January 13, 2000

RE: Report on Electric Choice EDI Transactions

For Month of December, 1999


To:All Electric Generation Suppliers and

Electric Distribution Companies

A report form is attached which must be completed by all of the EDCs and the EGSs who are currently providing service in Pennsylvania. The survey is only applicable to EDI transactions associated with service provided during the month of December.

Please provide the statistics for your company in the columns indicated. EDCs are to respond to columns marked (1), and EGSs are to respond to columns marked (2). For EDCs, the numbers to be provided should be totals and should not be broken down by EGS. EGSs should provide separate responses for each of the EDC service territories in which they operate.

Also note that the form provides for separate responses for the EDC consolidated bills in the rate ready and bill ready scenarios. It also addresses the matter of dual bills in a separate table. Another important matter which is contained in the tables involves the number of EDC consolidated bills that have been sent to customers in Electric Choice which have not included the suppliers’ charges. For the dual bill situation, the EGSs are to identify the number of their customers who have not received a bill for the month of December, 1999.

With respect to Section D(1) of the form, you are asked to identify the EDI transactions that you are successfully sending/receiving. If a transaction is not applicable, i.e., EDCs sending an 814 enrollment, please mark the box as not applicable (N/A). If the transaction is applicable and your company is not yet compliant, please provide an explanation as to why it is not being used and the date that you expect to begin using it.

The information, which you provide, is intended to provide a clear picture of the status of the 4010 EDI transactions in Pennsylvania and to assist in the identification of any remaining problems or difficulties regarding these transactions. The forms are to be completed and returned to Annunciata Marino, Bureau of Fixed Utility Services, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P.O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, Pa. 17105-3265 by February 10, 2000. The form will also be available on the Commission’s website at You can find the file containing the form under Electric Competition – EDI Standards (downloads). Forms may also be returned electronically to Ms. Marino at . Failure to return the forms, by February 10, 2000, may result in fines and the initiation of an investigation into the company’s compliance with EDI transactions.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Marino at 717-772-2151. Thank you for your cooperation.


Veronica A. Smith

Deputy Executive Director

cc: Annunciata Marino

Robert Wilson