From here you will need to create a new account even if you already had an account. You will then get the following page.

If you click Go to Profiles you can pull in your prior profile if you have been a coach before or create a new profile if you are a new coach.

Go To Profiles take you to the following:

Either click on claim profile if you are a return coach or create new profile if you are new.

Returning coaches will see the following:

After you type in the search criteria, your name should pop up and select claim profile. You can then purchase your membership.

Because I am a returning coach, I am not sure what the create profile screens look like, but if it is not intuitive, let me (Jen) know and we can try to walk through it at practice.

After you get your profile, go to memberships. For returning coaches it looks like the following.

After you click renew now, a box will come and you select purchase. You then select coach from the drop down menu and the following will pop up.

You will need to do both. Click on background check first. The screen walk you through what is needed for the background check.

The background fee is $15. If the background check comes back fine, provide me the receipt showing you paid and the club will reimburse you.

After you finishing starting the background check, it will kick you back to the above and you can select start safe sport certification.

The safe sport certification is free. The screens walk you through what to do. You will have to create an account. This is different from the USAW account you just created or logged into above. You will need your USA membership number to create the account. On the upper right side it will say add membership and you will have to put it there to continue.

Once you get an account, you will need to “get Courses”. When you select that option, several courses will pop up including the safe sport certification.

After you complete the safe sport certification and your background check comes back ok, you can log in the same way as noted above and there will be an option to purchase or renew you coaches membership.