Call led by Brian LeStrange and Makesha Sink
- We have been informed by the VBMS Program Management Office that VBMS Release 9.0 was installed at the end of June.Please note: For optimal system use, please remember to complete the attached Internet Explorer setting and clear cache instructions on a regular basis.
- Attached also is The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) proposal to amend the portion of the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD or rating schedule) that addresses the schedule of ratings for eye. In reviewing the document – the main difference other than small details here and there about certain disease processes, is the change for determining “incapacitating episodes”. I know I pretty much have always clicked “no” for all eye claims, because previously it required hospitalization or bedrest to click “yes”. Now the proposed change is based on the # of visits/year for treatment/management of that condition, ranging from 3-10 or more.This document is a proposal, and any written comments or idease for change may be submitted through Comments should indicate that they are submitted in response to ‘‘RIN 2900–AP14–Schedule for Rating Disabilities; The Organs of Special Sense and Schedule of Ratings—Eye.’’ And must be received on or before August 10, 2015. The interesting thing will be that if this change occurs that an update to the DBQ ophth will likely occur and hopefully provide clarification in how to document this.
- DMA Fact sheet attached as a reminder of coding requirements for C&P/IDES exams and the ACE process when applicable. Always be sure that you are using the appropriate codes for the exam and diagnosis depending on the type of exam you are doing or the ACE process/chart review.
- Answer to a previous call question about workload related to procedures performed during C&P exams. There is no additional workload credit for procedures related to C&P exams, it is all lumped in to the exam code (99456). So you do not need to code for visual field, OCT, refraction, ultrasound, etc. separately as it is considered a part of the disability evaluation, unlike a standard exam E&M code or ophthalmic code where you bill/code for procedures separately. The fact that these are included is likely why there is an increased workload associated with C&P/IDES exams.
- Next call 10/21/15 @ 3:00pm eastern time ( 1-800-767-1750 access code: 16019 )