JANUARY 16, 2012


We are in the process of organizing two Fund Raising Activities.

·  Beginning in February we will be selling gift cards. Members can buy gift cards for various local and national retailers including grocery stores, drug stores, gas stations and many other popular shopping destinations and the Synagogue will receive a percentage of every dollar spent on the gift cards. The February Bulletin contains the initial announcement about the program. Initially we will be focusing on 10 commonly used retailers. We will roll out additional retailers later in the year.

·  We will be holding a World Wide Live On-Line Auction on Sunday May 20th. We will have an event at the Synagogue in conjunction with the on-line auction. We will also have a silent auction. We need help obtaining items for the both auctions. We are looking for: Art, collectibles, coins and currency, sports memorabilia, jewelry, watches, consumer electronics, home and décor items, toys, sports tickets and computers. If you have items to donate for the auction or have contacts at merchants we can solicit for items, please contact Brad Shaps. In addition, if you would like to serve on the committee to plan the event, please contact Brad Shaps.

HOUSE: SUZY HAKIMIAN, VP No written report.


·  A function of the Membership Committee is to (1) grow market demand (2) increase market share and (3) enhance the role of marketing communications. In an effort to do so, we have created a CBS car magnet which will reach a greater number of prospective members than a traditional print ad, and be ongoing. It will act as a vehicle to increase CBS visibility and position CBS as a vibrant synagogue, attractive to young families, and full of pride. The magnets will be distributed to the congregation and used as marketing giveaways for upcoming community events.

·  We are confirming CBS participation at the JNF Tu B'Shevat event that will be held at CJHS on Sunday February 12th from 11:30am to 3pm. Many families with young children attend this event. Camps and organizations have tables to promote their institutions and often run a Tu B'Shevat or eco-friendly themed activity to “bring people to their table”. We will pursue something similar.

·  We are revisiting participation at the Greater Chicago Jewish Festival on Sunday, June 10, 2012 at St. Paul Woods in Morton Grove. This festival, which brings together the Jewish community and is held every two years, affords CBS an outreach opportunity. In 2010, local synagogues like Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai Emunah, Congregation Beth Am, North Suburban Synagogue Beth El, Shaare Tikvah Shir Hadash, and Temple Beth El had tables at the festival. Moriah, although not represented in 2010, was there in past years.

·  We continue to assess an upcoming new member event to tie-in with the Walk-For Israel and a possible prospective young family tie-in event with YFO.


·  Programming has been busy with programs for congregants of all ages. On Friday, January 6th, we had a YFO dinner, services & program starting early followed by a Hazak service, dinner and speaker. Wednesday January 11th saw another Hazak program. January 28th is Havdallah Dinner and a Movie, featuring the movie “ARRANGED”.

·  December closed with a well-attended (about 50-60 people) Spirits & Spirituality program at The Ram. Rabbi Melman led a lively discussion.

·  Upcoming programs in February include Nosh n’ Drash on the 1st, Ideas Café on the 2nd and a special Tuesday night edition of Spirits & Spirituality on the 21st.

·  The Programming Committee will begin planning the 2012-2013 Distinguished Speakers Program at the February meeting. All ideas are welcome. Our next distinguished speaker will be Richard Wolffe on March 15th.


Ritual Director search:

·  20 applications for the position

·  7 phone or Skype interviews with applicants

·  3 face-to-face interviews with committee and clergy

·  Currently finishing reference checking and developing offer

·  Expecting to have announcement shortly


·  Ritual Committee discussed moving morning minyan to 7a. to potentially expand attendance

Survey of regular attendees was mixed but there was some significant pushback from some

·  Thanks for support during holiday season. Please continue to commit to this important community mitzvah.


·  New ones arrived and still have some of previous edition available to be donated to Hillel’s.

·  Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin have taken several hundred.


·  Please support this beautiful and enjoyable service on January 20

SCHOOL: DEBBIE SOLOMON, VP See attached written report.


·  Thank you to Sisterhood for continuing to sell the bracelets in the Gift Shop. These are the bracelets made by the Aleph and Gimel students to raise money and awareness for the University of Chicago Lacey Horwitch RTH Research Fund.

·  January is Animal Shelter Support Month, chaired by Marilyn Fish. Check out the web page and bulletin for more information. Collection bins are in CBS office and Religious School lobby.

·  January bulletin is packed with Social Action articles. Please check them out. We are asking for Ark Seder volunteers, volunteers to cook for PADS in January, etc.


·  Month of February Food Drive- Every time congregants come into the building for a meeting, program, class etc. (everything except Shabbat services) during the month of February, we ask that they bring a can of food for Northfield Food Pantry.



·  Sisterhood Shabbat is Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 2:30pm, followed by Mincha Ma’ariv. Rabbi Benay Lappe is our speaker.

·  Book Club is Tuesday Jan. 17. The book is “Once we were Brothers”. The author will be speaking to us.

·  Maj Jongg tournament, named in memory of Jan Blum, is Feb. 19th

Hope to see you all at these events!


·  Congratulations to Bruce Bell, our 2012 Kavod Award Recipient. Mark your calendars for March 19 for Men’s Club Shabbat. Our theme this year is Celebrating Israel’s Innovations and Accomplishments.

·  On January 15 we had our Business Networking Breakfast featuring guest speakers on this year’s tax changes. It was attended by about 20 people.

·  January 15 we also co-sponsored our annual Bingo night, which was once again a huge success. Everyone enjoyed our homemade lasagna and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Upcoming events:

·  January 25 – Men’s Club Youth Basketball Game

·  January 31 – Texas Hold ‘Em fund raiser

·  February 5 - World Wide Wrap is February 5. We have a goal of 200 people attending. We are excited that the service for World Wide Wrap will be an interactive, multimedia musical service. This will be a very special Sunday morning service experience.

·  February 19 – FJMC Man of the Year Brunch. Please join us as we honor our executive vice president Alan Medansky.

·  March 11 – Lox Box delivery. Please place your orders early and remember to support the ARK and CJE . The night before will have our annual packing extravaganza for those wonderful volunteers. Be there to see how much fun packing lox boxes can be.