Mercy Neighborhood Ministries Program Report
May 12, 2014
Program Director: Ms. Barbara Coleman MS ED
Before and After School Program
Site Supervisors: Alice McCall and Deborah Adams
Pre School-48
School –Age - 83
License Capacity 113
Child Care Program
CCIS- 88
Preschool 16 Waiting List
Feeder Schools
Mercy Family Center Feeder Schools:
Mastery Grover Cleveland Elementary
Young Scholar Charter School
Pierce Elementary School-
Saint Martin DePorresCatholic School-
Swein Mitchell-
Clymer Elementary
Wordswotrth Academy Fort Washington, PA
Wissahickon Charter
Luis Munoz Marian
As communicated in the FY2014 OST Scope of Work, there will be two periods of OST system wide school year slot reallocations. The first change reallocation reflected program performance from September to December. The second, reflects year–to–date performance through March. In February we were allocated an additional 10 students moving from 30 to 40 and in April allocated an additional 4 students.Mercy has been allocated 44 summer slots effective July 1 For the Elementary model, payment will be based on the average daily attendance,since these youth are expected to attend programs on an almost daily basis. Existing programs that choose to operate summer programs will be allocated summer slots up to their FY 2013 level. During the school year, programs must have no fewer than 30 slots and no more than 175. The rates per Elementary model slot are as follows: $650 (summer) and $1,900 (school year).
Mercy Neighborhood Ministries has submitted Head Start Proposal to the School District of Philadelphia We requested 20 slots for Head Start Program.We will know the outcome on May 15, 2014, this will bring revenue into the program at the rate of$6,800 per student
Highlights: Mercy Family Center received 2014 Excellence in Early Childhood Education Award from Ideas To Action Leadership Institute on April 4,2014
Activities Coordinator: Barbara Willis Powell
Outreach Coordinator: Sister Theresa Saetta
Clients Currently Serve:28
Sr. Theresa, Barbara C and Barbara WP attended the PADSA meeting in Gettysburg last week and posed a question to the PA Secretary of Aging, Brian Duke, about the possibility of said partnership with LIFE programs. Mr. Duke thought it was a fine idea and saw no problem. This caused some conversation and we found out that in some counties, there already is a partnership in place, with individual Adult Day centers making contracts with individual LIFE centers for Adult Day social activities. We are pursuing this as we continue the conversation.
Sr. Theresa met Marybeth Hlevac, new sales rep. at Mercy LIFE, at PCA meeting.They spoke about our on-going conversation with Greg Beach and the desire to work in partnership for Adult Day activities at Mercy Neighborhood. She is eager to continue the dialogue and is coming to a meeting at Mercy Neighborhood on Thursday, May 15th.
New Adult Day Applicants:
Approved by PCA:
(1)Client (began 5/8/14)
(1)Client (will visit week of 5/12 and fill out enrollment forms)
(2)Clients (2 days a week) Tues and Thurs. application in process
(1)CLIENT (private pay) beginning with two days a week (will spend the day May 15th) all paper work complete
(PCA processing) 1 CLIENT info packet sent(prefers Tues and Thurs.)
One lapsed client and one transferred will be returning to Mercy Family Center
28 Present enrolled
5 Waiting - / PCA APPROVAL
1 transferred
*Active Seniors: 10 seniors attended Spring Sea Isle retreat may 2-May 4th Sister Cora Billings, RSM , an African American religious former pastor, facilitated to great reviews and admiration.
Sr. Theresa attended Senior Expo Health Fair at Convention Center and 107 seniors signed up to come to an open house and lunch in September.The date is tobe announced and invitations to be sent.On May 30th, Community health workers from Temple, Drexel, and Einstein, will be coming to Mercy Neighborhood Ministries for a meeting, at which time, Mercy will speak with them about making referrals for clients into our Adult Day program.
Adult ED
GED - 25
ABE – 10
Total: 35 Active Participants
4 Learners completed testing and waiting for a class…..they will be placed by the end of the week.
3 Learners scheduled for Placement Testing
Teachers – 19 ….. 9 teachers meet with a learner – one-on-one
10 meet with 2-4 learners in a class setting.
Computer Class - open to Public - 8 weeks ended May 2nd.
I am looking for a computer teacher to offer a class during summer months.
New Initiative: Sister Ann and Sr. Maureen met with representatives from New Courtland Senior Citizen Center with whom we will begin a partnership. Four or Five Seniors, members of New Courtland will come to Mercy Neighborhood on Thurs., 5/22 for a placement testing in basic reading. They will be scheduled to attend a Reading class once each week as results of testing are determined. New Courtland will be covering the cost of this program for each of their members.
Programs sponsored by the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy in which MNM is involved
- Tech Tutors - 3
- MyPlace – New Learners – 5
- .Mentor Program
Upcoming Events:
Picture Day May 14th
Prom- May 30th
June 13th Family Night
June 20th Preschool Move Up Day
Supporting Agencies: Adult Day,Adult Education & Child Care
Temple Nursing Students
St.Joseph Students
Waldron 8th graders
Holy Family University
Cardinal Foley
Mercy Vocational nursing Students
Mercy Vocational Student volunteers
Merion Mercy Academy High School
Sisters of Mercy Volunteers GED Program
Thanks for all who support our mission.