Technology Description and Plan of Action

  1. Technology Description
  2. Identify the source, type and amount of DoD funding that was used in the development of this technology.Source information should include the DoD agency/activity for which the technology was developed, i.e., Department of the Army/Navy/Air Force, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), etc.; contract number; and period of performance.
  3. Describe the technology including key features and functionality.
  4. Describe the state of your technology’s development in terms of its Technology Readiness Level (TRL)6,7 or higher (TRL definition and descriptions outlined in section 2.5 of document linked below).
  1. What development resources (time, funding, etc.) are required to reach the next level of maturity?
  2. Describe any testing that was performed to validate performance characteristics; if none so state.
  3. Is the technology currently covered by a patent, patent pending, or provisional patent? Provide the status and patent identification numbers.
  1. Commercial Potential
  2. Describe all commercial applications for the technology.
  3. Describe past experience attempting to market or sell the technology.
  4. What competitive technologies are you aware of and what is the competitive advantage of your technology?
  1. Defense to Response (D2R) Plan of Action

Given the core focus areas of D2R 2016-2017:

  1. Responder Health and Safety
  2. Enhanced Operability (Communications)
  3. Situational Awareness and Detection
  4. Virtual Training Tools
  5. Other
  6. Describe how the technology provides a solution for a focus area. Give specific examples using operational needs that your technology could provide a solution for.
  7. What is required by the company to transition the technology to a TRL 9 (product ready for market)?
  8. Do you have IP to license from owner? If so, who?
  9. Have you identified a contract manufacturer or do you have the ability to manufacture in house?
  10. Is capital available from the company or through financing, or would additional capital need to be raised?
  11. Is there interest to: sell the technology under the parent company, spin out a new company, license, or contract for retail?
  12. Provide a cost estimate for the time and resources needed to provide a project manager and support services in the D2R program. Please provide a cost table including: labor, sub-contracts, a project manager, 1-5 prototypes for testing, travel and miscellaneous.
  1. Team Members and Resumes
  2. List and include resumes of individuals who will be working on the project, including collaborators and advisors.