SGA Formal Meeting Minutes

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The meeting began at 8:02PM.

I. Deans Report

President Greene – President Greene greeted the body and congratulated student success this past weekend. He addressed three of his main concerns in regards to improving Colby:

1) Community: Since he has been on campus, he has felt the warmth of the community. He appreciated the ways out community pulled together for his inauguration. He recognized the dedication of Colby’s faculty, staff, and alumni. He asked, what are the things we really care about at Colby? What do we want to change? He commended the Colby Affirmation movement saying that it has instilled positive values for the community. But, there are also things that can destroy a community if weneglect the things that really matter. We cannot let things slide. President Greene would like to have a discussion about the nature of community. How can we make the very best virtues of Colby shine through?

2) Concept of Excellence: President Greene has seen a lot of evidence for excellence, but he things Colby might settle for a little less than the best. Colby should be a place that never compromises and never settles. We have history, resources, everything that works in our favor to make Colby the very best. We need to ensure that we are accomplishing excellence in academics, athletics, arts, and more. We already have an outstanding Art Museum. Where else are we the absolute best and how do we get there? We must have fresh eyes all the time, be self-critical, and ask questions.

3) Distinction and Colby: Why Colby? The people we want to come to Colby have many other choices. We offer an expensive education, so people should rightly ask, what is so special about Colby? We need to be able to answer this question. We have to learn to be able to communicate why Colby is so special. We should be able to articulate the values we have to offer. We need to start having a community conversation about how we will work on connecting Colby students with the outside world. Something President Greene is hoping to do is having a process that evaluates where Colby is now and where Colby should be next. We need to make Colby a better version of itself, rather than copy others. A transparent and open process will engage the community. President Greene doesn’t want to just talk about things, he wants to get things moving right away. We need to raise money so we can add more faculty, athletic trainers, facilities, etc. Currently, our alumni are giving half the money to Colby than any other NESCAC. This needs to change.

These are the things that are on President Greene’s mind. He is traveling to Boston Monday, September 29 to talk with alumni and parents.

Cristina asked about Dining Services. President Greene replied by saying he is interested in making some quick changes (like Bobs being open on the weekend). He has also been doing research on the way Sodexo treats its employees. Sodexo has already made moves toincrease the pay scale for employees, which is a good step in the right direction. President Greene also wants to stimulate economic growth in Waterville. Food is changing overtime and food choices are changing.

Osman: Have you thought about working with international students about making it easier for international students to get visas/working permits for internships and jobs for students? President replied he would be happy to look into it, but a lot of this stems from the federal government. However, Colby can do better in facilitating this process, and this issue deserves more attention.

Dan: In your short experience, have you found some departments or facets to be better at demanding excellence? President Greene responded by saying that there have been a lot of places here that are truly excellent. Our faculty is excellent across the board, and we have tracked excellent students. He referred to the KAPS program for example. There is no shortage of excellence, but there have been places where we have cut corners. When you invest in your students, faculty, etc. it leads to good things. We can’t be cautious and prudent.

President Greene offers office hours weekly.

II. Minutes

The minutes from Sunday, September 14 were passed.

III. Executive Board Report

Justin Deckert:Justin started by reminding everyone of the Story Time tonight at 9PM in Page with Chy Ward. Justin stated that committee reports will be tabled to the next Informal meeting next Sunday. Justin thanked all SGA members who came out to the Hume Center barbeque.

Michael Loginoff:Michael addressed successful SGA events in the past week: Library Lunch, S’mores next to Miller, and Fill The Stands Day. He mentioned that he is continuing to work on the Affirmation Committee with Jed and other students. They sent out their first email to the student body this past weekend.

Justin Deckert: Harvest Fest will be held Oct 5th on Front St in downtown Waterville. It will be a music festival with local vendors, and will provide an opportunity for Colby/Waterville community gathering. Justin shared that two students, Justin Cary and Joe Long, have approached Justin about creating a group at Colby interested in developing ways to spur economic development in downtown Waterville.

Connor Clancy: Connor first encouraged all dorm presidents to make sure to include links to SGA’s Facebook and Twitter in this week’s newsletter. Secondly, Connor stated that both the class blogs and the SGA blog are now active. Class presidents can edit them. Ideally, Colby students would use blogs to get quick information on SGA happenings. Thirdly, the SGA tab on MyColby will be going live sometime this week. The main bins will be an SGA calendar, a suggestion box, and the class blogs. The same information will also translate into the YourColby app for smartphones. Finally, we’re looking for new and better ways to publicize. People do not read SGA emails, so how can we improve the spread of information? Send any ideas to Connor.

Shane Rogers: Shane reiterated Story Time tonight with Chy Ward. Additionally, he has been working to set up a new event that will be happening next Saturday called Colby Impact. The workshop is intended to inform Colby students about activism and how to be active at a grassroots level.

IV. Community Forum

No members spoke during this time.

V. Old Business

Motion 1. Jenner proposed making Movers and Shakers Board Game Club anofficial Colby Club. Brief description: This is a board game club! It will serve as a way for students to both get together once a week and play board games as well as a forum for students to arrange meetings with others on their own time. This will be a casual group and will allow members to participate at whatever level they fell comfortable. Justin: how do you differentiate yourselves from Board Game Club? Spencer: Was unfamiliar with the club. Justin – we would be happy to put you in contact with the people who run that club (Lizzie Tomkin). Tim: moved to question. Madison seconded it. Motion did not pass.

Motion 2.Jenner proposed making Swords and Boards an official Colby Club. No representatives were present to speak about this club. Motion is tabled until the next formal meeting.

Motion 3. Jenner proposed making Colby Restaurant Exploration and Appreciation Club an official Colby club. Brief description: We are a club based on the principal of leaving Colby and immersing ourselves in the greater Waterville community. Thus, our club is based around the restaurant outings that we plan to do once a week while school is in session.Osman: how is it different from providing money to eat out? Zoe: We want an easy way for students to get into Waterville community. Dining out is a great way to get to know others and gain exposure to the city of Waterville. The goal is to dispel the notion that Waterville is full of fast food restaurants. Jumana – where would you publish the review? Zoe: We would have anInstagram and Facebook page, and email group. Dan – would the club function even if you don’t get your funding requests approved? Zoe – yes, but this is also focused on people who can’t necessary afford to eat out. Motion was moved to question and seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion 4: Jenner proposed making Commercial Real Estate Club an official Colby Club. Brief description: The club is for people interested in exploring a career path in the lucrative business that is commercial real estate. Development especially, real estate is a great way to have income lined up for every month you lease out a building. Then, when you finally sell the building or development, it will have appreciated by usually 10x the initial investment. Not enough people at Colby explore this field. The club will help people network with my network of big cheese executives at development firms nationwide. It will also help educate students about the myriad services that real estate firms offer. This is not for people interested in houses, but rather buildings being examined as investments. It will help people establish contacts for after graduation. Will you be using the Career Center as a resource? Chris hadn’t thought about it yet. Chris is self-sufficient and doesn’t need funding. Motion was moved to question and seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion 5: Will moved to approve the constitutional amendments regarding election guidelines. The purpose of this motion is to make the election guidelines more explicit. We have had problems in the past with what is allowed/ not allowed in terms of campaigning and time period during which it can take place and it seems as though some of this vagueness comes from the constitution. Eva explained that the designated time period for the election will be made clearer for elections in the future. Motion was moved to question and seconded. The motion passedunanimously.

Motion 6:Joseph recommend the instillation of illuminated crosswalks across campus to the College Affairs Committee. This suggestion comes from an accident earlier. This issue will be brought up in next CAC meeting taking place tomorrow. Andrew pointed out that more lights might have a negative effect on the aesthetics of Colby. However, it was decided that looks are irrelevant given the potential safety concerns. Motion is moved to question and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

VI. New Business

Justin Deckert: Formal meetings that occur on the same day as Story Time will be moved up to 7:30 to avoid any conflicts.