Johan Uddling Fredin, 721006-4031
CV, Johan Uddling
1. Higher education qualifications
1999, Bachelor of Science with emphasis on plant science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
2. Doctoral degree
2004, PhD in Environmental Science with emphasis on plant physiology, University of Gothenburg
Title: Uptake of ozone and its impact on silver birch.
Supervisors: Per-Erik Karlsson (main) and Gun Selldén (assistant).
3. Postdoctoral positions
2005-2006: Postdoc, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan (with Prof. David S. Ellsworth)
2007: Researcher, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Gothenburg
2008-2013: Assistant Professor (Formas-funded Forskarassistenttjänst), Dept of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Gothenburg
4. Qualification required for appointments as a docent
5. Current position
Permanent position as Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, presently with 80% research.
6. Previous positions and periods of appointment Interruption in research
2005-2013: See Postdoctoral positions above.
7. Interruption in research
Parental leave, 32 months in total after earned PhD (fulltime + part time), 2005-2015.
Period Extent (%) Total time (months)
2005-03-03 to 2005-03-16 100 0.5
2006-06-14 to 2007-02-11 100 8
2007-02-12 to 2007-12-18 25 2.5
2008-01-05 to 2009-05-31 20 3.5
2009-07-20 to 2009-12-31 100 5.5
2010-01-01 to 2010-04-11 10 0.5
2010-04-12 to 2010-08-20 80 3.25
2010-08-23 to 2011-01-16 15 0.75
2011-01-17 to 2015-03-24 15 7.5
Total 32
8. Supervision
PhD students, graduated, principal supervisor
PhD students, graduated, co-supervisor
Lasse Tarvainen, 2012
PhD students, ongoing, principal supervisor
Thomas Hasper (started January 2011)
Shubhangi Lamba (started November 2011)
Postdocs, main supervisor / advisor
Zhaozhong Feng, 2011-2013
Karin Johansson, 2014-ongoing
9. Other information of relevance to the application
Uddling has been engaged in the research, education and supervision exchange between the University of Gothenburg and the University of Rwanda since 2009. He has been supervisor two BSc theses and one MSc thesis of Rwandan students, as well as of two BSc theses and one MSc thesis of Swedish students. The supervision and research collaboration based on field work in Rwanda has resulted in the publication of two publications in renowned international journals with peer-review (Dusenge et al. 2015, Vårhammar et al. 2015; se Publication list).
Professional Services:
- Peer-review for 16 international journals (e.g. Nature Geoscience, Global Change Biology, Tree Physiology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Pollution etc)
- Evaluation Board on three PhD Dissertations
- Commissions of trust: Representing the Ph. D. students in the Institutional Board (2000-2002) and in the Working Committee for Ph. D. Education at the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg (2002-2003)
- Member of the organizing committee for two international meetings (UNECE Workshop: Establishing Ozone Critical Levels II. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2002. + Plant Physiology – Today and Tomorrow. The SPPS Ph.D. student Conference. Tanumstrand, Sweden, 2000).
Research projects 2006-present with role as PI
- Tree water-use and vegetation–atmosphere gas exchange in a changing atmosphere (2008-2013; Formas grants 214-2007-1053 and 214-2010-382; in total 3775 kSEK)
- Vegetation responses to elevated CO2 and ozone assessed by functional meta-analysis (2011-2013; 2-year postdoc project funded by the strategic research area Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate, BECC)
- Molecular basis of natural variation in stomatal CO2 responsiveness (2014-2015; 2-year postdoc project funded by Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare)
- Evolutionary and environmental basis of natural variation in stomatal responses to elevated CO2 (2011-2015; PhD project funded by the strategic research area BECC)
- Forest–atmosphere interactions in a changing climate (2012-2016; PhD project funded by the Faulty of Science, University of Gothenburg)
- The impact of ecosystem responses to climate change on future Swedish river flow and chemistry (2015; 1-year postdoc project funded by the strategic research area BECC)