NENTS 2013

Personal Survey

PART ONE:This information will be used by the conference leaders for planning purposes. Please return NO LATER THAN August 1st.




Years of Elementary or Secondary Level Teaching Experience: ______

If you taught somewhere before your current placement, where was it?


College Attended:Major: ______

High School you attended: ______

School where you will be teaching in the fall:

Course Names and grade level(s) you will be teaching this year:


What other duties are you assigned to do?


If there were one question you could ask a teacher who has finished his/her first year of teaching, it would be. . .

What is your greatest fear about the upcoming year?

What do you look forward to most about the upcoming year?

What do you see as your greatest strength/quality you are bringing to your new school?

What do you hope to gain from attending New England New Teachers Seminar?

PART TWO: Now for fun…We and/or you will be sharing some of this information with others at NENTS.

Where did you grow up?______

How many siblings do you have? ______

What languages do you speak? ______

What do you feel passionate about (other than teaching!)?


What hobbies do you enjoy? ______

Who is your favorite author?

What is your favorite movie? ______

What is your favorite kind of music? ______

What is your favorite musical group? ______

What is your favorite outdoor activity? ______

What is your favorite sports team? ______

What do other people say is your greatest attribute?


What work have you done in the past that might be of interest to others (summer job / TA assignment, etc)?


What is one experience you’ve had or aspect of your life that makes you unique?


*******Please return no later than July 25th to or mail to:

Pam Mulcahy

Pomfret School

P.O. Box 128

Pomfret, CT 06258