Biology Final Exam Study Guide

1.  Cross a male cat who is heterozygous for black fur (Bb) and Heterozygous for fur length (Ss) with a female who is homozygous recessive (bb) for fur color and homozygous dominant for fur length (SS). Give the phenotypic ratio of the offspring. All offspring will have short-haired fur

2.  Circle One: A pedigree shows only (males/females) being affected by a specific trait is evidence of inheritance of a sex-linked trait.

3.  What part of DNA is responsible for providing the code for proteins? Hint there are 4 types of them. Nitrogen Bases

4.  The process of DNA replication is necessary before a cell does what? Divides into two cells

5.  A segment of a strand of DNA reads GAC. Translate the DNA sequence GAC into RNA. CUG

6.  DNA that is derived from the DNA of two or more different species is called what? Hint: Bacterial DNA containing the human gene for insulin is an example of this. Recombinant DNA

7.  T or F: People who have been exposed to excessive radiation often experience mutations. If these mutations only occur in somatic (body) cells, the mutations cannot be passed on to offspring.

8.  The insertion of a nucleotide into DNA is likely to cause a _Mutation______.

9.  The jimsonweed Datura stramonium normally has 12 chromosomes in the body cells. How many chromosomes will an egg cell of the weed have? 6

10.  T or F: Both humans and bacteria share a common genetic language.

11.  Describe what is taking place in the cells of the onion root tip pictured below:

The onion root is actively growing because the steps of Mitosis can be seen in the picture.

12.  The process of cloning involves making an identical copy of a cell’s _DNA.

13.  T or F. A cell from heart muscle would probably have an unusually high proportion of lysosomes.

14.  Compare and contrast Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes. Prokaryotes do not have membrane bound organelles but eukaryotic cells do.

15.  Is energy required by all living things? YES

16.  List the properties of water. Dissolves many substances(Universal Solvent), high heat capacity, polar, hydrogen bonding (adhesion/cohesion)

17.  What element is required for aerobic respiration? Oxygen

18.  Which technology contributed most to the development of the cell theory? Compound microscopes

19.  Explain why enzymes only work with specific substrates. It has a specific activation site for enzyme attachment

20.  A hypertonic solution like salt water will cause a cell to shrink_.

21.  According to the theory of natural selection, a species that lacks the variation necessary to adapt to a changing environment is at risk of extinction

22.  The development of antibiotic resistant bacteria is an example of _adaptation_.

23.  Organisms that are best adapted to the current environment is most likely a result of Natural Selection__. (Two words)

24.  Circle One: A bat’s wing and whale’s flipper are examples of (analogous structures/homologous structures).

25.  Circle One: The legs of a cheetah and legs of an insect are examples of (analogous structures/homologous structures).

26.  Rabbits that live in warm climates have larger ears than rabbits that live in cold climates. Larger ears allow rabbits to cool themselves by releasing body heat. Which term describes this characteristic? adaptation

27.  What is NECESSARY for natural selection to occur? Genetic variability

28.  Plant roots growing into the soil, the leaves of plants following the Sun, and vines growing around trees are all examples of _plant tropisms_.

29.  Based on the method by which they get food, organisms are classified as autotrophs or heterotrophs. T or F: Humans are heterotrophs. T or F: Plants are autotrophs.

30.  Describe the method of nutrition used by Fungi. They secrete enzymes to digest food outside their bodies

31.  Circle One: Arrows 1 and 2 in the picture of the plant below are pointing towards (male reproductive structures/female reproductive structures).1 and 2 are pointing to the female parts of the flower.

32.  Which area of the leaf is most responsible for protecting the leaf from the drying effects of the air? cuticle

33.  Which characteristic do viruses possess in common with living cells? they contain nuclei acids such as DNA or RNA

34.  The activities of a species in its environment are known as a species Niche.

35.  A single species is a group of interbreeding populations_.

36.  Fungi growing on grain and absorbing their nutrients is an example of Parasitic relationship.

37.  Circle One: A J shaped curve represents (Logistic growth/Exponential growth)

38.  Bacteria that turn hydrogen sulfide into sugars in an extreme aquatic environment play the same role as producers (green plants)_ on land.

39.  Decomposers are a group of organisms responsible for cycling organic material within an environment.

40.  What is the ultimate source of energy for most life on Earth? The sun