“We are very grateful for what we learned in our Bradley classes. My husband was able to be a wonderful coach and a true partner during my labor and my daughter's birth because of all he had been taught. The classes also taught me that rather than something to be feared and then endured, labor and birth are something to look forward to with joyful anticipation. I am so glad we were given all the resources we needed to have a healthy, joyful birth for our daughter." Tara, first time mom, natural birth.
To find out more about the Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth we
recommend the following books:
Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way
Rev. Ed., by Susan McCutcheon
Husband Coached Childbirth
4th Ed., by Dr. Robert Bradley
The Birth Book, by William Sears, MD,
& Martha Sears, RN
Greater Rochester Area Certified Bradley® Instructors
Amy V. Haas, BA, BCCE
We strive to match you with the class
that best fits your schedule and special needs. Please contact individual instructors for time, date, cost, and location of the classes.
Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth®,
Box 5524, Sherman Oaks CA 91413
For the protection of the consumer, the terms “Husband-Coached Childbirth”® and “The Bradley Method”® have been registered. Only those teachers currently affiliated with the Academy may teach The Bradley Method®. A national directory of teachers and teacher training information is available from the Academy.
There is a better way!
Bradley Method® of
Natural Childbirth
Empowering Women Through
Childbirth Education
Greater Rochester Area
Certified Bradley® Instructors2015
-Emphasizes well-balanced nutrition, specific exercises and avoidance of harmful substances for a healthy low risk pregnancy.
-Gives women the information they need to make healthy responsible decisions about pregnancy, and labor, according to what is right for them and their families.
-Trains the labor support partner to help the mother cooperate with her body during labor, and to give emotional support during this special time.
-Encourages and teaches the use of relaxation techniques to allow the woman’s body to birth naturally.
-Limited class size to allow for personal attention for each couple.
CLASSES INCLUDE: Background and principles of true natural childbirth, Nutrition, Exercises, Relaxation, Positive communications, Birth process review, Consumer issues, Coaches Role, Natural labor techniques, Breastfeeding, Preparation for unexpected outcomes, Birth plans, Postpartum adjustment and the newborn.
“Healthy Babies,
Healthy Moms,
Positive Birth Experience”
Bradley Method classes are
UNIQUE because they:
*Empower a woman so she can enjoy
birth as a natural event with a minimum
of intervention. This is accomplished by teaching the physical, psychological and emotional aspects of birth.
*Foster a couple’s confidence by providing
comprehensive preparation for any birth setting (hospital, birth center, or home), and in any situation (including complications or cesarean section).
*Help define, teach and support the role of a birth partner during pregnancy, birth and beyond.
*Focus on opening and enhancing communication with the partner as well as with the professional birth team.
*Provide consumer oriented training, allowing participants to make truly informed decisions in a variety of situations.
*Emphasize staying healthy and low risk through out pregnancy and postpartum.
*Promote Evidenced-based maternity care, and are supported by statistical data.
Other Services Offered:
Healthy Pregnancy Classes - highlight how to stay healthy and low risk during pregnancy. One-time, two-hour class, offered monthly. Partners welcome.
Professional Labor Assistance –Referrals to Doulas for families who would like extra support are available. Professional labor assistants decrease the drug use, cesarean section, & induction rates even further. This increases a family’s satisfaction & chances of a healthy birth.
Research, Writing, Community Referrals: Amy Haas is the Education Chair for Rochester Area Birth Network, & specializes in childbirth related research & writing. This research serves an informational service only, and does not constitute medical advice. She writes for Rochester Area Birth Network, and Midwifery Today
(Information and research on other pertinent topics is supplied upon request. If your Bradley® teacher can not help you then you will be referred to other professionals in the area who can.)