October 11, 2012
- Welcome and Introductions: The meeting was called to order by Lanny Marks at 8 a.m.
- Approval of Minutes: Board minutes of the September 13, 2012 meeting were approved.
- Programming: Vicki Katz reported that everything is set for Adi Rappoport, Esq. to speak at the Dinner on October 16th. Vicki confirmed that the sponsor for the Dinner will be bringing two guests. A discussion ensued by the Board regarding whether or not guests brought by sponsors should be able to attend at no cost. Motion was made by Paul Roman to extend complimentary attendance to any two representatives of a sponsoring company/firm, when sponsoring company is covering cost of the Dinner. The Motion was seconded by Ira Herschbein, and Motion was passed by the Board. Vicki confirmed that David Koulish of Northern Trust will be speaking at the Dinner on November 13th, and Northern is sponsoring the Dinner.
- Speaker’s Bureau: Justin Savioli reported that he met with David Rutherford of FAU to discuss David’s experience with charitable organizations in allowing professionals to speak at their events, or utilization of their venue or spheres of influence to obtain access to speak before their donors. David agreed that it is difficult to obtain a commitment from donors to even participate in FAU sponsored events, in general, let alone speakers from a community professional organization. David did mention that elder care is a topic that is affecting many people, including donors associated with the charitable organizations who are caring for an ill spouse or parent, and that this could be an attractive topic where some of our members could be lead speakers. Sharon DaBrusco reminded the Board that the Council did put on seminars at FAU in past years, and although they were successful, the attendance was never great. Justin posed the question of cost: the cost of putting on these events is sometimes a big concern for the charitable organization and we need to be ready to discuss how much of the cost we would cover. Paul Roman posed the question of “why continue to push the Speaker’s Bureau if the results are so poor.” Lanny agreed that the discussion would be tabled for a later time. Sharon also mentioned that we should be discussing the need for venues for the Speaker’s Bureau at each Dinner—asking for support from our members and guests to have people from our Speaker’s Bureau come and speak to a specific group. Justin Savioli and David Rutherford will schedule an upcoming committee meeting to come up with a plan of action.
- Technology: Nothing to Report.
- Membership: Paul Roman reported that opening Welcome Reception was a success. We have about 131 members this year so far. Further information reviewed after the meeting confirms 145 members (10 new members and 3 pending new applications). We budgeted for 159 members based on last years numbers so we are slightly down in membership for the year, however, applications and renewals continue to come in. We do have about 25 non renewers (later confirmed 15 non renewers). The list of non renewers was read by Alan Rosenthal, and the Board divided up the names by Board member who will call the person to confirm whether or not they will be renewing for this year. Paul reported that we received five new membership applications. The applications were reviewed and discussed by the Board. Cristofer Benardo, Amy Mauser and Ida Novack were approved by the Board without any objections or issues. The application of Richard Steinberg was withdrawn by the Board due to his submission as CFA and the By-Laws do not provide for CFA as one of the options for professional designations that qualify a person for membership to the Council. Finally, much discussion ensued around the last application which was submitted by Ed Smith as Attorney. The discrepancy focused around whether he qualified for membership under the By-Laws based on the fact that although he’s an attorney he is not currently practicing law and his role at his current job does not necessarily fall under any of the other professional categories for submission. Finally, the determination was made that he did practice law for at least one year in Boca Raton, FL and therefore he qualified for acceptance under the By-Laws that require you to have practiced in your profession for at least one year. Furthermore, the Board agreed the Ed is currently involved in estate planning matters at his current accounting firm and has always worked in the area of estate planning, and as such he is well versed in his field with tremendous experience and knowledge in the area of estate and tax planning. The Board voted in favor of accepting Ed Smith’s application for membership.
- Sponsorships for Dinners: Elyssa Kupferberg reported that sponsors are confirmed for all the dinners. The committee is starting to plan for the end of year event.
- Year End Bash: Leslie McCullough and Mark Walters are joining the committee to help with the end of year event. The end of year event will occur on the 1st Saturday in June. The Board agreed that the end of year event should be a dinner, not an offsite trip. Paul Roman has suggested that as a member of the Delray Beach Club he may be able to help establish the venue for the event at the Beach Club, and maybe have a beach family day and then a dinner.
- Old Business: Alan Rosenthal reported: The cost for the Boca Museum is $700, plus cost of caterer, etc. David Rutherford confirmed that the date is available at FAU and they would be willing to cover the cost as they did last year. Last year, FAU covered the event by putting up $3,000 and GBREPC contributed $35 per person. The Board agreed that it was interested in pursuing FAU as the venue for the offsite meeting in February.
- New Business: No new business to report.
NOTE:Ron Siegel and Vicki Katz are responsible for November 1st Breakfast.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Eamonn Gunther, Secretary
NOTE: If your name is in BoldPrint in the following attendance record, then you may have been assigned a task at this meeting. Please review the minutes carefully.
Attendance RecordMember / Position / 6/28 / 8/23 / 9/13 / 10/11 / 11/1 / 1/17 / 2/14 / 4/18
Marks, Lanny / President / X / X / X / X
Ballerano, Jim / Past President / - / X / X
Rosenthal, Alan / President Elect / X / X / X / X
Duffey, Brian / V.P. Technology / - / - / X / X
Goldberger, Scott / Director / X / X / X / X
Gunther, Eamonn / Secretary / X / X / X / X
Herschbein, Ira / Director / X / X / X / X
Katz, Vicki / V.P. Programs / X / X / X / X
McCullough, Leslie / Director / X / X / X / X
Roman, Paul / V.P. Membership / X / X / X / X
Rutherford, David / Director / X / X / X / X
Savioli, Justin
/ V.P. Speakers Bureau / - / - / X / XSchuchman, Sid / Treasurer / X / X / X / -
Siegel, Ron / Director / X / X / X / X
Tamse, Mace Barry / Director / X / X / X / X
Walters, Mark
/ Director / X / X / X / XCancilla, Debra / Emeritus/Sponsorship Co-Chair / X / X / X / X
DaBrusco, Sharon / Emeritus / X / X / - /
Glickman, Mark / Emeritus / - / X / X / -Kupferberg, Elyssa / Emeritus/Sponsorship Co-Chair / X / X /
/ XWeinstein, George / Emeritus / - / - / - / -
Quorum / 17 / 17 / 18 / 16
Schedule of Remaining Membership Meetings:
9/13/12Wells FargoBoard Meeting
9/19/12Wells FargoCocktail Reception – Kick-Off event at Wells Fargo
10/11/12Wells FargoBoard Meeting
10/16/12 Dinner/WoodfieldAdi Rappoport, Esq. – Gunster Yoakley- Discussion on sunset effects of
EGTRRA (current tax relief code)
11/1/12Wells FargoBoard Meeting
11/13/12Dinner/Woodfield David Koulish – Northern Trust Chief Investment Officer
Post-election outlook
1/17/13Wells Fargo Board Meeting
01/22/13 Dinner/WoodfieldIvan Taback – Proskauer presentation on Undue influence/eldercare
02/19/13Dinner/TBD David Ratcliffe, U.S. Trust – “Asking the Philanthropic Question”
04/18/13Wells Fargo Board Meeting
04/23/13 Dinner/Woodfield Nichole Scott, Esq., Holland & Knight – “Life Ins. Estate/Tax Planning”
May/June 2013 YR End Gala Location TBD
Board Meetings start at 8:00 a.m., with Breakfast at 7:45 a.m.
Dinner Meetings start at 5:30 p.m.