Regular World Studies Name ______

Exam Review Answers Second semester

(50 point grade on 4th 9 weeks grade )


1. What is trench warfare?

2. Define nationalism:

3. What was the Zimmerman note?

4. What was the “Lusitania”?

5. What was the first important battle of WWI?

6. What was the name of the territory that Germany and France argued over prior to WWI?

7. What countries made up the Allies in WWI?

8. Define armistice:

9. What was President Wilson’s major reason for declaring war on Germany?

10. Define imperialism:

11. Name the Central Powers in WWI:

12. Name the 2 PREWAR alliances formed before WWI:

13. What was the last battle of WWI?

14. List 4 new technologies used in WWI:

15. Name 4 causes of WWI :


16. What was the name of the peace keeping organization formed after WWI?

17. Define Reparations:

18. Why didn’t the European countries support Wilson’s 14 Points?

19. Which country didn’t join the League of Nations?

20. Define Appeasement:

21. Who was blamed for WWI in the Treaty of Versailles War Guild Clause?


22. Why did the US enter WWII?

23. What demilitarized zone that borders France and Germany did Hitler invade prior to WWII?

24. What was Anschluss?

25. What name was given to the Allied plan to invade Nazi occupied France in WWII?

26. Define disarmament:

27. What 2 cities were atomic bombs dropped on in WWII?

28. What was the name given to Germany last counteroffensive in WWII?

29. Why was the Battle of Dunkirk important?

30. What is Island Hopping?

31. Who was the leader of communist Russia in WWII?

32. Who were the Axis powers in WWII?

33. The invasion of this country by Hitler started WWII:

34. Describe the Battle of Britain:

35. The invasion by Hitler of this country was considered a military mistakes on Hitler’s part - it helped lead to the defeat of Germany:

36. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

37. Who was the leader of Japan in WWII?

38. Define Fascism:

39. What was the Third Reich?

40. Define Genocide:

41. What is Blitzkrieg?


42. What communist leader came to power in Cuba in the 1950’s?

43. What was the Marshall Plan?

44. Explain the Warsaw Pact and NATO:

45. Define iron curtain:

46. What was the purpose of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?

47. What does SALT stand for? Which countries signed?

48. What happened at the Bay of Pigs invasion?

49. Define term cold war:

50. The non-communists in China fled to this country after China’s civil war:

51. What event symbolized the reunification of Germany?

52. Explain these Cold War events:

Cuban Missile Crisis -

Berlin Airlift -

Space Race -

Truman Doctrine -

53. Explain Khruchev’s idea of peaceful coexistence:


54. What does PLO stand for?

55. What is/was the basic goal of the PLO?

56. What were the Camp David Accords?

57. What is OPEC?

58. Desert Storm refers to what war?

59. Which group of people are a rival group to Jews in the Middle East?

60. What happened to world oil prices as a result of the Arab oil embargo?


61. Define Apartheid, give one example of how Apartheid impacted life in South Africa.

62. Explain the cause of the genoicde in RWANDA.

63. Who was Nelson Mandela? Who released him? Why?


64. Define Spheres of Influence:

65. Explain China’s Open Door Policy:

66. What was the Great Proletariat Revolution?


Export -

import -

command economy -

market economy -

mixed economy-

traditional economy -

interdependence -

European Union -

Welfare State -

Common Market -


Other Things To Know:

Why was the construction of the Suez Canal important?

Why were Mao Tse Tsung and the communist successful in their eventual control over mainland China?

List two CREDIBLE sources when writing a research paper? List two NON-CREDIBLE sources?

What event during the Cold War caused a direct “hot-line” between the U.S. and Russia to be established?

Define Solidarity in Poland under Lech Walesa:

Name 3 parts of the French Colony of Indochina?

Who is the Chilean leader that overthrew Allende and ruled by terror, curtailing all civil liberties?

What person is responsible for the 9/11 attacks on America?