Waynesville High School
Course Syllabus: General Biology
I.Course Title: General BiologyDepartment: Science
Duration: 2 semestersCredit: 1 full unit
Instructor: Ms. HortonConference Period: 3rd(9:46-10:35)
Email address:
II. Required books and class material:
There will be a classroom set of textbooks for students to use during class. The complete online textbook can be found at To access the text you will need a Username and password as assigned by your teacher. Please let the teacher know if the access information needs updated. A textbook may be requested to check out for the school year as well as stated in the student handbook (p24):
“Students are responsible for the books once they are checked out to them. They will be held accountable for lost, damaged or stolen books and report cards will be held at the end of the year until all books are returned, replaced or paid for.”
III.Student supply requirement:
100 sheet / 200 page Composition notebook; notecards; folder or binder; paper
pencils; pens
IV. Course Rationale:
Biology is a yearlong course designed to prepare students for advanced courses in the biological areas at high school and college levels.
V. Course Description:
Biology introduces students to the vocabulary, literature, and laboratory procedures necessary to learn about living things.
V.Course Objectives:
1: Understand science skills that develop through the use of science processes, knowledge, investigation and data collection.
2: Demonstrate lab safety awareness by use of proper techniques and equipment.
3: Analyze interrelationships between science and technology and society.
4: Recognize how cells carry out chemical transformations that use energy for the synthesis or breakdown of organic compounds.
5: Describe how cells are the fundamental units of structure and function of all living things.
6: Explain how the cell contains a set of structures called organelles that interact to carry out life processes through physical and chemical means.
7: Explain how chromosomes are components of cells that occur in pairs and carry hereditary information from one cell to daughter cells and from parent to offspring during reproduction.
8: Describe the chemical and structural properties of DNA.
9: Recognize DNA codes for proteins which are expressed as the heritable characteristics for an organism.
10: Recognize the degree of relatedness can be determined by comparing DNA sequences.
11: Explain how genotypes contribute to phenotypic variation within a species.
12: Predict the probability of the occurrence of specific traits in an offspring by using a monohybrid cross.
13: Explain how sex-linked traits may or may not result in the expression of a genetic disorder depending on gender.
14: Explain how and why biological classification is based on how organisms are related.
15: Determine that organisms are interdependent with one another and their environment.
16: Illustrate how matter and energy flow through the ecosystem.
VI. Evaluation --Biology grades will be weighted according to the following scale:
1st Semester:2nd Semester:
70% Assessments60% Assessments
30% Practice30% Practice
10% End of Course Exam
*Grades will be updated on a weekly basis.
Re-Assessment Policy
Students in general biology courses may NOT re-test over unit summative assessments; as is the same policy for the biology end of course exam. Students may re-test over formative assessments during an instructional unit. The re-test must be scheduled with the teacher and may be taken up until the day of the unit summative exam.
Late Work Policy
Late work will be accepted according to the student handbook and is defined as any assignment given to students to be taken out of the classroom to be completed.
“At a minimum: The following credit will be given for late work: Students turning in work any time after the original due date will be eligible for 75% of the original points assigned. Late assignments must also be turned in during the six-week grading period that they are assigned. Once a new six-week grading period has begun the late assignments from the previous six-week grading period may no longer be accepted.”
Biology class work is not applicable to the late work policy as class work refers to assignments to be completed during class time and due at the end of class before the student leaves the classroom. All last class work will be counted as a “0” grade.
Absent Policy
Absences from the biology classroom will be handled according to the policies described in the student handbook:
“Students shall not be penalized only for an absence.
Absent students shall e given make up opportunities for all missed assignments and assessments within a timely manner without penalty. A timely manner is defined as: for each day absent, a one-day make-up period is allowed.”
Extra Credit
Extra credit will follow the guidelines as set forth in the student handbook:
“Opportunities for extra points in a course must involved demonstration of knowledge and skills at a high level of achievement relevant to the course standards.”
VII. Classroom Expectations:
•-No electronic devices out or charging in the classroom without specific permission from the teacher.
•-No food or drink in the classroom at any time.
•-No use of offensive language.
Hall Passes/Procedures for Leaving a Classroom
Instructional time is directly linked to student achievement; therefore, it is important for students to remain in the classroom during the entire class time. If a student has an emergency that cannot be taken care of out of class, then the procedures for leaving the classroom has been defined in the student handbook as:
“Students must have their ID card to leave a class. (Restroom will be the only exception). Planners will be used for hall passes. Both students and teachers are responsible for completing the pass……. A student in the hall without a properly completed hall pass may be subject to disciplinary action.”
Electronic Devices
Any and all electronic devices are NOT allowed in the biology classroom at any time. These devices include, but are not limited to, cell phones, ipods, laptops, hand held game consoles, ipads, headphones, earbuds, charging devices, etc. All biology classes will follow the electronic devices guidelines as defined in the student handbook:
“Personal electronic devices may only be used at school before and after school hours…… and between classes during designated passing times. Headphones/ear buds will not be used between classes during designated passing times. These items may NOT be used, displayed or heard during class periods either inside or outside the classroom, unless the teacher has given approval for educational purposes. Students are prohibited from using camera phones or other electronic devices to take visual or audio recordings or images…. During any class or instructional period during the school day….”
According to the student handbook technology usage policy:
“Any infraction of the district technology policy and regulation of these guidelines will result in confiscation of the device, to be returned only by conference with the parent/guardian. The student may be disciplined for infractions by the school administration.”
Academic Dishonesty will be handled according to the student handbook:
“Cheating on tests, assignments, projects or similar activities; plagiarism; claiming credit for another person’s work; fabrication of facts, sources or other supporting material; unauthorized collaboration; facilitating academic dishonesty; and other misconduct related to academics.”
Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, copying answers from another paper (graded or not); talking or having cell phones out during assessments; looking at another student’s paper at any time. If a student is found cheating, students will not receive credit for the work (as per the student handbook) and a discipline referral will be turned in to the office.
Due Date:
I have read and understand the syllabus for General Biology at WHS.
Student name (print):______
Student signature ______
Parent name (print): ______
Parent signature: ______
How would you like to receive contact about your child? Please place and X next to the medium you would like used to contact you.
Phone call: _____Email: ____
Contact information (email/phone number): ______