INSTRUCTIONS: Completion of Faculty-Led Program Abstract

Before you begin:

Please confirm that you are the individual who should be completing the program proposal. The proposal should be completed by one faculty or staff member per program, designated as the “primary leader.” Theprimary leadershould be a UNL faculty member with academic expertise in the program’s field(s) of study. A qualified UNL lecturer, instructor, Ph.D. candidate, or staff member may be approved to serve as the primary leader at the discretion of the department and college. Note: If a Ph.D. candidate is the primary leader, there should also be a UNL faculty/staff member designated as "program director" to provide academic and administrative oversight.

Be sure you are prepared with the information you will need to complete the abstract. The questions you will be asked are as follows:

  1. Is this a proposal for a new program?
  2. Primary leader name?
  3. Additional leader name(s)?
  4. Name of sponsoring college(s)?
  5. Name of college dean or designated signatory?
  6. Name of sponsoring department(s)?
  7. Name of department chair, head, or director?
  8. In which academic term will this program be offered?
  9. Program length (weeks)?
  10. Proposed location(s)?
  11. Is there a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning or CDC Warning (Level 3) currently in place for this country?
  12. How much time have you spent in the host country?
  13. What is the nature of your prior experience in the host country?
  14. When did you last visit the host country/region?
  15. Do you plan to visit the host country between now and the program start date?
  16. Total number of credits students will earn on the program?
  17. What type of credit will students earn?
  18. If UNL credit will be offered, list each course name, number of credits, and instructor of record.
  19. Please provide a brief overview of the program’s key academic and cultural activities.
  20. Provide a brief description of the location's appropriateness for the topic.
  21. Provide a brief overview of the program's target audience (number of participants, academic level, majors/minors, etc.)
  22. Details in regards to the on-site partner (required).

Steps to Submit an Abstract for Department and College Review

  1. From our Proposal Process andDeadlines web page, click on the blue “Propose a Program” button.

This will direct you the MyWorld program brochure. The brochure contains general information, timelines for proposal submission and approval, and criteria for program approval. Please review this information prior to beginning the application.

  1. When you are ready to submit the abstract, click the red “Apply Now” button at the top right of the brochure page.
  1. You will be directed to a page that looks like this:

  1. Under “Available Terms” at the top of the page, please select the Calendar Year in which the program will take place.
  1. Under “Current Itinerary”, enter the approximate dates that your program with occur.
  • Arrival Date: date you will arrive in the host city
  • Departure Date: date you will depart the host city

These dates are not final, and can be changed later. Select the dates and the city* of your program, and push “Add to Itinerary” at the bottom of the page.

*Note: If your program will take place in multiple cities/countries, you will do this for each city your program will visit.

  1. When you are finished selecting the dates and locations of your itinerary, push “Apply” at the bottom of the page.

  1. Click on the gear icon in the top left corner of the black bar, to the right of your name. Select “Edit profile.” Add your date of birth. (This will allow the system to know that you are older than 18 and thus, do not require a signature from a parent/guardian).

  1. To return to your Program Application Page, click the house icon on the left, select “Applicant”, and then click on the red Faculty-Led Program Proposal application link.
  1. Scroll down past “Application Instructions”, and review and e-sign the two Signature Documents entitled “Faculty-Led Program Proposal Process & Deadlines” and “Leader Time Commitment”.
  1. Complete the Application Questionnaire entitled “Faculty-Led Program Abstract.” You may save an incomplete questionnaire the bottom of the page to return to it later by clicking “Save.”
  1. Once complete, push “Submit” at the bottom of the questionnaire.
  1. Once you have completed and submitted the Faculty-Led Program Abstract, print/save the questionnaire as a PDF. If you have any trouble saving the questionnaire as a PDF, please email .
  1. Under the Recommendations tab, click “Request Electronic Recommendation” for the Abstract Approval: Department Chair. NOTE: While your dean/designee and chair/head/director is not completing a recommendation for you, this is the best tool in the MyWorld system to use when reviewing and approving your program proposal electronically.
  1. Repeat this process for the Abstract Approval: College Dean. If you have any questions as to whom should receive this recommendation within your college, please contact .
  1. Immediately after you request the recommendations, email the PDF of your Faculty-Led Program Abstract Questionnaire to your department chair/head/director and college dean/designee. They will need it to review to provide a response to the recommendation request.
  1. Returning to your MyWorld application, click “Submit Application” at the top of the page.

Congratulations, you’re finished!Please log-out of MyWorld.

Education Abroad Office

Love South 110

