Commercial Premises regarding frontage

19. Issue Street litter clearance orders to Commercial Premises regarding frontage

20. Seize fly posters & issue fixed penalty notices

  1. Seize free literature & issue fixed penalty notices after previously designating problem locations

22. Check Commercial waste agreements and enforce


23. Issue AS13 forms to persons engaged in ASB which identify persons to Police/ASB Teams for monitoring / intervention

  1. Seize alcohol in Alcohol Designation zones and alcohol & tobacco products from minors

25. Issue cautions for all offences and unacceptable behaviour


  1. Issue Protocols to unauthorised occupations of land
  2. Supervise unauthorised occupations of land
  3. Complete file for eviction for point 26
  4. Obtain and appear in Magistrates Court Eviction Notice for point 26
  5. Serve and ensure eviction and seize vehicles/property for point 26


  1. Issue fixed penalty notices for dog fouling
  2. Issue fixed penalty notices for litter
  3. Issue fixed penalty notices breach of Section 46 (see point 16)
  4. Issue fixed penalty notices for breach of Section 47 (see point17)
  5. Issue fixed penalty notices for distributing free literature
  6. Issue fixed penalty notices for Graffiti
  7. Issue fixed penalty notices for fly posting
  8. Issue fixed penalty notices for repairing a vehicle on a road other than emergency repairs
  9. Issue fixed penalty notices for sale of two or more vehicles within 400m on a road
  10. Issue fixed penalty notices for vehicle abandonment
  11. Issue fixed penalty notices in breach of street litter clearance notices
  12. Issue fixed penalty notices for breach of street litter control notices
  13. Issue fixed penalty notices for failure to produce waste carriers license
  14. Issue fixed penalty notices for failure to produce waste transfer notes


  1. Issue tickets in relation to school premises related decriminalised parking offences (imminent) (parking on Zig-Zags and yellow lines outside schools)
  2. Support Enforcement of Taxi Licensing requirements
  3. Support Enforcement of Smokefree Legislation (from July 07)
  4. Conduct Traces on individuals on behalf of Legal Services for any outstanding financial or legal matters for the Authority, either individuals or companies
  5. Serve Summons for offenders to appear at court
  6. Provide Officer Protection for other services
  7. Power to enter premises with warrant card to seize documents, evidence, property, and vehicles in relation to Environmental Offences
  8. Obtain and preserve evidence including cctv in accordance with PACE (Police & Criminal Evidence Act)
  9. Investigate Environmental Crime, prepare complex case files, present evidence at court
  10. Interview persons under caution and conduct PACE recorded interviews
  11. Secure premises liable to fire
  12. Observe and report crime through joint Police/Enforcement intelligence systems and daily joint meetings.
  13. Observe and report Residents/Partners concerns about vulnerable persons
  14. Appear as witness in court for 55/56
  15. Prepare prosecution files for any of above at magistrates court
  16. Prepare prosecution files for fly tipping
  17. Prepare prosecution files for non payment of fixed penalty notice