TexasState Weightlifting Championships and Open 2006

meet setup: Mike Street, Sean Street, Keith Hillard, Jake Hillard, Josh Robinett, Dana, Lon Kilgore, Mark Rippetoe, Corey Elrod, Rosemary Miles, Becky Kudrna

concessions—Mary McGregor (set up), Carla Nichols, Dana, Andy Nichols, Heather Ford



Meet Directors: Mark Rippetoe & Lon Kilgore

Announcer: Mark Rippetoe

Expediter: Cristal Biddle

Score keeper/projections: Adam Weaver or Lon Kilgore


Platform manager: Caleb “Tank” Ward

Loaders: Ben Henderson, Rudy Regino, Andrew Goble, Josh Wright, Marshall Morris

Session 1 (all women lifters)

Judges (head judge*): Lon Kilgore, Cardell Hairrell, Richard Flemming*

introduction: 15 lifters in this session representing 6 different teams

snatch summary:

The first 3 snatch attempts were taken by Neiman Wickline—15, 17.5 (this bar, 20kg. She made the first two and narrowly missed her third. Jordan Campagnaand Courtney Johnson took turns on the next 6 snatch attempts. Jordan Campagna successfully lifted 25, 28 and then 30 kg on her attempts. Courtney Johnson made her first snatch attempt of 25, but missed 30kg 2x. Next up was Michelle Willis from MET. She missed her first attempt at 33kg, but made it with her second attempt. Jaclyn Beed and Michelle Willis each opened with good attempts at 35kg. Mary McGregor followed with a successful opener at 37kg and second attempt at 39kg. Several lifters made 40kg as their first snatch attempt-- Chandra Armstead, Jessica Beed, Rosemary Myles and Megan Hodges good.

Jaclyn Beed missed her 2ndand 3rdattempts at 40kg. Mary McGregor was unsuccessful with her third attempt at 41kg. Several lifters made 45kg for their second snatch attempts-- Chandra Armstead,Jessica Beed, and Rosemary Myles 45kg. Megan Hodges missed 45kg forward on her second attempt, but made it beautifully on her final attempt.

Marti Zalatel opened with 46kg, chased it forward, but made it. She followed this with a good attempt at 48kg. Rosemary Myles, also lifting in the 63kg weightclass, took 48kg for her third attempt, but missed it. Samantha Nichols attempted 50kg for her opener and made it easily. Chandra Armstead attempted 50kg for her final snatch attempt, but missed it 1-2 due to a bit of arm bend/pressout. Jessica Beed attempted 50kg, caught it a little to the right, but managed to hold it for a good lift. Marti Z. missed 50kg for her third attempt—just not fast enough under the bar. Sammi Nichols made her second and third attempts at 52 and 54kg.Vanessa McCoy opened with a good 63kg attempt.Becky Kudrna opened with a good 67kg. Ashley Suggs made her opener of 70kg. Vanessa McCoy made 67kg for her second, but missed 70 for her third. For her second attempt, Becky Kudrna got to the bottom with 72kg, but lost it behind before she could get it moving up. Ashley Suggs made second attempt at 73kg. Becky Kudrna moved up to 75kg for her third attempt—made it. Ashley Suggs attempted 75kg on her 3rd, but didn’t go under at the end of the pull.


Neiman Wickline successfully opened with 20kg and followed it with 22kg. She didn’t manage to go under her final attempt at 25. Jordan Campagna opened with a successful, but wobbly, attempt at 27kg. Courtney Johnson attempted 30kg and made it. Jordan’s 31kg attempt looked better than her first. She then moved to 35kg for her final lift of the day and made it, finishing 6/6 on the day! Courtney Johnson moved to 37kg for her 2nd attempt. She followed herself with a successful 3rd attempt with 38kg. Jaclyn Beed opened with a strong 40kg. Michelle Willis also began her C&Js with an easy 40kg. Jaclyn Beed then took 45kg for her second. Michelle Willis then matched her. Jaclyn Beed attempted 48kg for her final attempt. The clean was good, but she missed the jerk. Michelle Willis then attempted 48, for the same result! Mary McGregor opened with 51kg. Jessica Beed opened with a solid 52kg. Chandra Armstead opened with a good 55kg. Mary McGregor took this weight for her second. Jessica Beed made her second with 56kg. Mary McGregor made 56kg for her 3rd attempt. Three of the 4 lifters in the 63kg weightclass opened with 57kg-- Rosemary Myles, Megan Hodges and Marti Zalatel—all were successful. Next, Megan Hodges missed 59kg on her second attempt due to pressout of the jerk. Chandra Armstead made 60kg for her second.

Megan Hodges missed 60kg on her 3rd attempt. Sammi Nichols opened with a good 61kg. Jessica Beed 61kg good. Rosemary Myles made 62kg for her second. Marti Zalatel made 62kg for her second. Rosemary Myles finished the competition with miss at 64kg. Marti Zalatel made 64kg for her third. Sammi Nichols made 65 for her 2nd. Sammi went after 66kg for her 3rd. She got under it easily, but couldn’t recover from the bottom. Chandra Armstead took her final attempt at 68kg. She made this with an especially nice jerk to finish things off. Vanessa McCoy missed her opener at75kg. She repeated this weight and made it on her second attempt. Becky Kudrna opened with an easy 80kg. Vanessa McCoy missed 82kg on her 3rd . Ashley Suggs opened with 85kg. Becky Kudrna’s 2nd at 85kg was successful. Ashley Suggs lifted 90kg for her 2nd and passed on her 3rd. Becky Kudrna finished the session off with a tough 90kg.

Session 2 (male 44/51/56/62)

Judges: Richard Flemming*, Tom Witherspoon, Cardell Hairrell


The session was opened with a nice looking 10kg snatch by Jake Hillard. He followed this with 12 (12.5)kg and finished with miss at 15kg. James Swords lifted 17.5kg, 20kg and then 22kg—3 for 3 on his snatches! Alex Nolan opened with 23kg, followed by 26kg and 28kg (3/3!). Josh Robinett opened with 30kg. Ryan Bertram then opened with the same weight. He followed this with a good lift at 32kg. Josh Robinett made 33kg for his 2nd. Ryan finished his snatches with a solid 34kg—another 3/3 performance in this session. Josh Robinett attempted 35kg for his 3rd, but lost it behind him at the bottom. Zack Gibson began with a miss behind at 37kg. Justin Babbitt took the same weight with the same result. On the second time around, Zack Gibson was successful. Justin Babbitt also made 37kg on his second go with the weight. The bar was moved to 39kg for Justin Babbitt’s 3rd attempt, lost forward. Patrick Swords opened easily with 40kg—just over his bodyweight. Ricky Nolan, Geoffrey Ziessel and John Bassler each also opened with 40kg. Zack Gibson closely missed his 3rd attempt with 40kg. Dylan Wall opened with 42kg. Patrick Swords went for 42kg on his 2nd and lost it behind him. John Bassler took the next turn at 42kg and made it. Patrick Swords took his final attempt at 42kg and narrowly missed it again. John Bassler made 44kg on his final snatch. Ricky Nolan attempted 45kg on his second—good! Geoffrey Ziessel also made his second attempt at this weight. Dylan Wall lost his 2nd at 45 forward and behind him on his 3rd. Dylan Hillard opened with 46kg and followed it with a hard fought 49kg. Geoffrey Ziessel missed his final attempt at 50kg. Dylan Hillard finished with 51kg, going 3/3 for the first contested lift. Bobby Campbell opened with 60kg and followed with 65kg. Sean Street then opened with 70kg. Bobby Campbell finished up with a 70kg attempt that he didn’t quite get under fast enough. Sean Street took his 2nd at 73kg and followed with 75kg on his 3rd for a 3/3 run. The final 3 attempts were made by J Cooper. 80kg= good. 85kg= good. 87kg=good (3/3).

Judges: Richard Flemming*, Tom Witherspoon, Keith Miller


The second lift was started by Jake Hillard with three good attempts at 10kg,17(17.5)kg and finally 20kg. James Swords was the next lifter, starting with 25kg then 28kg and finishing up with 30kg for 6/6 on the day. Alex Nolan, Josh Robinett and Ryan Bertram each opened with 35kg. Alex and Ryan made their lifts, while Josh missed on the jerk. Josh Robinett repeated 35kg for his 2nd, making up for his earlier miss. Alex Nolan missed his 2nd attempt at 38 with a knee touch to the platform on the clean. Ryan Bertram made his 2nd attempt at 38kg. Alex Nolan then gave 38kg another try and made it. Josh Robinett missed 38kg—strong clean, but the jerk just wasn’t quite there. Next up, Ryan Bertram took and make 40kg. Ryan was 6/6 for the day. Zack Gibson started his attempts with a good 44kg. John Bassler, Patrick Swords, Dylan Wall each made 47kg for their first attempts. Zack Gibson then took this weight for his 2nd attempt—good lift. John Bassler made 48kg for his second. Patrick Swords lost49kg after a valiant to recover from the clean. He went out for the same weight on his 3rd attempt, and made the lift. Ricky Nolan and Justin Babbitt each made 50kg for their 1st attempts. Dylan Wall made50kg for his 2nd while Zack Gibson and John Bassler each made this weight for their 3rd. Dylan Wall finished with a miss on the jerk at 53kg. Ricky Nolan made 55kg on his 2nd. **** Geoffrey Ziesel opened with a good 57kg. Justin Babbitt missed 60kg on his 2nd. Geoffrey Ziesel followed and made 60kg for his 2nd. Justin Babbitt took another try at 60kg, missing his 3rd. Ricky Nolan finished his lifting with a 60kg attempt, making him 6/6 on the day. ****Some missing here and out of order***.

Dylan Hillard’s 1st attempt at 61kg was good. He followed himself with 66kg and missed the clean by not finishing the pull. On his 3rd attempt he repeated, for 3 white lights. Bobby Campbell started with 75kg for an opener. Sean Street opened with 80kg. Bobby Campbell missed 80kg for both his 2nd and 3rd attempts due to the jerk. Sean Street made 85kg for his second attempt. He finished by following himself with an unsuccessful attempt at 90kg where he lost his position at the bottom of the clean. J Cooper finished the session by following himself for all attempts. 100kg good, missed 107 on the jerk, repeated 107 for his 3rd, missing it on the jerk as well.

Session 3 (male 69/77/85)

judges: Richard Flemming*, Ashley Suggs, Keith Miller


Bob White opened the session with a snatch of 35kg. He then moved to a second attempt of 37kg. Perry Gonzales (POWER)snatched 40kg on his first attempt (as if it were 10kg). 40kg was also used as an opener by Regan Woods. Bob White missed his last snatch by pressing out 40kg. The next lifter was AJ Harris, opening with a neat 45kg. Perry Gonzales took 45kg as his second attempt, missing by not moving under the bar well enough. Regan Woods missed 45kg on his 2nd attempt. Perry Gonzales missed his 3rd snatch attempt at 45kg. Regan Woods finished his snatches by making 45kg. Bryan Jennings made his opener at 47kg. AJ Harris moved to 48kg, and earned another 3whites. Eric Wall opened with 50kg that had a lot of extra room on it. Bryan Jennings attempted 51 for his second attempt, easily making the lift. AJ Harris missed 51kg on his final snatch attempt. Chris Saucedo missed his opener at 52kg and second, but made it on his final attempt. 53kg Eric Wall. 54kg for Bryan Jennings final snatch (3/3). Blaine Townsend 55kg opener easily got under. Eric Wall very nice final snatch with 55kg (3/3). Keith Hillard opened with 58kg, missed it, repeated and missed it and finally got it on the 3rd. Blaine Townsend took 60 for his 2nd. Followed himself with 62 for his 3rd and made that as well for 3/3 on his first lift. Omar Vasquez opened with a good 64kg. Sean Dubose opened with 65kg. Michael Cooley opened with 65kg (passed on his remaining attempts). Omar Vasquez 2nd attempt = 67 was good. Eric Suddeath started the snatches in the 77s with 68kg. Beau Taber opened with 70kg. Sean Dubose attempted 70kg for his second and made the lift. Omar Vasquez finished with 70kg and 3/3 on his snatches. Eric Suddeath 2nd attempt of 70 was good. Sean Dubose’s second attempt of 74kg was missed, but he avoided decapitation, just. Beau Taber also attempted 74 for his second, and made it nicely. Eric Suddeath 3rd attempt at 74 was good (snatches improved with each lift). Beau Taber attempted 78kg for his final snatch, but missed it going underneath. Justin O’Day opened with a very solid 80kg. The same weight was attemped by Micheal Janis and then Corey Elrod easily making his opener. Jimmy Stewart also opened with 80kg. Thor Oliver missed his opener of 80kg. Dropped it behind on his second attempt with the same weight. Attempted 81kg for his third and made it. Justin O’Day made a nice 85kg for his second. Michael Janis also took this weight for his second and made it. Corey Elrod 85kg also good. Jimmy Stewart 85kg for his second and just lost it to the front at the bottom of the catch. He repeated this weight for his 3rd attempt and made it. The orange lifting shoes probably have something to do with his success. Justin O’Day took at final attempt of 90kg, very solid lift. Michael Janis attempted 90kg for his third as well and made it. Corey Elrod finished with an unsuccessful attempt at 90kg. The last lifter of the class, Innocent Upkong began with 135kg and followed himself with 140kg, which was just barely lost behind as he came up. For his final snatchhe called for 142 and then amended this to 143 and then 145. Dropped to the front.


The second half of the session began with Bob White’s good lift at 40kg. He took his second attempt at 44kg, easy jerk. He followed himself again to take his last lift at 48kg. Power cleans and split jerks. The next lifter was Perry Gonzales who started with a powerclean 50kg. AJ Harris at 55kg for his first lift, good. Perry Gonzales 2nd with 55kg. AJHarris 2nd of 58kg good lift. Bryan Jennings 1st attempt of 60kg was good. Perry Gonzales final lift at 60kg powercleaned, good lift. AJ Harris’s final attempt was also taken at 60kg, but elbow wobble on the jerk made it a no-lift. Eric Wall missed 62kg for his opener due to arm bobble on the jerk. Eric Wall made 62kg attempt. Bryan Jennings made a solid 66kg for his second attempt. Regan Woods took 66kg for his first attempt. Eric Wall went with 66kg for his final attempt. Bryan Jennings finished with 69kg which was missed. Chris Saucedo opened with 70kg, but missed the lift. Blaine Townsend opened with 70kg. Next up, Chris Saucedo repeated 70kg and made the lift. Regan Woods followed with 73kg for his second good attempt. Sean Dubose opened with 75kg, holding on to a jerk that nearly got away from him due to the drive. Blain Townsend took 75kg as his second attempt which was good. Chris Saucedo attempted 75kg as his final , successful, lift. Keith Hillard, one of the two master’s lifters competing at 69, opened with 80kg. Sean Dubose kept the same weight for his 2nd – good! Regan Woods finished with 80kg, good clean, but missed the jerk. Blaine Townsend took 80 as his final attempt, going 6/6 on his lifts. Beau Taber opened at 85 and completed the lift. Michael Cooley also opened with 85kg, making the lift easily and then passing his remaining attempts. Also at 85, Keith Hillard went for his 2nd attempt. He easily made the clean, but caught the jerk with a bent arm. Sean Dubose took 85kg as his final lift with an easy clean. Omar Vasquez opened with 87kg—good lift, with a nice jerk to finish things. Keith Hillard went with 88kg for his final lift of the day. He missed the jerk, but it was very close. Next Eric Suddeath opened with a good 90kg. Beau Traber went for 92kg with his second good attempt. Omar Vasquez also attempted 92kg as his second. The lift was also good. Eric Suddeath 93kg second attempt was good. Omar Vasquez 95kg final attempt was lost on the bottom of the clean. Eric Suddeath went after 96kg for his final attempt was good making him 6/6 for the day. 97kg final attempt for Beau Traber was not passed due to pressout of the jerk. Corey Elrod opened with 100kg with a good clean, but unlocked arms on receiving the jerk. Jimmy Stewart also opened with 100kg, but made the lift. Corey Elrod then repeated 100kg for a good lift on his second attempt. He followed himself for his third attempt at 105kg which was good. Justin O’Day opened with a good 107kg attempt. Michael Janis also opened with 107kg, powerclean and managed to hold the jerk. Jimmy Stewart took 107kg as his 2nd good attempt. Thor Oliver opened with a good 110kg. Justin O’Day took his second at 112kg. Michael Janis attempted 112kg—tough clean recovery and not enough for the jerk. Jimmy Stewart finished with 112 kg missed with the jerk. 113kg was taken as the final attempt by Michael Janis for a good lift. Justin O’Day attempted 114kg for his final lift, going 6/6 on the day. Thor Oliver attempted 115kg for his second attempt which was judged good. He attempted 117 as his final lift, but aborted it as entering the second pull. The final lifts were taken by Innocent Upkong, following himself. 180kg, good. 190kg, good, 195kg final attempt, aborted pull just above knee.

Session 4 (male 94/105/105+)

judges: Carla Nichols*, Keith Hillard, John Martin


The session was opened by Tom Witherspoon (34 years in a row at TxSt Championships) with a split-style snatch at 55kg. James Campbell followed with a good attempt at 58kg. Tom Witherspoon attempted 60kg for his 2nd, also good. James Campbell attempted 63kg 2nd…no lift. His reattempt for his 3rd was not there. Tom Witherspoon finished his snatches with an unsuccessful attempt at 63kg. Lee Loving opened with 65kg—good lift. Jarod Ford started with an easy opener of 67. Bob Ward opened with 68kg for a good lift. Charles Carlton opened with 70kg for a good snatch squat lift. Jarod Ford attempted 70kg good lift on his 2nd. Jarod Ford followed himself to finish his snatches with 72kg—3/3 on his first lift. Lee Loving and Bob Ward both attempted 73kg for their second lifts. Lee Loving made his lift. Bob Ward missed the attempt and stayed with that weight for his 3rd attempt, but also missed it (arm bend/pressout). Tim Trahan opened with a good attempt at 75kg. Charles Carlton took the same weight for his 2nd attempt, but missed it going under. He followed himself, but did no better on his 3rd.