Studio Highlights (what sets us apart from other studios)
Our CommitmentASA is dedicated to providing an encouraging, non-competitive, family atmosphere where dancers of all ages have the opportunity to grow in confidence and ability.
Morals & AccountabilityAll music used in our classes is filtered for songs containing explicit language or content. We also use non-provocative dance moves that display proper dance technique. Your student will never be asked to perform "booty popping,” or any other sexually persuasive dance move.
Non-CompetitiveLooking for a positive and encouraging dance studio where your child is free to explore new and exciting types of dance? ASA is committed to providing a studio experience without the push to join expensive competitive companies. We understand that not every student has the desire to compete. Finally, there's a studio for the "rest of us.”
Parent LobbiesEach of our studios has a comfortable lobby with seating, and a view into the studio. We don't expect you to guess what is happening in class, but invite you to see your student grow with each instruction.
Piece of mindA floating sub-floor is vital when it comes to protecting the joints of dancers. Our studio is equipped with a floating sub-floor and accompanied by a dance specific flooring surface. To get exact details and specifications of our floor from the distributor, googleStageStep Time Step Flooring.
Location, Location, Location!There's quick access from the 78 freeway, and only a short distance from the ocean if you're located off the 5 freeway. We easily serve the cities of Vista, Oceanside, Carlsbad, and San Marcos.
A Step Above Dance Studio, LLC.
Name of Student:______
Age:______Birthday: ______
Name of Parent(s):______
Cell Phone: ______Home Phone: ______
Desired Class(es):
Please circle the class you are interested in enrollingyour child in.
Intro to dance (ages 2 ½-3)
Hip Hop/Jazz (ages 5-6)
Pre-Ballet/Tap (ages 3-4)
Hip Hop (ages 5-6)
Ballet/Tap Combo (ages 5-6)
Please Circle the type of dance and write how many classes of each they would like to take.
Ballet Tap Jazz LyricalHip HopAcrobaticsBreak dancing
Class Placement:
Please circle any day your student is available for class.
A Step Above Dance Studio, LLC.
1. Release from Liability:I hereby agree to assume all risks attendant upon myself and/or my child while participating in any class at A Step Above Dance Studio, LLC. I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claimsfor damages for death, personal injury or property damage which I or my child may have, or whichmay hereafter accrue to me or my child, as a result of my child’s participation in any class at A StepAbove Dance Studio, LLC. I agree to save and hold harmless from liability A Step Above DanceStudio, LLC. and any of their teachers or volunteers by reason of death, injury or damages to personsor property, which my child or I may suffer while participating in class, even though that liabilitymay arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities mentioned above.
2. Code of Conduct:Every dancer will need to be respectful of all students and teachers. We will not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse, including “name calling” or “bullying” by any student. If a student disrupts thesafety of other students in the class they will be asked to leave without refund. All students must alsoshow respect to the property of others. Any intentional damage to or theft of such property or classequipment will not be tolerated and could result in the student’s dismissal from class without refund.These rules and regulations will be upheld by all ASA dance teachers to make sure the classroomcontinues to be a safe environment. If a student does not abide by these rules they may be asked todiscontinue dance classes until they can use appropriate behavior. At any time, we reserve the right torefuse service based on the above mentioned.
3. Class Make Up: In the event that your student is unable to attend a scheduled class due to academic or health reasons, they may make up dance classes by taking any other class that is not full. In theevent that your student is unable to attend a scheduled class due to other reasons, they must getapproval from A Step Above Dance Studio, LLC. before making up a class. Refunds will not beissued for missed classes.
4. Refund Policy: I understand and agree that participants are eligible for a refund up until the end of the first class. After the first class, participants are not eligible for a refund.
5. Registration Fee: A $30 yearly registration fee is due January of each year per family.
6. Returned Checks:Any check that is returned will be subject to $25 fee.
7. Cancelation of classes: I understand and agree that A Step Above Dance Studio, LLC. reserves the right to cancel any or all classes, and should a class be cancelled, I will receive a full refund.
8. Late Fee's:Students need to pay tuition by the first class of the month. Tuition is considered late if not paid by the 7th. You may pay for classes early if you know that you will miss the first week of class. Iftuition is not paid by the 7th of any given month, a late fee of $10 will be assessed. If tuition is notpaid by the 15th of any given month, a late fee of $25 will be assessed and the student will not beallowed to participate in any further classes until tuition and late fees are paid in full.
9.Pro-rating:We will not prorate classes for existing students. NO EXCEPTIONS. Only new students that start in the middle of the month will be prorated.
10. Annual Recital:We will have a recital every year between the months of June and July. In order for students to participate in the recital, they must be enrolled in classes by January and stay enrolled in class everymonth up to the recital. Students will only be allowed to miss one class a month (up to 4 classestotal) January through the recital date. Please see #3 for the policy regarding missed classes.
11. Placement in Classes:A Step Above Dance Studio, LLC. and it’s instructors will place students in classes. We feel it ismore important that the children are in the correct level of class, then making sure a student is withtheir exact age group. We ask that for your respect in regards to our expertise in placing students inclasses. We desire to see every student grow and achieve the most within our classes. When a classis too challenging, they may not be able to grasp and learn proper technique. Likewise, when it istoo easy, a student may not grow as a dancer.
12. Video and Photograph release: I understand and agree that A Step Above Dance Studio, LLC. reserves the right to take and use videos and photos of participants, free of charge, to be used forpublicity purposes in A Step Above Dance Studio, LCC. annual dance recital program and/or othermedia publications.
13. Dropping a class: In order to avoid late fees and prevent yourself from being charged for a class you wish to drop, a Class Drop Form must be completed and submitted a week prior to the end of the month. If we do not receive a completed drop form prior to the 1st of any month, you will continued to be charged monthly tuition as you are ultimately paying for a spot in a class of instruction that otherwise could have been filled with another student.
I, the undersigned, have read and understand the information listed above:
Student’s Name (Please Print)______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______