Technology Description and Plan of Action
- Technology Description
- Identify the source, type and amount of DoD funding that was used in the development of this technology.Source information should include the DoD agency/activity for which the technology was developed, i.e., Department of the Army/Navy/Air Force, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), etc.; contract number; and period of performance.
- Describe the technology including key features and functionality.
- Describe the state of your technology’s development in terms of its Technology Readiness Level (TRL)6,7 or higher (TRL definition and descriptions outlined in section 2.5 of document linked below).
- What development resources (time, funding, etc.) are required to reach the next level of maturity?
- Describe any testing that was performed to validate performance characteristics; if none so state.
- Is the technology currently covered by a patent, patent pending, or provisional patent? Provide the status and patent identification numbers.
- Commercial Potential
- Describe all commercial applications for the technology.
- Describe past experience attempting to market or sell the technology.
- What competitive technologies are you aware of and what is the competitive advantage of your technology?
- Defense to Response (D2R) Plan of Action
Given the core focus areas of D2R 2016-2017:
- Responder Health and Safety
- Enhanced Operability (Communications)
- Situational Awareness and Detection
- Virtual Training Tools
- Other
- Describe how the technology provides a solution for a focus area. Give specific examples using operational needs that your technology could provide a solution for.
- What is required by the company to transition the technology to a TRL 9 (product ready for market)?
- Do you have IP to license from owner? If so, who?
- Have you identified a contract manufacturer or do you have the ability to manufacture in house?
- Is capital available from the company or through financing, or would additional capital need to be raised?
- Is there interest to: sell the technology under the parent company, spin out a new company, license, or contract for retail?
- Provide a cost estimate for the time and resources needed to provide a project manager and support services in the D2R program. Please provide a cost table including: labor, sub-contracts, a project manager, 1-5 prototypes for testing, travel and miscellaneous.
- Team Members and Resumes
- List and include resumes of individuals who will be working on the project, including collaborators and advisors.